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Social Service House. See North Bennet Street Industrial School

Social Service Library, 18 Somerset, Elizabeth L. Fanning, librarian

Socialist Party Clubs of Mass., James O'Neal, sec., 14 Park


Socialist Party of Boston, Elsie M. Royce, sec., 142 Berkeley Societa Provincia di Salerno, 176 North, Giuseppe Pettinati. pres.; Vincenzo Trulcillo, sec., 176 North; Nunziante Avallone, fin. sec.; Arturo DiVenuta, treas.

Society for Helping Destitute Mothers and Infants, 276 Tremont, rm. 5. Mrs. A. D. Sheffield, pres.; Miss. L. Freeman Clarke, 5 Brimmer.sec.; Mrs. Bertram Greene, treas.; Miss E. M. Locke, agent

Society for Home Savings, Mrs. Matthew Hale, pres.; Frank C. Brewer, treas.; Edith Plummer, sec., 109 Sewall av., B'line

Society for Promoting Theological Education, Rev. Howard
N. Brown, D.D., pres., Boston; William P. Fowler, treas.
Rev. Benjamin R. Bulkeley, sec., Leominster. Mass.
Society for Protection of Children, 36 Charity bldg.
Society for the Expression of the Christ Ideal, 739 Boylston,
rm. 101, Shirley R. Crosse, pres.; Sarah W. May, treas.;
Charlotte, A. Parker, sec., E. Milton

Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 2 Lynde, Charles K. Bolton, pres.; William C. Endicott. treas.; W. S. Appleton, cor. sec.

Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Rev. Joseph F. McGlinchey. D.D., diocesan director. 25 Granby

Society for the Protection of Native Plants, 66 Newbury. Robert T. Jackson, pres.; Amy Folsom, treas.; Margaret E. Allen, cor. sec.; Ruth E. Rouillard, sec.

Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Allen Hollis, pres., Concord. N. H.; Sherman E. Burroughs sec., Manchester, N. H.; James J. Storrow, treas., 4 Joy, Philip W. Ayres, forester, 4 Joy

Society for the Relief of Aged or Disabled Episcopal Clergymen, 1 Joy, Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, pres.; George P. Gardner, treas., 40 State; Rev. Prescott Evarts, sec., 19 Follen, Cambridge

Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Deceased Clergymen of the P. E. Church, 1 Joy, Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, pres.; Rev. Reuben Kidner, sec., The Ludlow; Russell S. Codman, treas.

Society of Arts and Crafts, 9. Park; Henry Percy Macomber, treas. and sec.

Society of Arts of Institute of Technology, 222 Charles River rd., Camb.. Richard C. Maclaurin, pres.; Walter Humphreys, sec.

Society of California Pioneers of New England, meets at United States Hotel, Capt. John L. Manson, acting pres.. Dorchester, Mass.; Stephen W. Foster, sec. and treas., 86 Hancock. Dor.

Society of Master House Painters and Decorators of Mass., Ivory H. Morse, pres.; Alexander Peters, sec. and treas.. 477 Tremont

Society of Mayflower Descendants of Mass., see caption Patriotic Societies

Society of Printers for the Study and Advancement of the Art of Printing, Robert Seaver, pres.; W. M. Stone, sec. 271 Franklin,; Walt Harris, auditor

Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 36 Charity bldg.. James A. McMurry, pres.; Joseph M. Ryan, sec., 19 Auburn, Rox., James F. Wise, treas.

Society of Stockholders of Gas and Electric Light. Properties in Mass., 1 Beacon, Edwin F. Dwolley, gen. sec.; George N. Nichols, fin. sec.

Soldiers' Relief, City Hall, rm. 60

South Bay Union, 640 Harrison av., Miss Dema M. Chayer,

gen. sec.

South Boston Aid Association, Gray's Hall, S. B., 2d and 4th Wednesdays, Arthur C. Lewis, pres.; Edwin R. Spinney, treas.: Robert Kershaw, sec., 17 Spaulding. Dor.

South Boston Citizens' Association, meets second Thursday. Columbus Hall, 529 E. Broadway, S. B., M. Frank Smart, pres.: P. Joseph O'Leary, treas.; Frederick O. Watt, sec. 63 L st S. B.

South Boston Medical Society, 529A E. Broadway, S. В., meets second Monday. Charles R. Rothwell, M. D.. pres. Edward J. Denning. M. D., vice pres.; Edward F. Timmins, sec., 527 E. Broadway. S. B.

South End Day Nursery, 25 Dover, Mrs. H. M. Laughlin, pres.; Lincoln Bryant, treas.; 60 State; Mrs. C. W. Ernst, asst. treas., 298 Commonwealth av.; Mrs. Charles S. Butler, sec., 257 Newbury

South End Diet Kitchen, 21a Common, Mrs. I.Tucker Burr, pres.; Mrs. R. M. Saltonstall, treas., Miss Mary StB. Eustis, sec.

South End House Association, 20 Union pk., 43 E. Canton, 640 Harrison av. and 171 W. Brookline, R. A. Woods, head of the house; Rev. George Hodges, pres.; Jas. A. Lowell, treas.

South End Improvement Society, Calvin Maynard, pres.: Miss Sarah E. Gardner, vice pres.; Howard Wing, treas.; H. S. Upham, sec., 103 Munroe

Special Aid Society for American Preparedness, Mass. Branch for Women, 142 Berkeley, Mrs. Barrett Wendell, pres.; Mrs. Robert S. Bradley, vice pres.; Mrs. Harold Murdock, treas.: Mrs. Robert Homans, sec.; Miss Letitia Mason, executive sec.

