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" HERVEY.— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as contained in the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke, reconciled with each other and with the Genealogy of the House of David, from Adam to the close of the Canon of the Old Testament,... "
Arithmetic for Schools - Page 34
by Barnard Smith - 1854 - 272 pages
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Thucydides book vi, from the text of Bekker, with notes by P. Frost

Thucydides - 1854 - 150 pages
...Gaeette, \ " Merita our highest commendatioa."— Englith Journal of Education, March, 1853. HERVEY,— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the close of the Canon of the Old Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By the Lord ARTHUK HEK VEY, MA Rector...
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Solutions of the problems and riders proposed in the Senate-house ...

Cambridge univ, exam. papers - 1854 - 284 pages
...Gaxette. " Merits our highest commendation."— English Jownalqf Education, March, 1s53. HERVEY.— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the close of the Canon of the Old Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By the Lord ARTHUR HERVEY, MA Rector...
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Exercitationes iambicæ; or Progressive exercises in Greek iambic verse

Edward Rupert Humphreys - 1854 - 486 pages
...GameUc. " MeriIs our highesI commendaIion." — KngUIh Journal qf EducaIion, M/nfh. 1853. HERVEY.— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the close of the Canon of the Old Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By the Lord ARTHUR HERVEY, MA Rector...
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Synonyms of the New Testament, Volume 1

Richard Chenevix Trench (Archbishop of Dublin) - Greek language, Biblical - 1854 - 258 pages
...Gazette. " Merits our highest commendation."— Englith Journal of Education, March, 1853. HERVEY.— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the close of the Canon of the Old Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By the Lord ARTHUR HERVEY, MA Rector...
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Alexandria and Her Schools: Four Lectures Delivered at the Philosophical ...

Charles Kingsley - Alexandrian school - 1854 - 226 pages
...Gazette. " Merita our highest commendation."—Eaglith Journal qf Education, March, 1853. HERVEY.—The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the close of the Canon of the Old Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By the Lord ARTHUR HERVEY, MA Rector...
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Solutions of the Problems and Riders Proposed in the Senate-house ...

William Walton, Charles Frederick Mackenzie - Education - 1854 - 266 pages
...GW HEMMING, MA Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. Svo. cloth, 9s. HERVEY.— The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...David, from Adam to the close of the Canon of the OM Testament, and shown to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By Lord ARTHUH HERVEY,...
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Octavius: a dialogue [tr. by sir D. Dalrymple]. (Repr.). Tr. by sir D. Dalrymple

Marcus Minucius Felix - 1854 - 160 pages
...Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge. 2 vols. 8vo. The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...Genealogy of the House of David, from Adam to the close of tho Canon of the Old Testament, and shewn to be in harmony with the true Chronology of the Times. By...
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The Church of England quarterly review

1854 - 550 pages
...ART. PAGE. III. PHASES OF UNBELIEF. 1 . The Eclipse of Faith ; or, a Visit to a Religious Sceptic. 2. The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...and St. Luke, reconciled with each other, and with tha Genealogy of the House of David, from Adam to the Close of the Canon of the Old Testament ; and...
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Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review, Volume 6; Volume 36

Methodist Church - 1854 - 652 pages
...Archer Butler, late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. 2 vols., 8vo. : — The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...St. Matthew and St. Luke, reconciled with each other ; by Lord Arthur Hcrvey, MA, Rector of Ickworth. 8vo. :— The Lord's Prayer and other Sermons, by...
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Leipziger repertorium der deutschen und ausländischen ..., Volumes 45-46

1854 - 820 pages
...Schriften d» Neuen Teit. iiiaichtt f. Prediger n. Studierende. Von Dr. Hm. Ulthauitn. 1. Bd. [788] The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as contained in the Gospels of St. Matthew and Luke. By Lord Arthur Uervey. Cambridge. 1853. 390 8. gr. 8. (10 sh. Cd.) [789] A Commentary on the...
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