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3. There were nine books on a table in a thirdgrade room. (Look at picture C.) The children took six of them to their desks to read. How many were left on the table? (See picture D.)

4. 6 from 9 are how many?

5. Clara had five

doll dresses. She gave two of them to Sara. How many dresses did Clara have left?

6.2 from 5 are

how many?


7. Robert had 6 cents and spent 2 cents. How many cents did he have left?

8. Jack had 9 marbles in his pocket. Before going to school, he took 4 of his marbles out of his pocket and put them into a box at home. How many marbles were left in his pocket?

9. How many are left when you take 4 from 9? 10. How many are left when you take 3 from 6?

[blocks in formation]

We use the word subtract to mean "take away." When one number is taken from another number, we find how many are left by subtracting.

Read these examples and give the answers:

19. 1 subtracted from 9

[blocks in formation]

26. 8, take away 3. What is left?

27. 9 less 5

28. 3 subtracted from 5

29. Take 6 from 8

30. 2 from 9

31. 7 subtracted from 9




19. Finding How Many More Are Needed. WORK (CLASS WORK.) Look at the picture and then answer the questions.


1. How many boys do you see in the picture?

2. Fred has two apples. How many more must he get so that each boy in the picture may have one? 3. 2 and how many more are 5?

4. Jennie was on a vacation and wanted to send eight post cards to her friends. She bought the cards, but she had only three stamps. How many more stamps did she need?

5. 3 and how many more are 8?

6. Harold wanted to buy a top that cost seven cents. He had only four cents. How many more cents did he need?

7. 4 and how many more are 7?

8. 3 and how many more are 6?


9. 4 and how many more are 9?

10. 5 and how many more are 8?


11. To find how many more 8 is than 2, subtract 2 from 8. What is the answer?

12. To find out how many more 6 is than 4, subtract

4 from 6. What is the answer?

We subtract numbers when we have one number and want to find how many more we need to equal another number.

20. Finding Differences. (CLASS WORK.) Try to

answer all ten questions on this page and page 26.

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1. How many chickens are with Mrs. Black Top? 2. How many chickens are with Mrs. Lady Jane? 3. How many more chickens are with Mrs. Lady Jane than are with Mrs. Black Top?

4. 9 is how many more than 5?

5. Mary has 6 cents and her sister has 4 cents. How many more cents has Mary than her sister? 6. How many more is 6 than 4?

7. John made 5 runs in a ball game, and James made 3 runs. How many more runs did John make? 8. 5 is how many more than 3?

9. 8 is how many more than 2? The answer is 6. This question may be asked in another way, thus: What is the difference of 8 and 2? The difference, 6, is the answer.

"What is the difference?" means "How many more or less?" or "How much larger or smaller?"

10. What is the difference of 7 and 9?

When you subtract one number from another number, you find the difference of the numbers.

21. Review of Subtraction Ideas. (A SILENT READING LESSON.) You have learned that there are three uses of subtraction.

1. To find what is

9 marbles and lost 6.

These are:

left, as in the question: I had How many have I left?

2. To find how many more are needed, as in the problem: I have 6 cents and need 9. How many more cents do I need?

3. To find the difference of two numbers, as in the

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