Stamp Saving Society, 264 Boylston, Mrs. Mary Morton Kehew, pres.; Mrs. Helen Peirce, treas.; Mrs. Mabel W. Whidden, sec,, 264 Boylston


State Executive Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations of Mass. and R. I., 167 Tremont, fifth floor; Herbert M. Plimpton, chairman; Preston B. Keith, treas. Edward K. Hearne, state, sec.; Franklin P. Shumway. clerk

State Service Associates. Wm. O. Richardson, pres.: William H. Dimick, treas.; Ernest W. Towne, sec., 229 State House Stenograpahic and Letter-Service Association, C. W.Hawkes, pres.; Miss Ina Keith, vice pres.; Miss Jessie M. Sherwood, sec. and treas.. 200 Devonshire

Student Young Women's Christian Association, 500 Boylston Miss Ruth Coit, chairman; Mrs. Willis S. Shepard, treas.; Miss Kate Boyd George, sec.

Suburban Stamp and Curio Club, 24 Warren. Rox. Meets first and third Thursdays. Henry Schuhmacher pres.; William L. Aldrich, pres.; J. A. Gallant, sec., 29 Star lane J. P.

Suffolk County Bail Commissioners Association, John P. Manning pres., Court House, Boston: Maurice J. O'Connell, vice-pres., Court House, Rox.: Joseph M. Sullivan, sec., 180 Washington, Frank M. Zottoli, treas., 240 Hanover

Suffolk District Medical Society, 8 Fenway, H. F. Vickery. M. D., pres.: J. B. Blake, M.D., vice pres.: E. B. Young. M. D.. treas.; George G. Smith, M.D., sec., 99 Commonwealth av.

Suffolk-Norfolk Associates, Inc., 54 Kilby, W. Newton Harlow, treas., 54 Kilby

Sunday School Superintendents' Union of Boston and Vicinity. See Boston Sunday School Superintendents' Union, Inc.

Sunday School Union of the Diocese of Mass., 1 Joy, The Bishop of the Diocese ex-officio, pres. Rev. Alexander Mann, vice pres.; Branton H. Kellogg, treas.; Rev. Frederic W. Fitts, sec.

Sunshine Society, see International Sunshine Society Superintendents' Association of the Boston Postal District, Philip Aberle, pres.; Charles C. Topham, sec., Allston Post Office; Herbert N. Hanson, Back Bay P. O., treas. Swedish Charitable Society of Greater Boston, George Nelson, pres.; Anton Hedin, treas.; Sigfrid Wetterling, sec, 904 Tremont bldg.

Swedish Home for Women, 169 Townsend, Rox. Gustaf F. Sodergren, pres.; Anna Gustafson, sec.; John A. Daniel

son, treas.

Swedish Lutheran Immigrants' & Sailors' Home, 11 Henry. E. B., Rev. A. M. Benander, pres.; J. A. Eckstrom, treas.; Dean C. Hilding Lawson, sec.: Ivar Loren, supt.

Swedish Masonic Club of Boston, meets Gould Hall, 3d Saturday: Ferdinand E. Love, pres.; Gustaf Larson, treas.; N. J. A. Langell, sec.

Swiss Benevolent Society of Boston, 34 Oakview ter., J. P.. William Conza. pres.; Mrs. Emma Schuerch, sec.; Mrs. E. C. Fischer, treas.; Conrad Schuerch, agt., 54 George; Rox.

Syrian Burying Society, 12 Hudson. E. H. Maloof, pres., Richard Maloof, sec.; Habib Maloof, treas.

Talitha Cumi Maternity Home and Hospital, sec., N. E. Moral Reform Society

Talmud Society, 6 Beacon, rm. 62, Maurice L. Katz. pres.; Myer Black, sec.

Teachers' School of Science, George H. Barton, director, 66 Newbury

Team Owners Assn.. 40 Court rm. 1202 Harrison W. Annable, pres.; George F. Stebbins, sec. and treas.

Teamsters Union, No. 25, 81 Canal, rm. 217, Joseph J. Hunst, sec. and treas.

Telegraphers' Mutual Aid Association. 84 State, rm. 413, William Ryan, pres.; W. A. Connor, rec. sec., 50 Congress, rm. 1.; W. H. Sullivan, treas.

Telephone Operators' Union, Local No. 1A of Boston and Wicinity, 452 Old South bldg., May E. Matthews, sec.. 29 Dunlap, Dor.

Temporary Home for Working Women, 453 Shawmut av., Mrs. Chas. A. Coolidge, pres.: Miss Laura R. Little, sec.; Richard C. Storey, treas.; Mrs. Elizabeth K. Russell,


Ten Times One Corporation, see Lend-a-Hand Society Textile Exhibitors Association, 5 Park sq., rm. 16, F. H. Bishop, pres.; Chester I. Campbell, sec. and treas.

Theosophical Society, Alpha Branch. 295 Huntington av.; James Middleton, pres.; Marguerite Boice, sec. and treas.. 687 Boylston, rm. 216

Theosophical Society, Boston Lodge, 295 Huntington av., rm 212, Mrs. Bessie Jewett, pres.; Dr. Charles Rosenthal, vice pres.: Mrs. Mary L. Porter, treas.; Miss Mercy Hill, sec., 71 School st., Brookline

Tide Över League, 296 Boylston, rm. 408, Dr. James Marsh Jackson, pres.: Mary Irving Husted, director

Trade Assn. of South Boston, meets quarterly, John J. Toomey, pres.; Geo. D. Brown, August Bencks, vice prests.: Thomas Saint, treas.; James E. Coveney, sec.. 497 E. Broadway

Traders Credit Union, 78 Devonshire, rm. 35. Joseph Navison, pres.; Edwin J. Dreyfus, treas.; William J. Stanton, corp. clerk

Training Schools for Nurses, Mass. General Hospital. Mass. Homœopathic Hospital, City Hospital, N. E. Hospital, 24 McLean and N. E. Deaconess Hospital

Travelers' Aid Society of Boston, South station, rm. 266, James A. Lowell, pres.: Rt. Rev. William Lawrence and Rabbi Harry Levi, honorary vice presidents: Howard Elliott, H. M. Biscoe and Samuel Carr, vice presidents; John L. Grandin. 45 Milk.rm 510, treas.; Ralph S. Thompson, ex. mgr.; Ralph S. Thompson, sec.

