| Friedrich Zander - 1834 - 490 pages
...FRS, Professor of Natural History in the Royal School of Mines, New Edition. iSmo. cloth. 4J. éd. " Pure gold throughout." — GUARDIAN. " Unquestionably...that we possess in any language." — WESTMINSTER RJEVIEW. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. dd. BOTANY. LESSONS... | |
| George Boole - Mathematics - 1865 - 318 pages
...HUXLEY, FRS, Professor ot Natural History in the Royal School of Mines. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 4r. 6d, " Pure gold throughout."— GUARDIAN. " Unquestionably...that we possess in any language. " — WESTMINSTER REVI EW. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. 6d. BOTANY. LESSONS... | |
| George Boole - Mathematics - 1865 - 310 pages
...intended to ser;-c as a text-book for teachers and learners in boys' and girls' schools. SCIENCE. 35 QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. 6d. Thtse Questions were drawn up as aids to the instruction of a class of young people in Physiology.... | |
| George Biddell Airy - Light, Wave theory of - 1866 - 246 pages
...is primarily intended to serve as a text-book for teachers and learners in boys' and girls' schools. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. 60". These Questions wert arawn up as aids to the instruction of a class o young people in Physiology.... | |
| William Stanley Jevons - Analogy - 1869 - 190 pages
...Minute Structure of the Tissues. A Table of Anatomical and Physiological Constants is appended. 7'he lessons are fully illustrated by numerous engravings....REVIEW. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. ByT. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. 6d. These Questions were drawn up as aids to the instruction of a class of... | |
| William Stanley Jevons - Philosophy - 1869 - 130 pages
...graduated lessons, the principles of Jfuman Physiology, or the Structure and Functions of the Human Body. "Pure gold throughout." — Guardian. " Unquestionably...possess in any language. " — Westminster Review. Jellet (John H., BD) — A TREATISE ON THE THEORY OF FRICTION. By JOHN H. JELLET, BD, Senior Fellow... | |
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...FRS, Professor of Natural History in the Royal School of Mines. New Edition. iSmo. cloth. 4J. 6d. " Pure gold throughout."— GUARDIAN. " Unquestionably...PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. éd. BOTANY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BOTANY. By D. OLIVER, FRS, FLS, Professor of Botany in University... | |
| Osmund Airy - Geometrical optics - 1870 - 204 pages
...is primarily intended to serve as a text-book for teachers and learners in boys' and girls' schools. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T....were drawn up as aids to the instruction of a class cf young people in Physiolog)'. BOTANY. PROFESSOR OLIVER'S LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BOTANY. With nearly... | |
| Theophrastus - Character sketches - 1870 - 380 pages
...graduated lessons, the principles of Human Physiology, or the Structure and Functions of the Human Body. "Pure gold throughout." — Guardian. ' ' Unquestionably...possess in any language." — Westminster Review. Jellet (John H., BD) — A TREATISE ON THE THEORY QF FRICTION. By JOHN H. JELLET, BD, Senior Fellow... | |
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...GUARDIAN. " Unquestionably the clearest and mast complete elementary treatise on this subject that ive possess in any language. " — WESTMINSTER REVIEW....PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. ALCOCK, MD i8mo. is. 6J. These Questions wert drawn up as aids to the instruction of a class oj young people in Physiology.... | |
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