Front cover image for Pioneers of representation theory : Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and Brauer

Pioneers of representation theory : Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and Brauer

Discusses representations of finite groups. This book contains some of the results involving characters of finite abelian groups by Lagrange, Gauss, and Dirichlet. It is suitable for a course on representations of finite groups.
Print Book, English, 1999
American Mathematical Society London Mathematical Society, Providence (R.I.), [London], 1999
XVI, 287 p. ill. 26 cm
9780821826775, 0821826778
Some 19th-century algebra and number theory Frobenius and the invention of character theory Burnside: Representations and structure of finite groups Schur: A new beginning Polynomial representations of $GL_n(\mathbb{C})$ Richard Brauer and Emmy Noether: 1926-1933 Modular representation theory Bibliography Index.