Tremont Temple Brotherhood, rm. 513, Edgar L. Rhodes, pres.: Thomas Mason, sec. Joseph L. Pearson, treas.: Rev. D. M. Lockrow, director

Trinity Church Home for the Aged, 135 South Huntington av., Rox.. Rev. Alexander Mann, pres.; Mrs. Percival H. Lombard, sec.; Mrs. Isaac R. Thomas, treas.; Annie E. Jarvis, supt.

Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia, Daniel D. Addison, pres.; Charles K. Bolton, vice pres. and sec. 10 Beacon: James M. Hunnewell, treas.

Trustees of Donations to the Prot, Episcopal Church, Geo. H. Richards, pres.; Paul M. Hubbard, 10 Post Office sq. rm. 117. treas.: Chas. G. Saunders, sec., 95 Milk

Tufts' College Dental School, 416 Huntington av., Hermon C. Bumpus, pres.; Arthur E. Mason, treas.: Frank E. Haskins, sec.. 416 Huntington av.

Tufts' College Medical School, 416 Huntington av., Hermon C. Bumpus, pres.; Arthur E. Mason, treas.; Frank E. Haskins, sec., 416 Huntington av

Twentieth Century Club, 3 Joy, George P. Morris, pres.: Edward H Chandler, sec.; O. M. Fisher treas.

Twentieth Century Pledge Signing Crusade, 101 Tremont, rm. 1102, J. B. Lewis, pres.

Union for a Progressive Constitution, 40 Court, rm. 304, Joseph Walker, chairman, Lawrence G. Brooks, sec. and treas.

Unitarian Club, George H. Ellis, pres.: Charles W. Birtwell, sec.. 30 State, rm. 701, Francis P. Sears, treas.: 77 Franklin, meets at Hotel Somerset on 2d Wednesday, October through April

Unitarian Historical Society, 30 State, Henry H. Edes, pres.; Rev. George H. Reed, sec., Fairhaven; Rev. Henry W. Foote, librarian

Unitarian Sunday School Society, 25 Beacon. Rev. William I. Lawrence, pres, and executive agt. G. R. Ferguson, treas.: Miss Frances M. Dadmun, clerk

Unitarian Temperance Society, 25 Beacon, Rev. Edgar S. Wiers, pres. Rev. Chester A. Drummond, sec., Somerville: Chas. H. Stearns, treas.

United Boys' Brigades of America, Mass. Div., Inc., 14 India square, Major Gen. Fred H. Nowers, div. com.: Brig. Gen. Willard H. Loud, adj.; Col. Fenton C. Fowler, quartermaster

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local 802, meets Wednesdays, 1176 River, H. P., James McNaught,

rec. sec.

United Garment Workers of America, 18 Boylston, rm. 6, Nathan Sidlofsky, sec. and bus. agt.

United Hebrews of America, 18 Boylston Moses Lewin, pres.: Louis Davis, sec.; Jacob Barger treas.

United Improvement Association of Boston, 6 Beacon, rm. 714, John E. Macy, pres.; Frank W. Merrick, treas.; John W. McCarthy, recorder; Wayland F. Dorothy, sec., 6 Beacon, rm. 714

United Irish League of America, Boston Central Branch, Dr. Henry V. McLaughlin, Boston, pres.; Denis O. Reilly, treas.

United National Association of Post Office Clerks, see Boston Post Office Clerks' Assn.

United Shoe Workers of America. 683 Atlantic av.. rm. 74. Stephen M. Walsh, sec. and treas.; John R. Oldham. gen. organizer

United Society of Christian Endeavor, 31 Mt. Vernon, Rev. F. E. Clark, D.D., pres.; William Shaw, sec.: A. J. Shartle, treas.

Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society, 246 Huntington av., meetings Sunday evenings. James Hitchcock, director: Mrs. G. E. Thompson, treas.: Miss Helen F. Morton, recorder. International Headquarters, Point Loma, Cal.

Universalist Club of Boston, R. Perry Bush, D.D., pres.; Roscoe Pierce, treas.: Alvar W. Polk, sec., 359 Boyiston Universalist General Convention, Lee S. McCollester, D.D. pres. Tufts College: Rev. W. H. Skeels sec., Watertown, N. Y.; Joseph B. Horton, treas.. 6 Park sq.

Universalist Historical Society, 359 Boylston, Hosea S. Ballou, pres.; Llewellyn D. Seaver, treas.; Rev. Clarence R. Skinner, sec.. Tufts College, Mass.

Universalist Sabbath School Union, 359 Boylston, W. F. Smallman, pres.; David L. Rand, treas.; Carl F. Elsner, sec, and treas., 359 Boylston

Upholsterers Union Local 53, 30 Hanover, Edwin E. Graves, bus. agent

Vermont Association of Boston, Carroll W. Doten, pres.: Clayton B. Kinsley, treas.; Arthur W. DeGoosh, sec.. 73 Tremont, rm. 1149

Veteran Odd Fellows Association of Mass. Frank A. Noyes, chief veteran, Arlington Heights, William C. Collett, treas., Boston; Albert H. Lamson, sec., 294 Wash, rm. 948 Victorian Club, F. R. Carnegie, Steele pres., 131 State; P. K. Mohun, sec., 89 State

Vincent Memorial Hospital, 125 S. Huntington av., Rox., George H. Davenport, pres.: Charles H. Parker, treas.; Rev. Reuben Kidner, sec.; Miss Jean C. Fraser, supt. Vocation Bureau, 6 Beacon, rm. 311, Dept. of Education at Harvard University, directors; Frederick J. Allen, investigator of occupations

Volunteers Children's Home, Inc., 42 Sea View av.. Malden; Ballington Booth, pres.; Fred Lindsay, vice-pres.; Mrs. Alfred F. Handicott, treas.; Wilson Reinert, supt. Volunteers of America, 63 Warrenton and 39 Howard, Col. Frederick A. Lindsay.

