Prize Essay for 1877. 8vo. 8.r. 6V. SMITH— Works by the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Rector of Glaston, Rutland, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application ; with numerous... Arithmetic for Schools - Page 2by Barnard Smith - 1854 - 272 pagesFull view - About this book
 | James Hedderwick - English poetry - 1859 - 324 pages
...Peter' s College, Cambridge. 1. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application : containing numerous systematically arranged Examples, taken from...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. FIFTH EDITION, revised and enlarged throughout. Crown Svo. (696 pages) strongly bound in cloth, 10*.... | |
 | George Frederick Maclear - Christianity - 1859 - 208 pages
...Peter's College, Cambr1dge. 1. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application : containing numerous systematically arranged Examples, taken from...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. SIXTH EDITION, revised and enlarged throughout. Crown Svo. (696 pages) strongly bound in cloth, 10*.... | |
 | Stephen Parkinson - Optics - 1859 - 344 pages
...Poems. By ALEXANDER SMITH, Author of "A Life Drama," and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 5s. SMITH. — Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Examples, taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. By BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's Cc'Iege, Cambridge. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. clotb, 10*.... | |
 | Stephen Parkinson - Optics - 1859 - 336 pages
...ALEXANDER SMITH, Author of "A Life Drama," and other Poems. Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 5». SMITH.—Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Examples, taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. By BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s.... | |
 | Richard Seymour Conway Chermside - Irish fiction - 1860 - 500 pages
...Peter's College, Cambridge. 1. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application : containing numerous systematically arranged Examples, taken from...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. SIXTH EDITION, revised and enlarged throughout. Crown 8vo. (690 pages) strongly bound in cloth, Ws.... | |
 | Charles John Vaughan - 1860 - 180 pages
...Peler's College, Cambridge. 1. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application : containing numerous systematically arranged Examples, taken from...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. SIXTH EDITION, revised and enlarged throughout. Crown Svo. (696 pages) strongly bound in cloth, lOs.... | |
 | William George Clark - Sermons, English - 1860 - 132 pages
...Peter's College, Cambridge. 1. Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application : containing numerous systematically arranged Examples, taken from...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. SIXTH EDITION, revised and enlarged throughout. Crown Svo. (690 pages) strongly bound in cloth, 10s.... | |
 | Isaac Taylor - Names, Geographical - 1882 - 472 pages
...MA, late Rector of Glaston, Rutland, and Fellow and Senior Bursar of S. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application...especial reference to the Ordinary Examination for the BA Degree. New Edition, carefully Revised. Crown 8vo. lor. 6d. ARITHMETIC FOR SCHOOLS. New Edition.... | |
 | Lysias, Evelyn Shirley Shuckburgh - Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek - 1882 - 500 pages
...SMITH, MA, Rector of Glaston, Rutland, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, In their Principles and Application...especial reference to the Ordinary Examination for the BA Degree. New Edition, carefully revised. Crown 8vo. l<w. 6i. ARITHMETIC FOR SCHOOLS. New Edition.... | |
 | John Dryden - 1882 - 320 pages
...SMITH, MA, Rector of Glaston, Rutland, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application...especial reference to the Ordinary Examination for the BA Degree, New Edition, carefully revised. Crown Svo. iot. 6d, ARITHMETIC FOR SCHOOLS. New Edition.... | |
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