| Euclid - Geometry - 1853 - 176 pages
...the line AB. SCHOLIUM. The definition of a square, as given by Euclid, viz. " a four-sided figure, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles" is more than sufficient, and really involves a theorem. It is only necessary to state (d) Constr. (e)... | |
| William Somerville Orr - Science - 1854 - 534 pages
...than a right angle. An acute-angled triangle has each of its angles acute, or less than a right angle. Of four-sided figures, a square is that which has...its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. If the four sides are equal, and only one of the angles affirmed to be right, the other three angles... | |
| Thomas Lund - Geometry - 1854 - 520 pages
...notions and principles. For example, in the former Part a square was defined to be "a parallelogram, which has all its sides equal and all its angles right angles"; in this Part such a construction is required to be actually made under certain given circumstances.... | |
| Euclides - 1855 - 270 pages
...two preceding species of triangles have each two acute angles, as will be shown in the sequel. XXX. Of four-sided figures, a square is that which has...its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. This definition is redundant. If the general definition annexed to the 34th Prop, of this book be considered,... | |
| John Playfair - Geometry - 1855 - 334 pages
...sided figures, a square is that which has all its sides equal and all its angles right angles. 26. An oblong is that which has all its angles right angles, but has not a]] its sides equal. 27. A rhombus is that which has all its sides equal, but its angles are not right... | |
| Noble Heath - 1855 - 468 pages
...having all its angles right angles, hut only its opposite sides equal. 107. The Pythagorean Tahle, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles, is a square. As the divisions of its sides are also equal, suppose each to be 1 inch long : then, as... | |
| Charles W. Hackley - Engineering - 1856 - 530 pages
...inches, <fcc, | Mensuration of Superficies. Square. Rectangle. :B A SQUARE is a quadrilateral figure, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. A RECTANGLE is a four-sided figure, which has its angles, right angles, and its opposite sides parallel.... | |
| Noble Heath - Arithmetic - 1856 - 472 pages
...having all its angles right angles, hut only its opposite sides equal. 107. The Pythagorean Table, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles, is a square. As the divisions of its sides are also equal, suppose each to he 1 inch long : then, as... | |
| Charles Haslett - 1855 - 544 pages
...cubic feet, inches, <iu. mensuration of Superficies. Rectangle. A SQUARE is a quadrilateral figure, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. A RECTANGLE is a four-sided figure, which has its angles, right angles, and its opposite sides parallel.... | |
| Thomas Cogswell Upham - Ethics - 1857 - 474 pages
...brought out by a successive comparison of propositions. We say, for instance, that a square is a figure, which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. In this definition there is not only involved equality of sides, but equality of angles. And it is... | |
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