| Charles Davies - Geometry - 1872 - 464 pages
...other. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight lint draiKn in one of them, perpendicular to their intersection,...perpendicular to each other, and let the line AP, drawn b the plane BF, be perpendicular to the intersection BC ; then will AP be perpendicular to the plane... | |
| William Chauvenet - Mathematics - 1872 - 382 pages
...other two, and the three planes are perpendicular to each other. 7 PROPOSITION XVIII.— THEOREM. 49. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight...one of them, perpendicular to their intersection, is perpendicular to the other. Let the planes PQ and MN be perpendicular to each other; and at any... | |
| Charles Davies - 1874 - 464 pages
...each other. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight lint drawn in one of them, perpendicular to their intersection,...each other, and let the line AP, drawn in the plane BF, be perpendicular to the intersection BC ; then will AP be perpendicular to the plane MN. BOOK VI.... | |
| 1876 - 646 pages
...construct a triangle equivalent to a given polygon. 2. To inscribe a regular decagon in a given circle. 3. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight...in one of them perpendicular to their intersection is perpendicular to the other. 4. Define a polyhedron and a prism. The sections of a prism made by... | |
| Aaron Schuyler - Geometry - 1876 - 384 pages
...one of its points to the given plane, is perpendicular to that plane (363). 365. Proposition XX.— Theorem. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight line in one, perpendicular to their intersection, is perpendicular to the other. • Let the planes, MN,... | |
| George Albert Wentworth - Geometry - 1877 - 416 pages
...is a right dihedral, , J. to MN. QED SOLID ANGLES. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. 473. If two planes be perpendicular to each other, a straight line drawn...in one of them perpendicular to their intersection is perpendicular to the other plane. M A IB — - C the planes MN and PQ be perpendicular to each other,... | |
| George Albert Wentworth - Geometry - 1882 - 442 pages
...j,toMJy. QED SOLID ANGLES. 271 PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. 473. If two planes be perpendieular to cach other, a straight line drawn in one of them perpendicular to their intersection is perpendicular to the other plane. M ß~ -c l the planes MN and PQ be perpendicular to each other,... | |
| George Albert Wentworth - Geometry - 1884 - 422 pages
...right dihedral, .\PQia±ieoMN. QED SOLID ANGI.ES. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. 473. If two planes be perpendicular to each other, a straight line drawn in one of them perpendicular tu their intersection is perpendicular to the other plane. M с í<et the planes MN and PQ be perpendicular... | |
| Charles Davies, Adrien Marie Legendre - Geometry - 1885 - 538 pages
...and the three planes are perpendicular to each other. PROPOSITION XVII. THEOREM. // two planes nre perpendicular to each other, a straight line drawn...one of them, perpendicular to their intersection, is perpend in i l-ar to the otl1er. BOOK VI. For, in the plane MN, draw PD perpendicular to BC at P.... | |
| William Chauvenet, William Elwood Byerly - Geometry - 1887 - 331 pages
...the two straight lines BQ, BC, is perpendicular to their plane MN (Proposition IV.). 37, COROLLARY I. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight line drawn through any point of their intersefc* tion perpendicular to one of the planes will lie in the other,... | |
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