House of Detention Amelia B. White, Chief Matron: Ida E. Hall, Asst. Chief Matron Police Divisions FIRST DIV. No. 209 Hanover street. Captain, Mathew J. Daily. Lieuts., Joseph F. Hurley. Martin H. King SECOND DIV. No. 21 Court square. Captain, James P. Sullivan. Lieuts., William J. Hyland, Jeremiah N. Mosher THIRD DIV. Joy street. Captain, Richard Fitzgerald. Lieuts., James McDevitt, James P. Smith FOURTH DIV. No. 56 LaGrange street. Captain, James FIFTH DIV.-21 East Dedham street. Captain, John E. Cap Capt. EIGHTH DIV. Commercial cor. Battery street. NINTH DIV. Mt Pleasant av. cor. Dudley st., Roxbury. TENTH DIV-1170 Columbus av., Roxbury. Captain, Jeremiah F. Gallivan. Lieuts., George H. Guard, William J. Hennessy ELEVENTH Div. Adams, cor. Arcadia st., Dorchester. Captain, Charles T. Reardon. Lieuts., Thomas Keane, Wesley W. Chandler TWELFTH DIv.-East Fourth street, near K. South Boston. Capt., John J. Rooney. Lieuts., John A. O'Rourke, Daniel F. Eagan THIRTEENTH Div. Seaverns avenue, Jamaica Plain. Captain, Joseph Harriman. Lieuts., Herman B. Bodenschatz, John W. Riordan. Sub-station at Franklin Park FOURTEENTH Drv. Washington, opp. Winship, Brighton. Captain, Forrest F. Hall. Lieuts., James E. Sargent. Frederick J. Smith FIFTEENTH Drv. City sq., Chan. Capt., Michael J. Goff. Lieuts.. Charles B. McCloskey, John E. Hughes SIXTEENTH Div. Boylston, cor. Hereford st. Captain, Thomas F. Goode, jr. Lieuts., Francis J. Mulligan, Perley S. Skillings SEVENTEENTH DIV. No. 1891 Centre st., West Roxbury. Captain, Clinton E. Bowley. Lieuts., Henry Hazlett. Patrick J. O'Neil EIGHTEENTH DIV.-1243 Hyde Park av., Hyde Park. Captain, Robert E. Grant. Lieuts., Edward J. Welsh, Edward H. Mullen NINETEENTH Div.-880 Morton, Dorchester. Captain. James J. Walkins. Lieuts., Perley C. Kneeland, Alpheus W. Parker Salaries Captain, $3.000 per annum: lieutenants and inspectors, $2,000 per annum: sergeants, $1,750 per annum; patrolmen, first year's service, $1,000: second year's, $1,100: third year's, $1,200; fourth year's. $1,300: fifth and successive years, $1,400; reserve men, $900 per annum Printing Department Office, 251 Causeway Supt. of Printing. William J. Casey: salary, $4,000, term expires 1918 Public Buildings Department 802 City Hall annex Fred J. Kneeland, Supt., salary, $3.600, term expires 1920. Frederick C. Ward, chief clerk, salary, $2,500 Public Works Department Combining Bridge and Ferry Division, Highway Division, Sewer and Water Division. Edward F. Murphy, commissioner, salary, $9,000: term ends in 1919. Bernard C. Kelley, chief clerk, salary, $3.000. Bridge and Ferry Division, room 602. John E. Carty, division engineer, salary, $5,000. S. E. Tinkham, engineer of construction, salary, $3.000. L. B. Reilly, designing engineer, salary. $3.000. Thomas H. Sexton, supervisor of bridges, salary, $3,000. John F. Sullivan, general foreman of ferries, salary $2,400. Highway Division, room 501. James H. Sullivan, division engineer, salary $5.000. Joshua Atwood 3d. chief engineer paving service, salary $3,000. Benjamin F. Bates, asst. engineer paving service, salary $2.500. Joseph J. Norton, supervisor of sanitary, salary $3,500. Thomas F. Bowes, engineer in charge of sewer service, salary $3.500. Edgar S. Dorr, office engineer, sewer service, salary $2.500. William P. Willard, engineer of special work, sewer service, salary $2.500. Christopher J. Carven, engineer in charge of water service, salary $3,500. Robert W. Wilson, supt. income branch, water service, salary $3.000. George H. Finneran, general foreman, water service, salary $2.800. All routine correspondence, including complaints, should be addressed to room 506 Registry Department 103 City Hall annex Edward W. McGlenen, City Registrar, salary, $4,000 term expires 