Friends," with briefer Notes. i8mo. 3*. 6d. GREEK TESTAMENT. Edited, with Introduction and Appendices, by CANON WESTCOTT and Dr. FJA HORT. Two Vols. Crown 8vo. [/« the press. HARDWICK — Works by Archdeacon HARDWICK. A HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH.... Elementary Hydrostatics: With Numerous Examples - Page 51by Sir John Budd Phear - 1866 - 155 pagesFull view - About this book
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...their reverence Jor the supreme authority of the oracles of the living God." — Christian Observer. A HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Middle Age. the Excommunication of Luther, Edited by WILLIAM SfUBBS, MA, Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. With Four Maps constructed... | |
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...New Edition, revised, and a Prefatory Memoir by the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER. Two vols. crown 8vo. 15s. .A History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. From...Great to the Excommunication of Luther. Edited by FRANCIS PROCTER, MA With Four Maps constructed for this work by A. KEITH JOHNSTON. Second Edition.... | |
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...New Edition, revised, and a Prefatory Memoir by the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER. Two vols. crown 8vo. 15s. A History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. From...Great to the Excommunication of Luther. Edited by FRANCIS PROCTER, MA With Four Maps constructed for this work by A. KEITH JOHNSTON. Second Edition.... | |
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...New Edition, revised, and a Prefatory Memoir by the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER. Two vols. crown 8vo. 15s. A History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. From...Great to the Excommunication of Luther. Edited by FRANCIS PROCTER, MA With Four Maps constructed for this work by A. KEITH JOHNSTON. Second Edition.... | |
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...Edition, revised, and a Prefatory Memoir by the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA Two vols. crown 8vo. 15s. A History of the Christian Church. Middle Age. From...Great to the Excommunication of Luther. Edited by FRANCIS PROCTER, MA With Four Maps constructed for this work by A. KEITH JOHNSTON. Second Edition.... | |
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