Waiters' Union (public) 80 Portland, James E. O'Brien, bus, agent

Waiters' Union, Local 80, see Hotel and Restaurant Employces

Waitresses' Union, Local 112, 1160 Washington, meets second Thursday and fourth Sunday, Mary A. Taber. pres.; Bessie C. Irving fin. sec. and business agent Washingtonian Home, 41 Waltham, Hugh B. Gray, supt. and physician: George H. Tinkham, pres.; Henry W. Hart, treas.; George B. Stebbins, clerk, 41 Waltham Watch and Ward Society, see N. E. Watch and Ward Society Wayfarers' Lodge, 30 Hawkins

Welcome House 9 Florence and Industrial Home, 26 Bowdoin av., Dor., Mrs. H. S. Howe, pres.; Miss A. M. Sturgis, treas.; Mrs. Robert Homans, sec., Quincy; Abbie C. Hitchcock, supt., 9 Florence; Altie F. Gales, matron. 26 Bowdcin av., Dor.

Wells Memorial Institute, 985 Washington, Edmund Billings, pres; Philip W. Wrenn, treas.; Wm. C. Ewing, supt. Wentworth Institute, Huntington av. cor Ruggles, Arthur L. Williston, prin.

West End House, 45 Chambers, Mitchel Freiman, director. 18 Tremont rm 415

West End Rescue Mission Inc., 42 Green, Dan'l A. MacKay, pres.: Mildred M. Cook, sec.; Clarence S. Farnum, treas.: Clive F. Dorman, vice pres.

West End Young Men's Hebrew Association, 47 Mt. Vernon, Henry H. Levenson, pres.; David H. Woronoff, sec.: Abraham Steinberg, treas.

West Roxbury Citizens' Assn., meets fourth Tuesday in Highland Club Hall, Arthur W. Joslin, pres.; Otto Kramer, treas.; William G. Dolloff, sec., 39 Lassell, W. Rox. Widows' Society, Miss A. T. Reynolds, pres.: Henry S. Hunnewell, treas., 87 Milk: Mrs. C. C. Simmons, asst. treas.; Mrs. W. C. Loring, sec., 2 Gloucester

Winchester Home for Aged Women and Charlestown, 10 Eden, Chsn., Walter S. Glidden, pres.; Leslie Langill, sec., 63 Pearl, Chsn.; William P. Hart, treas.

Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Soc., 703 Ford bldg., Mrs. Helen B. Montgomery, pres.; Miss Nellie G. Prescott. Miss Helen K. Hunt, foreign secs.; Miss Alice E. Stedman, treas.

Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society. New England Branch, 615 Ford bldg., Mrs. Smith T. Ford, pres.; Mrs. Katherine S. Westfall, cor. sec.: Mrs. John Nuveen, treas.: Miss May Huston, dist. sec., for New England, Miss Gertrude L. Davis, clerk

Woman's Auxiliary to N. E. Baptist Hospital, Parker Hil av., Rox., Mrs. C. N. Walsh, pres.; Mrs. Margaret Ti Blanchard, treas.; Mrs. William Colton, sec., Forest av.


Woman's Auxiliary to the British Charitable Society, Mrs. Frederick Clark, pres.: Mrs. John W. Smith, treas.: Mrs. George R. Shelley, sec.. 25 Alberta, W. Rox.

Woman's Board of Missions. 14 Beacon, rm. 508, Mrs. C. H. Daniers, pres.; Miss S. Louise Day, treas.; Miss Helen B. Calder, home sec.; Miss Kate G. Lamson, foreign sec. Miss Alice M. Kyle, editorial sec.; Miss Mary Preston, sec. young people's work; Miss S. Emma Keight, asst. treas. Woman's Board of Trade. 120 Boylston, rm. 323,

pres.: Mrs. Ella DesRochers, vice pres.; Miss Lucy Nichols, treas.; Miss Ellen Laffee. rec. sec.

Woman's Club of Park Street Church. See Mass. State Federation of Women's Clubs

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Church (N E. Branch), 581 Boylston, rm. 46. Mrs. John Legg, pres.: Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, treas.; Miss F. L. Nichols, sec.: Miss F. Addie Farnham, agent

Woman's Home and Foreign Mission Society of the Advent Christian Denomination, 5 Whiting, Rox., Mrs. Maude M. Chadsey, pres. and treas.; Mrs Nellie E. Fellows, clerk Woman's Home Missionary Association, 14 Beacon, rm. 607. Mrs. Cornelius H. Patton, pres. Miss Louise K. Noyes, sec.; Mrs. Amos Lawrence Hatheway, treas.; Miss Leora M. Taft, asst. treas.

Woman's Home Missionary Society, 581 Boylston, rm. 47. Mrs. E. B. Davis, pres.; Mrs. D. F. Barber, treas.; Mrs. J. F. Hodge, rec. sec.; Mrs. G. E. Parkes, cor. sec., 9 Mt. Vernon av., Melrose

Woman's, Seaman's Friend Society, 14 Beacon, rm. 601, Mrs. H. D. Heathfield, pres.: Mrs. Henry C. Delano. clerk; Miss S. E. Withington, cor. sec., Mrs. Joseph C. White, treas.

Woman's Universalist Missionary Soc. of Mass., 359 Boylston, Mrs. Edwin A. Hunt, pres.; Worcester: Mrs. John C. E. Restall, cor. sec., 51 Fremont av., Chelsea: Mrs. Lizzie M. Nelson, treas.. 18 Haviland

Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of Mass., 687 Boyiston. rm. 615, Mrs. Stephen S. FitzGerald, pres.; Mrs. James M. Codman, treas., Walnut st.. Brookline: Mrs. Randolph Frothingham, rec. sec.; Mrs. A. H. Parker, cor. вес.

