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This book covers the topics usually studied in the seventh year.

Its main purposes are (a) to develop habits of speed and accuracy and (b) to give insight into the ordinary activities of the home, school, and business, which involve applications of arithmetic.

The first aim is accomplished by means of many drills, reviews, and speed tests, as well as by frequent reminders of common sources of error and suggestions as to how to avoid them.

The second purpose is fulfilled by presenting the business and social applications of arithmetic in settings which pupils can easily understand. The experiences which the pupils will encounter both in and out of business life call for a systematic method of keeping personal accounts and for a certain amount of practical knowledge concerning trade discount, profit and loss, commission, taxes and duties, interest, commercial paper, exchange, etc. The aim of this book is not to make the pupils experts in complicated technical computations but rather to give them definite concepts of the business situations to which the arithmetical applications are made. At the same time enough exercises are provided to develop skill in the handling of the simpler problems to which such situations give rise.


The topical arrangement facilitates reviews and lends itself readily to the placing of the chief emphasis on the points in which the pupils of any given class are found to be weakest.

The number games and related problems add interest to the work.

To the many teachers and friends who have given helpful advice and suggestions the authors make grateful acknowledgment.

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