| Goldwin Smith - Statesmen - 1868 - 338 pages
...Vignette Portraits of Plato and Socrates engraved by JEENS from an Antique Gem. The Song Book. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians, selected and arranged by JOHN HULLAH. With Vignette by CAROLINE E. HULLA.H, engraved by JEENS. La Lyre Franfaise. Selected and arranged,... | |
| Edward Edwards - 1868 - 680 pages
...Vignette Portraits of Plato and Socrates engraved by JEENS from an Antique Gem. The Song Book. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians, selected and arranged by JOHN HULLAH. With Vignette by CAROLINE E. HULLAII, engraved by JEENS. La Lyre Fran$aise. Selected and arranged,... | |
| Caroline Sheridan Norton - English fiction - 1868 - 490 pages
...Vignette Portraits oi Plato and Socrates engraved by JEENS from an Antique Gem. The Song Book. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians, selected and arranged by JOHN HULLAH. With Vignette by CAROLINE E. HULLAH, engraved by JEENS. La Lyre Franfaise. Selected and arranged, with... | |
| Matthew Arnold - Education - 1868 - 396 pages
...Vignette Portraits of Plato and Socmtes engraved by JEENS from an Antique Gem. The Song Boole. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians, selected and arranged by JOHN HIILLAH. With Vignette by CAROLINE E. HULLAH, engraved by JEENS. La Lyre Francaise. Selected and arranged,... | |
| Joseph John Murphy - Biology - 1869 - 312 pages
...dainty and cheap little edition.''' — EXAMINER. GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. 47 THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasure, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through manv thousand... | |
| Pope Clement I - Church history - 1869 - 276 pages
...Notes, by J. LI. DAVIES, MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES, 43 THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true •wholesome pleasure such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Henry Kingsley - 1869 - 500 pages
...Notes, by J. LI. DAVIES, MA and DJ VABGHAN, MA GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES. 39 THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...the music of each prefixed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasure such a boak can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Henry Eugene Vandervell, T. Maxwell Witham - Skating - 1869 - 356 pages
...DAVIES, MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition." — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...with the music of each prefixed to the words. How muck true wholesome pleasure suck a book can diffuse, and will diffuse, we trust, through many thousand... | |
| Sir Daniel Wilson - Poets, English - 1869 - 402 pages
...MA and DJ VAUGHAN, MA "A dainty and cheap little edition.'" — EXAMINER. THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the music of each prefxed to the words. How much true wholesome pleasuse, such a book can diffuse, and will diffuse,... | |
| Exeter diocese - Ordination sermons - 1869 - 178 pages
...Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to Come. By JOHN BUNYAN. The Song Book. Words and Tunes. From the best Poets and Musicians. Selected...Professor of Vocal Music in King's College, London. The Sunday Book of Poetry, Selected and arranged by CF ALEXANDER. The Ballad Book. A Selection of the... | |
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