| Henry James - Fiction - 1879 - 300 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a mos interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant one to take nfi when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book for a long... | |
 | Henry James - Americans - 1879 - 402 pages
...tales ivdl told ; and to their elders, as a useful handbooh of reference, and a pleasant one to tahe up when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-booh for a long time." — ATHENAEUM. The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Edited, with Biographical... | |
 | Mrs. Molesworth - Fantasy - 1879 - 332 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most inl .'resting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant one to tak: up when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book for... | |
 | Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore - Children's poetry, English - 1879 - 376 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant ons to take up whoa their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We haye seen no prettier giftbook... | |
 | Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1880 - 460 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders as a useful handbook of...weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier giftbook for along time." — ATHENAEUM. THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. Edited, from the Original Edition, by... | |
 | Margaret Oliphant Oliphant - Fiction - 1880 - 332 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of...weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book /or a long time." — ATHENAEUM. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Edited from the Original Edition... | |
 | Charlotte Mary Yonge - 1880 - 716 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most inl 'resting collection of thrilling tales well told; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant one to tak: up when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book for... | |
 | Julia Constance Fletcher - 1880 - 290 pages
...young. for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant one to tak: up . when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book for... | |
 | Lady Augusta Noel - English fiction - 1880 - 542 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told; and to their elders, as a useful handbook of reference, and a pleasant one to tak: up when their wish is to while away a weary half-hour. We have seen no prettier gift-book for... | |
 | Edward Augustus Freeman - Architecture - 1881 - 490 pages
...young, for whom it is especially intended, as a most interesting collection of thrilling tales well told ; and to their elders as a useful handbook of...prettier gift-book for a long time." — ATHEN.*UM. THE ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. Edited, from the Original Edition, by JW CLARK, MA, Fellow of Trinity... | |
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