The British encyclopedia, or, Dictionary of arts and sciences, Volume 3C. Whittingham, 1809 |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 97
... acid , from the action of which on alcohol it has originated , as the sulphuric , nitric , muriatic , or acetic ether . Sulphuric ether , has been longest known . The following is the process by which it is prepared . Upon a quantity of ...
... acid , from the action of which on alcohol it has originated , as the sulphuric , nitric , muriatic , or acetic ether . Sulphuric ether , has been longest known . The following is the process by which it is prepared . Upon a quantity of ...
... acid is decom , posed in the process by which ether is formed . But a few years ago it was affirm- ed by Fourcroy and Vauquelin , from a series of experiments which they under- took to elucidate this subject , that such a decomposition ...
... acid is decom , posed in the process by which ether is formed . But a few years ago it was affirm- ed by Fourcroy and Vauquelin , from a series of experiments which they under- took to elucidate this subject , that such a decomposition ...
... acid , and that by the addition of an alkali which combines with the acid , a quantity of ether may be obtained from it . It does not ap- pear , however , that this combination can be formed directly , or that ether can com- bine with a ...
... acid , and that by the addition of an alkali which combines with the acid , a quantity of ether may be obtained from it . It does not ap- pear , however , that this combination can be formed directly , or that ether can com- bine with a ...
... acid on alcohol is so violent , that the formation of nitric ether is extremely difficult , and requires considerable precaution . One part of the acid may be added gradually to three parts of alcohol without any risk ; and after ...
... acid on alcohol is so violent , that the formation of nitric ether is extremely difficult , and requires considerable precaution . One part of the acid may be added gradually to three parts of alcohol without any risk ; and after ...
... acid are to be poured on the salt , and the operation is left to proceed in the cold for five or six hours . A moderate heat is then to be gradually applied . The muriatic acid gas passes over , and is con- densed by the alcohol . The ...
... acid are to be poured on the salt , and the operation is left to proceed in the cold for five or six hours . A moderate heat is then to be gradually applied . The muriatic acid gas passes over , and is con- densed by the alcohol . The ...
Common terms and phrases
acid angle animals appear applied axis birds body botany called calyx capsule centre circle class and order colour common considerable consists contain copper corolla degree denote diameter divided drupe earth ellipsis epact equal equation Essential character ether feet figure fire fish flowers fluid fluxion force four frustum genus give given glass globe gold grains ground half heat hence hermaphrodite horse hydrogen hydrometer inches insects iron Jussieu kind land length manner matter means ment metal Monogynia class motion muriatic acid Natural order nitric acid nouns observed oxide oxygen pass person petals piece plants plate produced proportion quantity raveline seeds shew ship side silver socage species specific gravity square substance sulphuric sulphuric acid supposed surface term thick thing tion trees tube tural uterus vessel weight whole zinc