| Mathematics - 1801 - 444 pages
...shall be sustained by either party. RULE.* Multiply each payment by die time, at which it is due ; then divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments; and the quotient will_be the time required. EXAMPLES. * This rule is founded upon a supposition, that... | |
| Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1807 - 248 pages
...neither party shall sustain loss. RULE. MULTIPLY each payment by the time at which it is due ; then divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments, and the quAtÀM&TWA,4 equated time. - • • 204 EQUATION or PAYMENTS. SICT. III. 12. EXAMPLES. IA... | |
| James Noyes - Arithmetic - 1808 - 168 pages
...times, so that neither party may be a loser. RULE. Multiply each payment by the time at which it is due, and divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments; the quotient will be the equated time. EXAMPLES. 1. A owes B 228O dollars, to be paid as follows, TIZ. 433 dollars in 5 months,... | |
| James Thompson - Arithmetic - 1808 - 180 pages
...the whole debt to do wflich the following is the common RULE — Multiply each payment by its time, and divide the sum of the products by the sum of the. payments ; the quoticut will be the equated tint«. EXAMPLES. 1. A. owes B. g600 to pay at 40 days, g200 at 60 days,... | |
| Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1810 - 190 pages
...find the mean time for several payments, — RUt.E : — Multiply each sum by its time of payment, and divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments, and the quotient will be the answer. Note. This rale is founded on the supposition, that what is gained... | |
| Caleb Alexander - Arithmetic - 1813 - 152 pages
...by either party. RULE. Multiply each payment by the time at which it is due, and'divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments ; the quotient will be the 'equated time for the payment of' the whole. EXAMPLES. jf.,1. A. owes B. 600 dol. of which 200 dol.... | |
| Thomas Keith - Arithmetic - 1822 - 354 pages
...they must each be reduced to the same denomination. Then, multiply each payment by the time at which it becomes due ; and divide the sum of the products...the sum of the payments, the quotient will be the time required. Note 1. As this Rule of Equation of Payments has been the occasion of more disputes... | |
| Leonard Pierce - Arithmetic - 1823 - 170 pages
...by which payments are generally equated. Multiply each payment by the time at which it is due ; then divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments, and the quotient will be the time required. * This rule is founded on the supposition, that the snm... | |
| Nicolas Pike, Dudley Leavitt - Arithmetic - 1826 - 214 pages
...neither party shall sustain loss. RULE. — Multiply each payment by the time at which it is due ; then divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments, and the quotient will be the equated time.* *This rule is founded on a supposition, that the sum of... | |
| Nicolas Pike, Dudley Leavitt - Arithmetic - 1826 - 222 pages
...neither party shall sustain loss. RULE. — Multiply each payment by the time at which it is due ; then divide the sum of the products by the sum of the payments, and the quotient will be the equated time.* * This rule is founded on a supposition, (hat the sum of... | |
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