IN ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. BY E. M. REYNOLDS, M. A. MATHEMATICAL MASTER IN CLIFTON COLLEGE, MODERN SIDE. London and Cambridge: 1868. [All Rights reserved.] 183. f. 11. PREFA C.Е. GEOMETRY has received extensive developments in modern times, but in England there has been no corresponding improvement in elementary teaching. Our principal and only text-book is a work written more than two thousand years ago. On the Continent, however, great attention has been given to the form in which the science should be taught. New principles have been introduced, old ones have received an extended application, useless restrictions have been abandoned, and the style of disputation has given place to that of enquiry. Hence that superiority of results which has lately come so prominently before the public. Some change, it is evident, in our English ways of teaching can now no longer be postponed, and this little book, mainly derived from French and German sources, has been written in the hope of facilitating that change. It has been |