I. In One Volume, 8vo, Price 5s., and illustrated with Diagrams, A Complete Treatise on Practical Geometry and Mensuration. II. In One Volume, 8vo, Price 6s., Key to the above Treatise. III. In One Volume, 8vo, pp. 224, Price 5s., and illustrated with Diagrams, on the Nature and Use of Logarithms, IV. Also, in One Volume, 8vo, Price 38., Key to the last-mentioned Treatise. CRITIQUES ON THE GEOMETRY AND MENSURATION. "These books are the work of a man who is both an able practical mathematician and an experienced teacher. The Key is not a mere table of solutions, it is interspersed with valuable critical remarks, illustrating the rationale of the various processes. The Treatise and Key together are a valuable addition to our school libraries."Spectator. "A genuine work, evincing great mathematical genius, sagaciously applied to the arts and pursuits of life. As a practical work, the Treatise, with its Key, possesses advantages over every other that has fallen under our observation.-Britannia. "He (the Author) has the appearance of method, thought, and reading. In the Key are found a number of critical observations on his predecessors, which may furnish the teacher, who really thinks, with occupation, and which entitle the volume to a name of more pretension than that of a Key.-Athenæum. "The Key contains demonstrations of all the more difficult rules, and will be found an excellent work for those who wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of the subject. The investigations here given have rarely been attempted in practical works, and, when attempted, have not been treated with equal clearness."-Edinburgh Advertiser. IN PREPARATION, Uniform with the following Work, ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL GEOMETRY AND MENSURATION. ELEMENTARY LOGARITHMS AND TRIGONOMETRY. AN ELEMENTARY COURSE OF PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY JAMES ELLIOT, AUTHOR OF "A COMPLETE TREATISE ON PRACTICAL GEOMETRY AND MENSURATION," EDINBURGH: SUTHERLAND AND KNOX. MDCCCL. 181.0.135. PREFACE. * THE Courses of Mathematics generally used, while insufficient to give the student a thorough knowledge of each department, are yet too difficult for beginners. There is, perhaps, no compilation of that character, which can be said to be in every part rudimentary. We have, for instance, Arithmetic of Sines, the modes of computing Logarithms, and other comparatively abstruse subjects, included in treatises designed for beginners,-forming a serious impediment to their progress, and to the attainment of knowledge much more useful to them. At the same time, in none of such works will the student obtain information sufficient to carry him to the full extent of any one subject. To attempt, indeed, to give such an amount of matter in the compass of a single volume, is to aim at an impossibility. There are two distinct objects for which an elementary course of Mathematics may be required in schools:-one, to supply all that is wanted by the great majority of scholars, by those who study the subject merely as one branch of a general education; and the other, to serve as an intro *Not the modes of computing by Logarithms-which belong, properly, to an elementary work-but the rules for the calculation of the tables themselves, with which a beginner has nothing whatever to do. |