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" Rectify the globe for the latitude of the place. Find the sun's place in the ecliptic, and bring it to the brass meridian ; the number of degrees on the meridian between the horizon and the sun's place is the altitude required. "
Cornell's High School Geography: Forming Part Third of a Systematic Series ... - Page 401
by Sophia S. Cornell - 1861 - 405 pages
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A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes: With Notes and Observations ...

James M'Intire - Globes - 1823 - 232 pages
...horizontal plane, where the surrounding horizon is uninterrupted by different objects, and elevate the pole for the latitude of the place; find the sun's place in the ecliptic for the given day, bring it to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to 12; then,...
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Elements of Astronomy: Illustrated with Plates, for the Use of Schools and ...

John Hubbard Wilkins - Astronomy - 1825 - 151 pages the year, and the length of the day and night at that place. 1. Rectify the globe (by Prob. XI.) for the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in the ecliptic (by Prob. X.) and bring it to the meridian, and set the index to 12 ; bring the sun's place to the...
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A System of Astronomy: On the Principles of Copernicus

John Vose - Astronomy - 1827 - 262 pages
...any place and time nf year what hour the sun rises and sets ; also the length of the day and night. Rectify the globe for the latitude of the place. Find the sun's place in the ecliptic, bring it to the meridian, and set the index at 12. Turn the globe eastward, till the sun's place comes...
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The New American Grammar of the Elements of Astronomy: On an Improved Plan ...

James Ryan - Astronomy - 1827 - 408 pages
...fyc. Definition. A star is said to culminate, when it passes the meridian. RULE. Elevate the pole to the latitude of the place, find the sun's place in the ecliptic, being it to the brazen meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to 12 ; then, if the time be...
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Elements of Astronomy: Illustrated with Plates, for the Use of Schools and ...

John Hubbard Wilkins - Astronomy - 1829 - 202 pages the year, and the length of the day and night at that place. 1. Rectify the globe (by Prob. XI.) for the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in the ecliptic (by Prob. X.) and bring it to the meridian, and set the index to 12 ; bring the sun's place to the...
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A Geography for the Use of Schools ...

Jacob Willetts - Geography - 1831 - 220 pages
...time when any of the heavenly bodies rise, set, and come to the men* dian. Elevate the pole equal to the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in...the ecliptic and: bring it to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to 12 ; bring the star to the eastern edge of the horizon and...
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A grammar of modern geography, illustr. by an accompanying atlas

L. Ring - 1831 - 200 pages
...find the sun's declination and all those places where the sun will be vertical on that day. Rule. — Find the sun's place in the ecliptic, and bring it to the brass meridian, and the degree •which stands over it is the sun's declination. Then turn the Globe from west to east,...
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A grammar of modern geography. [With] Praxis

Aaron Arrowsmith - 1832 - 546 pages
...the 10th of October 1 PROBLEM XXII. To find the Sun's Meridian- Altitude on any day at a given place. Rectify the globe for the Latitude of the place. Find...the Sun's place in the Ecliptic, and bring it to the Brazen Meridian. Count the number of degrees on the Meridian, between the Sun's place and the Horizon,...
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An Easy Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, for the Use of Schools

Sir Richard Phillips - Physics - 1832 - 286 pages
...1st. To find those places in the torrid zone, to which the sun will be vertical, on any given day. Find the sun's place in the ecliptic and bring it to the brazen meridian ; mark the de'gree of the meridian over it; then all the places that pass under that...
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Guys̕ Elements of Astronomy: And, An Abridgement of Keiths' New Treatise on ...

Joseph Guy - Astronomy - 1832 - 412 pages
...the sun is due east or west. RULE. Elevate the pole so many degrees above the horizon as are equal to the latitude of the place, find the sun's place in the ecliptic, bring it to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour-circle to twelve ; screw the quadrant...
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