| Bernhardus Varenius - Geography - 1734 - 464 pages
...Latitude of 'the place ', to find the Hour for that Altitude. ELEVATE the Pole for that Latitude, and find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, and bring it to the Meridian ; then fixing the Quadrant of Altitude at the Zenith, and the Index at 12, move the Globe... | |
| Benjamin Martin - Science - 1772 - 492 pages
...the Place over which the Sun is vertical on any given Day and Hour. - In order to this, you are to find the Sun's Place in the Ecliptic, and bring it to the Meridian, and mark the Degree of Declination for the given Hour. After this, find thofe Places which... | |
| Thomas Hogg - 1806 - 130 pages
...the suns rising and setting, to any amplitude not exceeding 664-°. Rectify the globe for the given place ; find the sun's place in the ecliptic, and bring it to tha meridian ; set the index of the horary circle to XII ; then bring the sun's place to the east side... | |
| J. Goldsmith - 1811 - 184 pages
...Amazons ? PROBLEM XIX. — To find the sun's meridian altitude at any given place. Rule. — Elevate the globe for the latitude of the place. Find the sun's place in tlie ecliptic, and bring it to the brazen meridian: count the number of degrees contained cm the meridian,... | |
| Thomas Keith - Astronomy - 1811 - 388 pages
...show the sun's declination when the day is an hour shorter than the given day. OR, Elevate the pole to the latitude of the place, find the sun's place in the ecliptic, bring it to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to twelve; turn the globe westward... | |
| John Lathrop - Astronomy - 1812 - 218 pages
...be visible at that hour. RULE. Elevate the pole so many degrees above the horizon, as are equal to the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in the ecliptic', bfinjj it to the brass meridian, and set the index rff the hour circle to twelve ; then, if the gjvrfrt... | |
| Thomas Keith - Astronomy - 1819 - 380 pages
...will be visible at that hour. Rule. Elevate the pole so many degrees above the horizon as are equal to the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in the ecliptic, bring it to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to 12 ; then, if the given time... | |
| Sir Richard Phillips - Geography - 1821 - 256 pages
...Maranon ? PROBLEM XIX. — To find the suns meridian altitude at any given place. Rule. — Elevate the globe for the latitude of the place. Find the sun's place in the ecliptic, and bring it to the brazen meridian : count the number of degrees contained on the meridian, between the horizon and the... | |
| Thomas Keith - 1821 - 408 pages
...the day of the month, and the sun's amplitude, tojind the latitude of the place of observation. RULE. Find the sun's place in the ecliptic, and bring it to the eastern or western part of the horizon (according as the eastern or western amplitude is given) ; elevate... | |
| John Hubbard Wilkins - Astronomy - 1822 - 158 pages
...the hour of sun-setting, and it will give the length of the day. 1. Rectify the globe (by Prob. XI.) for the latitude of the place ; find the sun's place in the eeliptic (by Prob. X.) and bring it to the meridian, and set the index to 12; bring the sun's place... | |
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