1918: John J. Browne, asst. registrar, salary $2,000: John M. Ludden, asst. registrar, salary $1.700. The City Registrar keeps the records of the Births, Deaths and Marriages and grants License for Marriage SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Members of the School Committee are elected annually at the City election, by the voters at large, including such women as may qualify for that purpose. Vacancies in the School Committee are filled for the remainder of the municipal year in a convention of the School Committee and the City Council. Regular meetings of the School Committee are held on the evenings of the first and third Thursday in each month, except in July and August. Office, Mason street, near West street. Open from 9 o'clock A.Μ. till 5 o'clock P.M., on Saturdays, from 9 o'clock A.M. till 1 o'clock P.M. School Committee, 1918 No Salary Term expires February, 1919-Frances G. Curtis Terms expire February, 1920-Michael H. Sullivan, Henry Abrahams Terms expire February, 1921-Richard J. Lane, Michael H. Corcoran Officials of the School Committee 14 Mason Joseph Lee, chairman: Thornton D. Apollonio, secre tary, salary $4,740: Franklin B. Dyer, Superintendent: salary $10,000. William T. Keough. Business Agent, 801 City Hall annex, salary $4,740. Mark B. Mulvey, Schoolhouse Custodian, 801 City Hall annex, salary, $3,000 These offices are open daily, except Saturdays, from 9 o'clock A.M. until 5 o'clock P.M. On Saturdays the offices close at 1 o'clock P.M., and during July and August at 12 o'clock M. Superintendent of Schools 14 Mason Franklin B. Dyer, Supt. George S. Burgess, Secretary to Supt.. salary, $3.180. Office hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 to 4 P.M. Fridays, 3 to 5 P.M., and 1st and 3d Saturdays each month, 10.30 л.м. to 12 м. Office hours confined to school weeks Assistant Superintendents 14 Mason Jeremiah F. Burke, office hours Thursdays, 4 to 5 P.M.. Tuesdays, 12 to 1 P.M.: Augustine L. Rafter, office hours Thursdays, 4 to 5 P.M., Tuesdays, 12 to 1 P.M.: Frank V. Thompson, office hours Mondays, 4 to 5 P.M., Thursdays 12 to 1 P.M.; Mary C. Mellyn, office hours. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4 to 5 P.M.; Frank W. Ballou, office hours Wednesdays, 4 to 5 P.M.; Fridays, 12 to 1 P.M., salary $5,496 each. Regular meetings of board on Fridays, except during July and August at 9 AM. Boston Disciplinary Day School, Way st. Boston Industrial School for Boys, 570 Parker near Ruggles, Rox. Horace Mann School for the Deaf, 178 Newbury st. Lowell School Annex, Mozart st., J. P. Lyceum Hall, Meeting House Hill, Dor. Old Thornton-st., Rox. Parkman, Broadway. S. B. Prescott School Annex, Elm st., Chsn. Trade School for Girls, 616-620 Massachusetts av. Amos Webster, Hilton st., Elihu Greenwood, Metro H. P. *Andrews, Genesee st. Asa Gray, Weston st., Rox. Atherton, 185 Columbia rd. "Auburn, Waverly st., Br. *B. F. Tweed, Cambridge st. Bailey st., Bailey st., near Dorchester av., Dor. Baldwin, Chardon et. Benedict Fenwick. Magnolia st., Dor. *Benjamin Cushing, Robinson, Dor. Benjamin Dean, H st. cor. E. Sixth, S. B. *Benjamin Pope, O st., cor. E. Fifth. S. В. Bennett, Chestnut Hill av., Bennett Branch Dighton st. cor. Bourne, Ros. Capen, I st., cor. E. Sixth, S. B. Chapman, Eutaw st., E. B. Charles Bulfinch, Parker st. and Fisher av. Charles C. Perkins, 139 St. Botolph st. Charles E. Daniels, Mead st.. Chsn. Charles Sumner, Ashland street, Ros. Chestnut av., Chestnut av., J. P. *Choate Burnham E. Third near I st., S. B. Christopher Columbus, Tileston near Hanover Christopher Gibson head of Morse, Dor. Clinch, F st., c. W. Seventh, S. B. Comins. Tremont, cor. Terrace st. Commodore Barry, Sumner cor. Lamson. E. B. Copley, Bartlett st., Chan. *Cottage-place, Columbus