Women's Auxiliary of the Mass. Civil Service Reform Assn., 50 Beacon, Mrs. Richard C. Cabot, pres.: Mrs. Charles Jackson, treas.: Miss Marian C. Nichols, sec.

Women's Catholic Union of Charlestown. 289 Bunker Hill, Ella F. Magurn, pres.. Mrs. R. F. Geswell, vice pres.: Mary J. Riley, rec. sec.; Mabel A. White, fin sec.: Bridget E. Mullen, treas.; meets second Monday evenings


Women's Educational and Industrial Union, 264 Boylston, Mrs. Mary Morton Kehew, acting pres.; Mrs. Helen Peirce, treas.: Miss Helen N. Henry, sec., 264 Boylston Women's Municipal League of Boston, 25 Huntington av., rm. 228. Mrs. T. J. Bowlker, pres.; Robert S. Bradley, treas.; Mrs. Jasper Whiting, sec.; Grace B. Day, asst. sec.-treas.

Women's National Missionary Association of the Universalist Church, 359 Boylston, Mrs. Marietta B. Wilkins, pres.. 52 Essex st., Salem: Mrs. Emma L. Bush, treas., Chelsea: Mrs. Ethel M. Allen, rec. sec., Columbus, Ohio: Mrs. Marion W. Lobdell, cor. sec., Middleport. N. Y. Women's Patriotic League of Massachusetts, 6 Beacon, rm. 217. Mrs. John Johnson, chairman, Hotel Vendome; Mrs. Joseph Lee, acting chairman, 96 Mt. Vernon

World Peace Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon, Edwin Ginn, founder: Arthur W. Allen, treas.; Edward Cummings,

gen. sec.

World's Christian Endeavor Union, 31 Mt. Vernon, Rev. Francis E. Clark, pres.: John Willis Baer, sec.: William Shaw, office sec. and treas.

Yacht Masters' and Engineers' Association, Lawley's Ship Yard, Nep., Edw. Colbeth, pres.; F. F. Tabeling, vice pres.; Edward Holm, treas.; Charles A. Peterson, sec.. 68 Shepton, Dor.

Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston, 41 E. Newton, James J. Mahar, pres. Rev. Michael Jessup. S. J., treas.; Joseph H. Farren, sec.

Young Men's Christian Assn., see Boston Y. M. C. A.. also Hyde Park Y. M. C. A.

Young Men's Hebrew Association, 581 Warren st., Rox., Marcus Livingstone, pres.; Samuel S. Rosenthal, sec.: Benjamin A. Miller, rec. sec.: Philip A. Birnbach, fin.


Young Men's Republican Club of Dorchester, 584 Columbia rd., Dor., Alpheus Sanford, pres.: J. W. Harris Wright, treas.: P. I. Minard, fin. sec.: James A. Hoye, sec.

Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church, 359 Boylston. Rev. Hal T. Kearns, pres., Melrose, Mass. Carl F. Elsner, sec.-treas.. 359 Boylston

Young People's Religious Union, 25 Beacon, rm. 11, Rev. Frederick M. Eliot, pres.: O. Arthur McMurdie, treas.; Rev. Nelson J. Springer, sec.

Young Women's Christian Association, see Boston Young Women's Christian Association


Masonic Temple, Tremont, cor. Boylston

Grand Master, Leon M. Abbott, Brookline
Deputy Grand Master, Myron L. Keith. Brockton
Senior Grand Warden, William L. Johnson, Uxbridge
Junior Grand Warden, Edmund S. Young. Boston
Grand Treasurer. Charles H. Ramsay, Weymouth
Grand Secretary. Frederick W. Hamilton, Cambridge
Dist. Deputy Grand Masters. Robert M. Green, Boston.
Dist. No. 1: Herbert M. Chase, Cambridge, Dist. No. 2;
James S. Harrower, Chelsea. No. 3

Grand Chaplains, Rev. Edward A. Horton, Boston: Rev.
R. Perry Bush, D.D., Chelsea: Rev. Francis L. Beal,
D.D., Cambridge: Rt. Rev. Edwin H. Hughes, D.D.,

Grand Lecturers, Frederick L. Putnam, Melrose; Edwin L.
Davis, Chicopee Falls

Grand Tyler. George W. Chester. Boston
Meetings, second Wednesday in December, March, June,
September and St. John's day in December

Aberdour. Masonic Temple, 2d Tuesday
Columbian, Masonic Temple, 1st Thursday
Euclid, Masonic Temple. 2d Thursday
Germania, Masonic Temple, 4th Monday
Joseph Warren, Masonic Temple, 4th Tuesday
Joseph Webb, Masonic Temple, ist Wednesday
Lodge of Eleusis. Masonic Temple, 3d Thursday
Lodge of St. Andrew's. Masonic Temple, 2d Thursday
Massachusetts, Masonic Temple, 3d Monday
Mount Lebanon, Masonic Temple, 2d Monday
Revere. Masonic Temple, 1st Tuesday
St John's, Masonic Temple, 1st Monday
Shawmut, Masonic Temple, 4th Thursday
Winslow Lewis, Masonic Temple, 2d Friday
Zetland. Masonic Temple, 2d Wednesday
Adelphi. 8. B., 3d Tuesday

Algonquin, 618 Wash., Dor., 1st Monday

Baalbec, E. B., 1st Tuesday

Bethesda, Warren bldg., Brighton, 1st Tuesday

Dorchester. Masonic Hall, 584 Columbia rd., Dor., 1st


Eliot. Masonic Hall, J. P., 3d Wednesday

Faith. Thompson sq., Charlestown, 1st Friday

Gate of the Temple, South Boston, 4th Tuesday

Hammatt East Boston, 4th Tuesday

Henry Price, Thompson square. Chsn., 4th Wednesday Hyde Park, Masonic Tenple, 45 Fairmount av., H. P., 3d


