| Charlotte Mary Yonge - English fiction - 1870 - 430 pages
...DAVIES; MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — EYAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true -wholesome pleasnse, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Edward Augustus Freeman - 1870 - 268 pages
...MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA ' ' A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasure, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Edward James S. Dicey - Middle East - 1870 - 296 pages
...DAVIES; MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasuse, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Sir Edwin Ray Lankester - Longevity - 1870 - 200 pages
...DAVIES, MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasure such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - English poetry - 1870 - 208 pages
...MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — .EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasuse, such a book can diffuse, and wilt diffuse, ive trust, through many thousand... | |
| William Thomas Thornton - Labor - 1870 - 564 pages
...dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIFS. 39 THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasure such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. A.M. - 1870 - 598 pages
..."A dainty and cheap little edition.'" — EXAMINER. 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...Ireland, with the music of each prefixed to the words. Hmu much true wholesome pleasuse, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many... | |
| Charlotte Mary Yonge - Children's stories - 1870 - 518 pages
...MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA ' ' A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...Ireland, with the music of each prefixed to the words. Ho*wholesome pleasure, such a book can diffuse, and will di,ff through many thousand families." —... | |
| Elizabeth Missing Sewell - 1870 - 486 pages
...VAUCHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINED. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes fom. the best Poets and Musicians. Selected and arranged...and Ireland, with the music of each prefixed to the iwds. How much true ivholesome pleasure, such a book can diffuse, and will diJTuse, we trust, through... | |
| Thomas Henry Huxley - Evolution (Biology) - 1870 - 444 pages
...DAVIES, MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dai^ya;-d cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...sterling songs of England, Scotland, and Ireland, izith the music of each prcffed to the words. How much tnu wholesome p':asure sucn a book can d-jfrs?,... | |
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