HALES— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teaching of English. Chiefly for Use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, Professor of English Literature at King's College, London. A Synthetic French Grammar for Schools - Page 54by George Eugène Fasnacht - 1883 - 240 pagesFull view - About this book
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...MA Hales. — LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, I-hilological and Explanatory, and an Intioduction on the Teaching of English. Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...Selected from the Papers of JAMES HADLEY, LL.D., Professor of Greek in Yale College, fix. 8vo. i61. HALES.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...by JW HALES, MA, Professor of English Literature at King.s College, London, &c. &c. Eleventh Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 4*. (>d. HELFEN STEIN (JAMES).—... | |
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...interesting and widely-instructive studies." HALES— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, PhUo. logical and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the Teaching...at King's College, London. New Edition. Extra fcap. Svo. 41. eV. HOLE— A GENEALOGICAL STEMMA OF THE KINGS Of ENGLAND AND FRANCE. By the Rev. C. HOL*.... | |
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...clear and well-balanced, and there is not a line of unfair, or even unkindly criticism." — ATHENAEUM. Hales.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. By the Rev. JR GREEN, MA For the use of Colleges and Schools. Crown 8vo. &s. 6d. Hales. — LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, lcte Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...By the Rev. JR GREEN, MA For the use of Colleges and Schools. Crown 8vo. 8j. £,d, Hales.—LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological and Explanatory,...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...PEOPLE. By the Rev. JR GREEN, MA For the use of Colleges and Schools. Crown 8vo. 8^. 6d. Hales.—LONGER ENGLISH POEMS, with Notes, Philological and Explanatory,...Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by JW HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, Lecturer in English Literature and... | |
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...genuine enthusiasm for his subject, combine to make it of very considerable value." — SPECTATOR. Hales. — LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...of English. Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by J W. HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English... | |
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...genuine enthusiasm for his subject, combine to make it of very considerable value." — SPECTATOR. Hales.— LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...of English. Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by J \Y. HALES. MA , late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English... | |
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...Selected from the Papers of JAMES HADI.EY, LL.D., Professor of Greek in Yale College, &c. 8vo. ids. Hales LONGER ENGLISH POEMS. With Notes, Philological...of English. Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by J W. HALES, MA, late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge ; Lecturer in English... | |
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