HALES— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teaching of English. Chiefly for Use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Professor of English Literature at King's College, London. A Synthetic French Grammar for Schools - Page 54by George Eugène Fasnacht - 1883 - 240 pagesFull view - About this book
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...clear and well-balanced, and there is not a line of unfair, or even unkindly criticism." — ATHEN.EUM. Hales.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...clear and well-balanced, and there is not a line of unfair, or even unkindly criticism." — ATHEN^UM. Hales.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...GOLDSMITH. With Notes Philological and Explanatory, by JW HALES, MA Crown 8vo. dd. »2 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Hales. — LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London, &c. &c.... | |
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...and well-balanced, and there is not a line of unfair ', or even unkindly criticism." — ATHENAEUM. Hales.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English Literature 'and... | |
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...VILLAGE. By OLIVER GOLDSMITH. With Notes Philological and Explanatory, by JW HALBS, MA Crown 8vo. dd. Hales LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London, &c. &c.... | |
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...with Notes, Philological most cultivated English scholars, is probably the best volume of selections and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teaching...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London, &c. &c.... | |
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...Explanatory, by JW HALES, MA Crown 8vo. 6d. Hales. — LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philologica and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teaching...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London, &c. &c.... | |
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...Yale College, &c. 8vo. 16*. HALES —LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological and Exnlanatorv and an Introduction on the Teaching of English. Chiefly for use in Schools Edited by ]. W. HALES, MA, Professor of English Literature at King^s College, London, &c. &c. Fifth Edition.... | |
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...Selections. (See also GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES, p. 20 ; BOOKS FOR THE Yo,'NG, p. 3S.) HALES (Prof. JW).— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teachmg of English. Ext. fcp. Svo. 4*. 6rf. MACDONALD (George).— ENGLAND'S ANTIPHON. Cr. Svo. 4*.... | |
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...Selections. (See also GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES, p. 2o ; BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG, p. 38.) HALES (Prof. JW).— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teachmg of English. Ext. fcp. 8vo. 4$. 6d. MACDONALI) (George).— ENGLAND'S ANTii'HON. Cr. 8vo. 4$.... | |
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