| Catholic Church. Pontificium Consilium de Iustitia et Pace - Religion - 2004 - 484 pages
...Evangelium Vitae, 34: AAS 87 (1995), 438-440. 221 Saint Augustine, Confessions, I, 1: PL 32, 661: "Tu excitas, ut laudare te delectet; quia fecisti nos ad te, et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te." 222 Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1850. by propagation to all mankind,... | |
| Marcello Garzaniti, Maria Lucia Tonini - Political Science - 2005 - 344 pages
...intorno al più drammatico ed essenziale dei problemi umani: quello di Dio. Dice Sant'Agostino: Domine fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum donee requiescat in te. Con fraterna cordialità mi creda Suo La Pira 10. LETTERA A GIOVANNI xxm - 5 SETTEMBRE 195942 Beatissimo... | |
| John Cottingham - Philosophy - 2005 - 202 pages
...iii, 70-72, 79—80, 85; transí. JC 2 Augustine, Confessions [Confessiones, e. 398], bk. I, eh. i: 'fecisti nos ad te, et inquietum est cor nostrum donee requiescat in te.' involved in the idea of God's being the source of meaning and value. We all want our lives to have... | |
| John Cottingham - Philosophy - 2005 - 206 pages
...70-72, 79-80, 85; transí. JC 2 Augustine, Confessions [Confissiones, e. 398], bk. I, eh. i: 'feristi nos ad te, et inquietum est cor nostrum donee requiescat in te.' involved in the idea of God's being the source of meaning and value. We all want our lives to have... | |
| C. Agustín Corti - Time - 2006 - 320 pages
...Proömium der Confessiones festgestellt: et tarnen laudare te vult homo aliqua portio creaturae tuae. tu excitas, ut laudare te delectet, quia fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te. da mihi, domine, scire et intellegere, utrum sit prius invocare te an laudare... | |
| Marc Vial - History - 2006 - 246 pages
...ontologique reliant l'âme à Dieu. Madec a rapproché le passage du pondus à la phrase célèbre « Fecisti nos ad te ; et inquietum est cor nostrum, donee requiescat in te ». Gerson en déduit que 1 ' amour seul procure le repos, le quies que donne la théologie mystique.... | |
| Pierfrancesco Stagi - God - 2007 - 332 pages
...XIII, in Aurelii Augustini Opera, Band l/l, I, 1; dt. Übers., Augustin, Bekenntnisse, S. 13: „Tu excitas, ut laudare te delectet, quia fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum, donec requiescat in te". 117 Augustin, Sermones de Vetere Testamente : id est sermones 1-50 secundum... | |
| Duncan Greenlees - Dualism - 2007 - 581 pages
...impassioned cry: " Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our heart is restless till it rests in Thee!" (Lat. Fecisti nos ad te: et inquietum est cor nostrum donee requiescat in te). This is the very nature of man, whose happiness can be found only in the infinite Abyss of God, nothing... | |
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