Lafayette. 171 Warren, Rox., 2d Monday

Mt.Tabor. E. B.. 3d Thursday

Prospect. 27 Poplar, Roslindale, 2d Monday

Rabboni. 584 Columbia rd.. Dor., 3d Thursday

St. Paul's, S. B.. 1st Tuesday


Temple, E. B., 1st Thursday
Union, Masonic Hall, 584 Columbia rd., Dor., 2d Tuesday
Washington, 171 Warren, Rox., 2d Thursday


M. W., Leon M. Abbott, chairman; M. W., J. Albert Blake, relief commissioner; R. W., Samuel Hauser, supt. employment dept.; R. W., Edmund S. Young, clerk

209 Masonic Temple

Grand High Priest, Arthur D. Prince, Lowell
Deputy Grand High Priest, Olin D. Dickerman, Abington
Grand King. Dean K. Webster. Lawrence

Grand Scribe, Robert W. Oliver, Charlestown
Grand Treasurer. Eugene A. Holton, Boston

Grand Secretary, Frederick T. Comee, 209 Masonic Temple
Meetings Tuesday preceding second Wednesday in March.

June, September and December

St. Andrew's Chatper, 1st Wednesday
St. Paul's Chapter, 3d Tuesday

St.John's Chapter, Masonic Temple. E. B., 4th Monday
St. Matthew's Chapter, 409 W. Broadway. S. B., 2d Monday
Mt. Vernon Chapter, 171 Warren, Rox.. 3d Thursday
Chapter of the Signet, Thompson sq, Chsn., 2d Thursday
Dorchester Chapter, 584 Columbia rd., Dor., 4th Monday
Norfolk Chapter, Masonic Temple, 45 Fairmount av.. Hyde
Park, 2d Thursday

[blocks in formation]

Grand Commander, William H. Emerson
Deputy Grand Commander, William J. Bolton
Grand Generalissimo, Everett C. Benton
Grand Capt. General, Harry G. Pollard
Grand Senior Warden, Henry C. Dexter
Grand Junior Warden, James S. Blake
Grand Prelate, Rev. R. Perry Bush

Assoc. Grand Prelate, Rev. Francis W. Gibbs

Grand Treasurer, E. Bentley Young

Grand Recorder, Benjamin W. Rowell, 206 Masonic Temple

Grand Standard Bearer, Charles R. Hunt

Grand Sword Bearer. Asa C. Jewett

Grand Warder, Albert Manley

Grand Capt. of the Guard, Clarence M. Dunbar

Grand Sentinel, William E. Wilcox

Meetings May and October

Boston Commandery, 3d Wednesday

DeMolay Commandery, 4th Wednesday

St. Bernard Commandery. 2d Wednesday

Joseph Warren Commandery, Masonic Hall, 171 Warren,

Rox., 1st Monday

Wm. Parkman Commandery. Masonic Temple, E. B., 2d Thursday

St. Omer Commandery, 584 Columbia rd., Dor., 3d Monday Cœur DeLion Commandery. Thompson sq., Chsn., 3d Tuesday

Cyprus Commandery. Masonic Temple. 45 Fairmount av.. Hyde Park, 4th Thursday


Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection, 1st Friday in Oct.. Dec., Feb. and April, Melvin M. Johnson. T. P. G. Master. B. W. Rowell, sec.

Giles F. Yates Council of Princes of Jerusalem, 2d Friday in Oct., Dec., Feb. and April. Harrie E. Stilphen. M. E. S. P. G. Master. Benjamin W. Rowell, Sec.

Mt.Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix, 3d Friday in October, December. February and April. Frank E. Buxton, M. W. and P. Master. Benj. W. Rowell, Sec.

Massachusetts Consistory. 4th Friday in October, December, February and April. Joseph A. Bryant, Com.-inChief. Benj. W. Bowell, Sec.

Ancient Accepted Association, Joseph A. Bryant, Pres. B. W. Rowell, Sec.

The above Grand bodies meet at Masonic Temple


Benjamin W. Rowell, Imperial Recorder, 206 Masonic
Aleppo Temple. Boston, Walter W. Morrison, Potentate,
59 Journal bldg. Benjamin W. Rowell, Recorder


Robert M. Green, Pres. Samuel H. Spring, Sec.



Next Meeting of Grand Chapter in Boston, 2d Thursday in May, 1918

Grand Matron, Mrs. Louize G. Crafts, Northampton Grand Patron, Charles W. Kidder. North Easton Associate Grand Matron, Mrs. Maude E. Wright. Dorchester

Associate Grand Patron, Dr. Eugene L. Sheldon, Easthampton

Grand Secretary, Mrs. Carrie A. Cushing, 82 Bromfield rd., W. Somerville

Grand Treasurer, Mrs. Lucy G. B. Colby. Newburyport Grand Conductress, Mrs. Emily Eldredge, Melrose

Asso. Grand Conductress, Mrs. Lillian G. Walch, Winthrop


No. 10. Vesta Chapter, meets 2d and 4th Wednesdays, Memorial Hall, 14 Green, Charlestown. Mrs. Katherine E. Witham, sec., 63 Highland av., Cambridge

No. 18. Keystone Chapter, 2d Tuesday at Masonic Temple, Roxbury. Mrs. Flora S. Mathewson, sec., 826 Washington, S. Braintree

No. 34. Mystic Chapter, 1st and 3d Monday, Masonic Temple, E. B. Miss J. Annie Taylor, sec., 288 Meridian, E. B.

No. 53. Blue Hill Chapter, 1st Tuesday of each month, Masonic Temple, 45 Fairmount av., Hyde Park. Mrs Eva F. Drake, sec., 110 Harvard, Dedham

No. 56. Roxbury Chapter, Eastern Star Associates Hall, Rox.: 1st and 3d Thursday. Mrs. Mary P. Rox, sec., 10 Rockville pk., Rox.

