AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams, dr. make 1 ounce, - - - - oz. 16 ounces - - - 1 pound, - - - - Ib. 28 pounds - - - 1 quarter, - - - qr. 4 quarters - - - 1 hundred weight, - cwt. 20 hundred weight, 1 ton, T. The Child's Arithmetic ... - Page 133by Ingram Cobbin - 1830Full view - About this book
| Noble Heath - Arithmetic - 1856 - 472 pages
...poidi, weight ; that is, to have great weight. Avoirdupois Weight. 16 drachms, dr., make 1 ounce, OK. 16 ounces 1 pound, Ib. 28 pounds 1 quarter, qr. 4 quarters, orl!2fts 1 hundredweight, cwt. *20 hundredweight, or 2240 /6s. 1 ton, T. A hundredweight is sometimes... | |
| Charles Guilford Burnham - 1857 - 342 pages
...weight is used in weighing most kinds of merchandise, and all metals, except silver and gold. 16 drams make 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces " 1 pound, Ib. 28 pounds " 1 quarter, qr. 4 quarters, " 1 hundred, act. 20 hundred, " 1 ton, ton. MEASURES. Art. 108. — Linear Measure. This measure is used... | |
| D. Leach - 1857 - 172 pages
...used for weighing all commodities except gold, silver, and precious stones. TABLE. 16 Drams (dr.) = 1 Ounce oz. 16 Ounces = 1 Pound Ib. 28 Pounds = 1 Quarter . . . . qr. 4 Quarters = 1 Hundred-weight cwt. 20 Hundred-weight . . . = 1 Ton T. 26. How many oz. are there in 16 dr. ? How many... | |
| Benjamin Greenleaf - Mental arithmetic - 1857 - 162 pages
...in 4 scruples ? LESSON LIII. TABLE OP ATOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 Drams .... make 1 Ounce, . . . marked oz. 16 Ounces .... " 1 Pound " Ib. 28 Pounds .... " 1 Quarter, ... " qr. 4 Quarters ... "1 Hundred-weight, " cwt. 20 Hundred-weight " 1 Ton, " ton. NOTK. — By this weight are weighed almost... | |
| Weights and measures - 1857 - 22 pages
...The weight of the new Gold Mohur and that of the Co, 's Rupee ğre the same, viz. 180 grains Troy. Avoirdupois Weight. 16 Drams, dr. make 1 Ounce. Oz. 16 Ounces .. 1 Pound. lb. 28 Pounds .. 1 Quarter. Qr. 4 Quarters .. 1 Hundredweight. Cwt. 20 Hundredweight .. 1 Ton. Ton.... | |
| Charles Davies - Arithmetic - 1858 - 174 pages
...grains ? In 40 ? In 60? In 80? 3. How many scruples in 1 dram ? In 2 ? In 3 ? In 4, how many ? TABLE OF AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams, dr. make . 1 ounce, . oz, 16 ounces .... 1 pound, „ Ib. 25 pounds .... 1 quarter, . . . qr, 4 quarters . . . . 1 hundred weight, cwt. 20 hundred weight . 1... | |
| Benjamin Greenleaf - Arithmetic - 1858 - 458 pages
...Weight is used in weighing almost every kind of goods, and all metals except gold and silver. TABLE. 16 Drams (dr.) make 1 Ounce, oz. 16 Ounces " 1 Pound, Ib. 25 Pounds " 1 Quarter, qr. 4 Quarters " 1 Hundred Weight, cwt. 20 Hundred Weight " 1 Ton, T. dr. OB.... | |
| Benjamin Greenleaf - Arithmetic - 1858 - 472 pages
..."Weight is used in weighing almost every kind of goods, and all metals except gold and silver. TABLE. 16 Drams (dr.) make 1 Ounce, oz. 16 Ounces " 1 Pound, Ib. 25 Pounds " I Quarter, qr. 4 Quarters " 1 Hundred Weight, cwt. 20 Hundredweight " 1 Ton, T. dr. oz.... | |
| Charles Guilford Burnham - 1859 - 116 pages
...pennyweights ? 12. How many ounces in 40 pennyweights ? 13. How many pennyweights in 12 ounces ? TABLE IV. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams, dr. make - - 1 ounce,...28 pounds " - - 1 quarter, qr. 4 quarters " - - 1 hundred weight, met, 20 hundred weight 1 ton. 14. Repeat the Table of Avoirdupois Weight. 15. How many... | |
| Horatio Nelson Robinson - 1859 - 208 pages
...weighing 15 pennyweights cost, at 8 dimes a pennyweight ? how many dollars and cents ? 28. TABLE OF AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT 16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces " 1 pound, Ib. 100 pounds " 1 hundred weight, cwt. 20 hundred weight " 1 ton. T. 1. How many drams in 3 ounces? in... | |
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