Prize Essay for 1877. 8vo. 8.r. 6V. SMITH— Works by the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Rector of Glaston, Rutland, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application ; with numerous... Arithmetic for Schools - Page 2by Barnard Smith - 1854 - 272 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Hugh Godfray - Lunar theory - 1853 - 140 pages
...they shew PRACTICALLY the nature of the changes introduced by the " Mathematical Board," in 1848. VI. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. "... | |
 | William Drake - Bible - 1853 - 216 pages
...PRACTICALLY the nature of the changes introduced by the " Mathematical Board," in 1848. Mathematics. 13 Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10«. 6d. This... | |
 | Macvey Napier - 1853 - 304 pages
...they shew PRACTICALLY the nature of the changes introduced by the "Mathematical Board," in 1848. VI. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. "It... | |
 | Macvey Napier - 1853 - 308 pages
...they shew PRACTICALLY the nature of the changes introducod by the " Mathematical Board," in 1848. VI. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application...reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6rf. ''... | |
 | Aeschylus - 1853 - 294 pages
...JAS. MACLEHOSE. <Morln : JHPARKER. METCAI.FK AND PALMER, PRINTERS, CAMBRIDGE. NEW EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Arithmetic and Algebra in their Principles and Application...especial reference to the ordinary Examination for BY Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellov of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Grown 8?o. cloth,... | |
 | Macvey Napier - 1853 - 312 pages
...Examination Papers. With especial reference to the ordinary Examination for BA Degree. By the Rev. BARNARD SMITH, MA, Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10*. 6d. "It is a good solid volume of upwards of 500 pages, including eighty pages of cahuible Appendices,... | |
 | Marcus Minucius Felix - 1854 - 160 pages
...those who are interested in Education." ENGLISH JOURNAL OP EDUCATION. Cambridge. 14 MACMILLAN AND CO.'S EXERCITATIONES IAMBICAE. Or Progressive Exercises...Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10*. 6rf. OPINIONS. The Rev. Dr. Peacock, Dean of Ely. " A MOST USEFUL PUBLICATION. THE RULES ARE STATED... | |
 | Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1854 - 356 pages
...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5*. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10>. 6d. " A most useful publication. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The examples arc well-selected... | |
 | Charles Kingsley - Alexandrian school - 1854 - 226 pages
...Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5*. SMITH.—Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10*. 6d. •• A most useful publication. The Rules arc stated with great clearness. The examples are well-selected... | |
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...Universities and in Schools. With Examination Questions. 2d Edition, Improved. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 5*. SMITH.— Arithmetic and Algebra, in their Principles and Application:...Peter's College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, 10*. Gd. " A most useful publication. The Rules are stated with great clearness. The examples are well -selected... | |
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