No. 59. Wenona Chapter, Wenona Hall, Dor., 2d and 4th Saturday. Mrs. Lilie D. W. Eddy, sec., 54 Magnolia, Dor.

No. 62. Reliance Chapter, 1st and 3d Wednesdays, Bethesda Hall, S. B. Mrs. Nettie V. McBride, 264 W. Fifth st. No. 68. Boston, 2d and 4th Thursdays, Eastern Star Associates Hall, Rox. Mrs. Nellie F. Jones, sec., 367 West Fourth, S. B.

No. 74. Commonwealth Chapter, Huntington Chambers, 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Miss Elizabeth W. Waldron, sec.. 21 Heath, Winter Hill

No. 84. Star of the East, 670 Centre, J. P., 2d and 4th Thursdays. Mrs. Priscilla E. Wilson, sec., 24 Linden road, Melrose

No. 93. Evangeline Chapter. 4th Monday, Masonic. Brighton. Mrs. Helen W. Davis, sec., 25 Stratton, Brighton

No. 104. Roslindale, Fraternity Hall, Roslindale. 1st Wednesday. Mrs. Annie L. Masters, sec., 3 Rosemere ct., Ros.

No. 111. Germania, 1165 Tremont, 3d Monday. Mrs. Wilhelmina Demuth, sec., 87 Sheridan, J. P.

No. 113. Hadassah. 584 Columbia rd.. Dor. 2d and 4th Wednesdays. Mrs. Mary D. Carlton, sec., 199 E. Cottage, Dor.

No. 124. Sabbatia, Lithgow Hall, Codman sq., Dor., 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Mrs. Clarissa M. Urquhart, sec., 21 Sea Gull rd., Quincy



Grand Commander, Sanuel W. Washington

Grand Treasurer, William H. Lyons

Grand Recorder, Frederic Monroe

Lewis Hayden Commandery of Knights Templars, No. 4, 4th Tuesday


Grand Master, Samuel W. Washington
Grand Treasurer, John O'Brien

Grand Recorder, James H. Finch

Holy Sepulchre Consistory. No. 17, Scottish Rite, 4th Friday in December, March, June and September

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, 515 Tremont, cor. Berkeley Grand Lodge meets annually, 1st Thursday in September Grand Encampment meets annually, first Thursday in March


Grand Master, Lavater W. Powers, Waltham
Deputy Grand Master, Samuel K. Walker, West Lynn
Grand Warden, George L. Dolloff, Dorchester
Grand Secretary, George H. Fuller, Boston
Asst. Grand Secretary, Rhotire S. Lovell, Boston
Grand Sec. Emeritus, John U. Perkins, Chelsea
Grand Treasurer, Alfred S. Pinkerton, Worcester
Grand Marshal, Herschel A. Bacon, Waltham
Grand Conductor, Charles J. Shepard, Waltham
Grand Guardian, John N. Kelley, Lynn
Grand Chaplain, Frank G. Potter, Waltham
Grand Herald, Thomas G. Derry, Boston
Grand Instructor, William M. Webber, Boston

[blocks in formation]
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No. 148. Forest Lodge, Tuesday, 37 Fairmount av.


Grand Patriach, Frederick W. Pierce, Somerville
Grand High Priest, George S. Wadsworth, Lawrence
Grand Senior Warden, Charles W. Fewkes, Newton Hlds.
Grand Scribe Emeritus, John U. Perkins, Chelsea
Grand Scribe, George H. Fuller, Boston
Grand Treasurer, Walter F. Johnson, Boston
Grand Junior Warden, Herbert A. Holland. Springfield
Grand Instructor, George H. Hartley, Malden

Asst. Grand Instructor, Oscar A. Marden, Stoughton
Asst. Grand Instructor, Frank Bartlett, Pittsfield

Asst. Grand Instructor, Herbert N. Kingsbury, Westfield
Asst. Grand Instructor, Sam Woods, Jr., Atlantic
Grand Marshal, Charles E. Nichols, Jr., Somerville
Grand Sentinel, Andrews S. Johnston

Deputy Grand Sentinel, Jesse G. Lent, Marblehead
Assistant Grand Scribe, Rhotire S. Lovell, Boston

Grand Representative, Herbert N. Kingsbury, Westfield
Grand Representative, Bert J. Whitmore, W. Womerville
Grand Representative, Albert W. Bullock, Waltham


No. 1. Massasoit Encampment, 1st and 3d Friday, 515 Tremont

No 2. Trimount Encampment, 2d and 4th Tuesday, Lithgow Ha'l, Codman sq., Dor.

No. 3. Ridgeley Encampment. 1st and 3d Monday, 163 Meridian, E. В.

No. 5. Bunker Hill Encampment, 1st and 3d Thursday, 25 Main, Chsn.

No. 6. Mt. Washington Encampment, 2d and 4th Thursday, 409 W. Broadway, S. B.

No. 12. Shalom Encampment, 1st and 3d Friday, 328 Washington, Dor.

No. 49. Mt.Sinai Encampment, 1st and 3d Wednesday. 515 Tremont

No. 54. Ellison Encampment, 2d and 4th Thursday, 41 River, Mat.

No. 57. Paul Revere Encampment, 1st and 3d Thursday, 1165 Tremont

No. 60. Monterey Encampment, 2d and 4th Friday, 37 Fairmount av., H. P.

No. 63. Nathaniel Adams Encampment, 2d and 4th Monday. 558 Columbia rd., Dor.

