Prize Essay for 1877. 8vo. 8.r. 6V. SMITH— Works by the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Rector of Glaston, Rutland, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application ; with numerous... Arithmetic for Schools - Page 2by Barnard Smith - 1854 - 272 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1854 - 260 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, a«. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. " A most useful publication. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The examples are explanations... | |
 | Frederick Denison Maurice - Church history - 1854 - 446 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. Hvo. cloth. 5*. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...MA, Fellow of St, Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown Svo. cloth, 10,*. 6d. " A most u*eful publication. Thr Rules are stated with rrmt cU-nnn*i!. Thr rximplca... | |
 | Ludwig Adolph Sohncke - 1854 - 422 pages
...âfc S me ta na, Fr., s. M oc, nik , Fr., Nanka o arithmclice, unter Л. Nachtr. Smith , Barnard , Arithmetic and algebra in their principles and application...reference to the ordinary examination for BA Degree, ln-8. Cambridge 1853. Macmillan and Co. (London, G. Bell.) 10 sh. f> A. Soltau, JAF, Praktisches Rechenbuch... | |
 | William Walton, Charles Frederick Mackenzie - Education - 1854 - 266 pages
...Poems. By ALEXANDER SMITH, Author of "A Life Drama," and other Poems. Fcap. Svo. cloth, 5s. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Examples, taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. By BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Seventh Edition. Crown Svo. cloth,... | |
 | Thucydides - 1854 - 150 pages
...all others." — Rev. S. liawtrey. Mathematical Mailer, Eton. SMITH.— Mechanics and Hydrostatics, in their Principles and application : with numerous...taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. With a special reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By BARNARD SMITH, MA Fellow of St. Peter's... | |
 | Cambridge univ, exam. papers - 1854 - 284 pages
...Examples, and references throughout to the Decimal System of Coinage. SMITH.— Mechanics and Hydrostatics, in their Principles and Application : with numerous...taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. With a special reference to tlie Ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By BARNARD SMITH, MA Fellow of St.... | |
 | Edward Rupert Humphreys - 1854 - 486 pages
...all oIhers." — Rev. S. Haw trey, MathemaIical Ma*tert EIon. SMITH.— Mechanics and Hydrostatics, in their Principles and application: with numerous...taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. With a special reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By BARNARD SMITH, MA Fellow of St. Peter's... | |
 | Richard Chenevix Trench (Archbishop of Dublin) - Greek language, Biblical - 1854 - 258 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5s. SMITH,— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application: with numerous systematically arranged Exampies, taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers. With especial reference to the ordinary Examination... | |
 | John Ferrar - 1855 - 474 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5». SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. " A most useful publ1cation. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The examples arr well-wlected... | |
 | John Ferrar - 1855 - 474 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5*. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. " A most useful publication. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The examples are well-selected... | |
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