Future. j'essaier-ai, etc. Conditional. j'essaier-ais, etc. (Thus also the Imperative. Imperfect Indicative. je pri-ais, etc. je change-ais, etc. | je plaç-ais, etc. n. pri-ions v. pri-iez ils pri-aient n. chang-ions v. chang-iez ils change-aient (Thus also the Preterite Indic. and Subj.) n. plac-ions v. plac-iez ils plaç-aient. (e) Verbs in -ayer, -eyer, -uyer, change the y into i whenever the inflection becomes mute. Those in -ayer and -eyer, however, may retain y throughout :-je paie, or paye; je paírai or payerai, etc. (f) Verbs in -ier are regular throughout, and are only mentioned here to show the working of the Imperfect Plural; notice also cre-ér; je cré-e, P. P. cré-é, f. cré-ée, etc. (g) Verbs in -ger insert an e between the stem and the inflection when the latter begins with a or o, to indicate that g retains throughout the whole conjugation the soft sound which it always has before e or i.-See App., § 93. (h) Verbs in -cer change the c into ç whenever the inflection begins with a or o, to indicate that c retains throughout the whole conjugation the sound of s which it always has before e or i.-See § 93. SECOND CONJUGATION. PRES. PART. :-florissant. fleurir (to bloom) in the sense of to flourish, IMPERFECT:-je florissais, etc., to prosper, has :— which are the remnants of the old French verb 'florir.' bénir, to bless, to consecrate, has two forms béni, -e, blessed. The former, as a rule, applied to persons only; as, Un peuple béni de Dieu. The latter, to things only; as, pain bénit; eau bénite. hair, to hate, in the Singular of PRES. INDIC. and IMPERAT., has i instead of i: Je hais, tu hais, il hait; but Plural nous haïssons, etc. 61 COMPOUND TENSES: B. WITH être. aller, to go. décéder, to die. tomber, to fall. Most Intransitive Verbs denoting Motion from one place to another, or Transition from a state into another, are conjugated in their Compound Tenses with the auxiliary Verb être : as, éclore, to be hatched, to blow. retourner, to return. entrer, to enter. sortir, to go out. Perf. INFINITIVE. venir, to come. PARTICIPLE. être arrivé, to have (be) arrived. étant arrivé, having (being) arrived. Observation.-A few Intransitive Verbs may be conjugated either with avoir or être : Present. Perfect & Pret. & Impf. 62 THE PASSIVE VOICE. The PASSIVE VOICE is formed by means of the Auxiliary Verb être (§ 53-54) and the PART. PERF. of the Verb to be conjugated. Perf. Pres. This PART. PERF. must agree in Gender and Number with its Subject. Fut. Perf. Fut. Perf. IMPERATIVE. sois honoré (-ée), be (thou) | soyons honorés -(ées), let us be honoured. qu'il soit honoré, let him qu'ils soient honorés, let them be honoured. 1 f. honorée; pl., m. and f., honorés (-ées). F 63 REFLEXIVE REFLEXIVE VERBS are of two kinds :- (a) Exclusively Reflexive :-se repentir, to repent; (b) Occasionally Reflexive :-se sentir, to feel one's self. Of both of these many are not used reflexively in English :-se fâcher, to get angry, etc. INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE COMBINED:— avant que je me lavasse, . . before I washed Like the Present, conjugate the other Simple Tenses. je me lavais, I was washing myself, etc. je me lavai, I washed myself, etc. je me laverai, I shall wash myself, etc. myself. self, if... je me laverais, si... I should wash my -VERBS. The REFLEXIVE Form of conjugation is also used with Reciprocal Verbs, i.e. Verbs he action of which, instead of reacting (reflecting) on the same agent (Subject), is decribed as mutually affecting the two or more different agents implied by the Subject :ls se haïssent, they hate each other, or one another. II. COMPOUND TENSES FORMED THROUGHOUT WITH être (AND never WITH avoir). INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE COMBINED. ne me suis je pas lavé (-ée)? ne nous sommes -n. pas lavés (-ées)? ne t' es-tu pas ne s'est-il pas lavé (-ée)? ne vous êtes-v. pas ne se sont-ils pas lavés (-ées)? lavés ? Like the Pres. Perf. are conjugated the other Compound Tenses :— I had washed myself, etc. je m'étais lavé (-ée), je me fus lavé (-ée). I shall have washed myself, etc. I might have washed myself, etc. The Part. Perf. must agree in Gender and Number with the Reflexive Pronoun if he latter is the Direct Object; the Part. Perf. remains invariable if the Reflex. Pron. san Indirect Object :-Elle s'est lavée; but "Elle s'est procuré un billet;" s' being ere for herself. = |