The rule which is most commonly made use of is this: RULE. Multiply the last remainder by the preceding divisor, or last but one, and to the product add the preceding remainder ; multiply this sum by the next preceding divisor, and to the product add the next preceding remainder ; and so on, till you have gone through all the divisors and remainders to the first. 2. Divide 7014596 by 728×9. 8)7014596 9)876824 4 97424 8 the quotient, 3. Divide 5130652 by 132. 4. Divide 83016572 by 240. 76 Ans. 38868 Ans. 3459024 62 III. To perform division more concisely than by the general rule. RULE.* Multiply the divisor by the quotient figures as before, and subtract each figure of the product as you produce it, always remembering to carry as many to the next figure as were borrowed before, EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 3104675846 by 833. 833)3104675846(37271018f the quotient. 6056 2257 5915 848 1546 713 2. Divide To explain this rule from the example, we may observe, that every unit of the first quotient may be looked upon as containing 9 of the units in the given dividend; consequently every unit, that remains, will contain the same ; therefore this remainder must be multiplied by 9, in order to find the units it contains of the given dividend. Again, every unit in the next quotient will contain 4 of the preceding ones, or 36 of the first, that is, 9 times 4 ; therefore what remains must be multiplied by 36; or, which is the same thing, by 9 and 4 continually. Now this is the same as the rule; for instead of finding the remainders separately, they are reduced from the bottom upward, step by step, to one another, and the remaining units of the same class taken in as they occur. * The reason of this rule is the same as that of the general rule. 1412 34 £ shilling for s I d denotes pounds shillings pence. is one farthing, or one quarter of any thing. TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains make I penny-weight, marked grs. dwt. 20 dwt. 12 oz. I ounce, ib or ib. By this weight are weighed jewels, gold, silver, corn, bread, and liquors. APOTHECARIES' ΑΡΟΤHECARIES' WEIGHT. 20 grains make I scruple, marked gr. fc. or 9. Apothecaries use this weight in compounding their medicines; but they buy and sell their drugs by Avoirdupois weight. Apothecaries' is the same as Troy weight, having only some different divisons. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams make I ounce, marked dr. oz. By this weight are weighed all things of a coarse or drossy nature: such as butter, cheese, flesh, grocery wares, and all metals, except gold and silver.* 7 lbs wool make I clove. I stone. ..... 2 stones NOTE. The diameter of a Winchester bushel is 18 inches, and its depth 8 inches. By this measure, falt, lead, ore, oysters, corn, and other dry goods are measured. NOTE. The ale gallon contains 282 cubic inches. In London the ale firkin contains 8 gallons, and the beer fir kin 9; other measures being in the same proportion. |