THE NEW COMPLETE SYSTEM OF ARITHMETIC, COMPOSED FOR THE USE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. BY NICOLAS PIKE, A. Μ. ABRIDGED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. FOURTH EDITION. PRINTED AT BOSTON, BY D. CARLISLE, For THOMAS & ANDREWS. Sold by them at No. 45, Newbury Street; by faid THOMAS at Booksellers generally. ..... Dec. 1502. EXPLANATION of CHARACTERS used in this TREA + X or 6)30( 875 25 TISE. THE fign of Equality: As 12 Pence=1 Shil qual Shilling; and, in general, that whatever precedes it is equal to what follows. The fign of Addition: As, 5+5=10, that is, 5 added to 5 is equal to 10.--Read 5 plus 5, or 3 more 5 equal to 10. The fign of Subtraction: As, 12-4-8, that is, 12 leffened by 4 is equal to 8, or 4 from 12 and 8 remains. Read 12 minus 4, or 12 less 4 Lequal to 8. The fign of Multiplication: As, 6X5=30, that is, 6 multiply by 5 is equal to 30.-Read 6 into 5 equal to 30. The fign of Division: As, 30÷5=6, that is, 30 divided by 5 is equal to 6.-Read 30 by 5 Lequal to 6. Numbers, placed fractionwife, do likewise denote divifion, the Numerator or upper number being the dividend, and the Denominator or lower number, the divisor, thus $275 is the fame as 875-35-35 The fign of Proportion, thus, 2 : 4::8:16, that is, As 2 is to 4 fo is 8 το 16. :: : Shews that the difference between 2 and 9 added to 6 is equal to 13.-Read 9 minus 2 plus 9-2+6=136 equal to 13; and that the line a top (called a Vinculum) connects all the numbers over which it is drawn. 12-3+5-4 Signifies that the suna of 3 and 5 taken from 12 leaves or is equal to 4. 12 Signifies the second Power or Square. QA 35 P136 4 |