No. 65. Buckingham Encampment, 2d and 4th Wednesday, 515 Tremont

No. 74. Charles Hayden Encampment, 2d and 4th Friday. Woolsey Hall


Grand Canton Shawmut, No. 1, 1st Monday, 1165 Tremont
Annual meeting first Wednesday in May

Pres., Mrs. Alice M. Rand, Allston
Vice Pres., Mrs. Gertrude M. Reidell, Roslindale
Warden, Mrs. Elsie M. Barker, Watertown
Sec., Mrs. Sarah A. Barry, 9A Monument sq., Chsn.
Treas., Mrs. Cora B. Cutting. Roxbury
Marshal, Mrs. Estelle Adams, Dorchester
Conductress, Alexina L. W. Bowlby, Watertown
Chaplain. Mrs. Rosamund D. Dukeshire, Allston
I. G., Mrs. Grace Cartwright, Cambridge

O. G., Mrs. Sadie M. Wood, Quincy


No. 1. Mary Washington, 2d and 4th Monday, 1165 Tremont, Rox.

No. 8. Mystic, 2d and 4th Thursday, 25 Main, Chsn.

No. 27. Azar, 1st and 3d Thursday, 41 River, Dorchester

Lower Mills

No. 29. Brighton, 1st and 3d Thursday, 10 Franklin st., Allston

No. 34. Progressive, 1st and 3d Wednesday, 45 Fairmount av.. H. P.

No. 35. Crescent, 2d and 4th Tuesday, 328 Washington, Dor.

No. 36. Bernice, 2d and 4th Wednesday, 409 W. Broadway, S. B.

No. 72. Thusnelda, 2d and 4th Thursday, 515 Tremont No. 79. Justitia, 1st and 3d Thursday, 67 Warren, Rox. No. 92. Loyal, 1st and 3d Tuesday, 25 Main, Chsn.

No 101. Miriam, 2d and 4th Thursday, 618 Wash., Dor. No. 110. William Parkman, 1st and 3d Wednesday, Wool

sey Hall. Depot sq.. J. P.

No. 115. Harriet M. Durrell, 2d and 4th Wednesday, 27 Poplar, Roslindale

No. 125. Victor, 2d and 4th Friday, 558 Columbia rd., Dor.

No. 131. Star of the Zenith, 2d and 4th Tuesday, 163 Meridian, E. В.


MASS. DIST. GRAND LODGE, No. 26, 14 Kilby

Dist. Grand Master, C. S. Winter, Boston; Dist. Deputy Grand Master. Edward S. Davis, Cambridge; Dist. Grand Sec., J. Solomon Gaines, Boston: Dist. Grand Treas.. Andrew Gale, Brockton; Dist. Grand Director, G. Fred Seamon, Cambridge; Legislative Counsellor, Reginald Pyle; G. Henry Powell, Boston, D. G. P. C., 14 Kilby

No. 4. Boston Patriarchy, 31 North Russell, 3d Thursday in every month

No. 23. Past Grand Masters Council, 31 North Russell, 3d Monday

No. 814. Bay State Lodge, 456 Tremont, 2d and 4th Tuesday

No. 1384. Sumner Lodge, 31 North Russell. 1st and 3d Wednesday

No. 1622. Plymouth Rock Lodge, 31 North Russell, 1st and 3d Tuesday

No. 2418. Boston Lodge, 446 Tremont, 2d and 4th Tuesday

No. 8612. Massachusetts Lodge, 446 Tremont, 1st and 3d Monday

No. 8966. New England Lodge, 456 Tremont, 1st and 3d Mondays

DISTRICT NO. 5 GRANT HOUSEHOLD OF RUTH, 687 Shawmut av., Dist. Grand Most Noble Governor, Mrs. Annie Young: Dist. Grand Worthy Recorder, Mrs. Mary Donaldson: Dist. Grand Worthy Treas., Mrs. Susie Stevens, Cambridge

No. 66. Household of Ruth, 31 North Russell, 2d Wednesday

No. 131.

No. 2607.

No. 4585.

Household of Ruth, 446 Tremont, 2d Tuesday Household of Ruth, 446 Tremont

Household of Ruth, 456 Tremont, 2d Monday

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Past Provincial Grand Master, Richard March, Northampton

Meeting of Grand Lodge held at Boston, second Wednesday in May

Boston Lodge, Fisher Hall, 2307 Wash., Rox., 1st and 3d Wednesday

Franklin Lodge, 1095 Tremont, 1st and 3d Tuesday

Irving Lodge, 515 Tremont. 2d and 4th Friday

Jamaica Lodge, I. O. O. F. Hall, Woolsey sq., J. P., 2d and 4th Thursday

Metropolitan Lodge, Central Hall, Everett sq., H. P.. 2d and 4th Tuesday

National Lodge, Bethesda Hall, 409 W. Broadway, S. В.. 1st and 3d Tuesday

Paul Revere Lodge, 142 Meridian, E. B., 2d and 4th Mondays

Plymouth Rock Lodge, Deaconess Hall, 1651 Washington, 1st and 3d Wednesday

Rockett Lodge, Walcott Hall, 32 Central sq E. B., 2d, 4th and 5th Wednesday

United Lodge, Wenona Hall, Geneva av., cor. Bloomfield. Dor, 2d and 4th Tuesday


Grand Lodge office, 118 Hathaway, New Bedford, Mass. Prov. Grand Lady, Mrs. Dorothy B. Souther, Leominster. Mass. Prov. Deputy Grand Lady, Mrs. Mary Clarson. Leominster; Prov. Grand Treas., Mrs. Janette Cochrane, Lowell; Prov. Cor. Sec., Mrs. Mary Kay, New Bedford

No. 5. Brittania, meets 2d and 4th Tuesday, Ruggles Hall, Roxbury

No. 7. Martha Washington, meets 2d and 4th Tuesday. 163 Meridian, E. B.

No. 44. Bourne, meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays, 30 Linwood st.. H. P.

No. 45. Maple Leaf meets 1st and 3d Tuesday, Wenona Hall. Geneva av., Dor.

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