av., cor. Cottage pl. "Cudworth, Gove st., E. B. *Cushman, Parmenter st. *Cyrus Alger, W. Seventh st., near C. S. B. Damon, Readville st., H. P. Dearborn, Ambrose, corner Orchard Park Dillaway, 6 Kenilworth st., Rox. Dorchester av., cor. Gibson Drake, C st., cor. W. Third st., S. B. politan av., H. P. Eliot, North Bennet street Elizabeth Peabody, Poplar street *Ellen H. Richards, Beaumont st.. Dor. Ellis Mendell, School st., J. P. Emerson, Prescott st., E. B. Everett, 232 Northampton street Fairmount, Williams av., cor. Summit, H. P. *Farragut, Fenwood rd., Rox. *Florence Nightingale, 512 West Park st.. Dor. *Florence st., Florence st., Ros. Frances E. Willard, Rutland street *Francis Parkman, Walk *Frederic A. Whitney, Web- Gaston, E. Fifth, cor. L st.. S. B. *George Bancroft, Appleton n. Dartmouth George Frisbie Hoar, West Fifth between C and D sts., S. B. George Putnam, Columbus av., n. Weld av., Rox. George T. Angell, Hunneman, c. Harrison av., Rox. Germantown, Wash. and Grove, W. R. Gilbert Stuart, Richmond street, Dor. Glenway, Glenway, n. Blue Hill av. annex, Glenway st., Dor. Grant, Phillips st. n. Garden Hancock, Parmenter street Harbor View, cor. Dorches Elementary Schools-CONTINUED (*Schools having Kindergarten classes) *Hobart st., Faneuil, Br. Howard av., cor. Harlow, Dor. Hugh O'Brien, Dudley, cor. Langdon *Hull, Quincy st., Rox. *Hyde. Hammond street *Ira Allen, Parker n. Ruggles sts., Rox. Jacob Foss, Adams, corner Chestnut, Chan. *James A. McDonald, Polk st., Chsn. *James Otis, cor. Paris, Morris and Marion sts., E. B. Jefferson, Heath st.. Rox. John A. Andrew, Dorchester st. near Andrew sq., S. B. John Boyle O'Reilly, 347 Dorchester, S. B. John Cheverus, Moore, cor. Chaucer, E. В. John D. Philbrick, Folsom st., Ros. *John G. Whittier, Southern av., Dor. John J. Williams, Groton st. Lewis, Paulding, cor. Wal- Hewlett sts., Ros. *Louisa May Alcott. West Concord st. Lowell, 310 Centre st., J. P. *Lucretia Crocker, Parker st., near Centre, Rox *Margaret Fuller, Glen rd. J. P. *Marshall, 39 Westville st., Dor. Martha A. Baker, Walk Hill, Mat. Martin, Huntington av. cor. Werthington st., Rox. Mary Hemenway. Adams, cor. King, Dor. Mary L. Brock, Chiswick rd., cor. Chestnut Hill av., Br. Mary Lyon, Hester and Turner sts.. Br. Mather, Meeting House Hill. Dor. *Mayhew. Chambers st. Minot, Neponset av.. Nep. Mt Pleasant av., MtPleasant av., near Blue Hill av., Rox. *MtVernon st., MtVernon. near Centre, W. R. *Mozart, Beech st., Ros. *Nahum Chapin, Common st., Chsn. Nathan Hale, Cedar st., Rox. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Howard av. and Harlow st. *Noble, Princeton st., E. B. Norcross, D. cor. W. Fifth street, S. B. Oak sq., Tremont, cor. Nonantum, Br. *Old Agassiz, Burroughs st., J. P. Old Dearborn, Dearborn pl. Rox. Old Edward Everett, Willis st., Dor. Old Gibson. Thane and Athelwold, Dor. *Old Mather, Meeting House Hill, Dor. Oliver Hazard Perry, East 7th, near O st., S. B. 21 *Oliver Holden, Pearl near Wesley. Chan. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 40 School st., Dor. *Paul Jones, Horace and Byron sts., E. В. *Paul Revere, Prince st. Peter Faneuil, Joy st. Philip H. Sheridan, Prescott st., E. B. Phillips Brooks. Quincy, c. Perth street Phineas Bates, Beech st., Ros. Pierpont, Hudson st. *Plummer, Belmont sq., E. B. Pormort, Snelling pl. off Hull st. Prescott, Elm street. Chsn. Prince, Newbury, cor. Exe ter streets *Quincy, Tyler st., n. Harvard Quincy st., c. Stanley, Dor. Quincy E. Dickerman, Magnolia st., Dor. Rice, Dartmouth, cor. Appleton street *Richard C. Humphreys, Sumner st., Dor. Richard Olney, Hastings st., W. R. *Robert Swan, Thetford av. cor. Evans, Dor. *Roger Clap. Harvest st., n. Dorchester av. Roger Wolcott, Norfolk, c. Morton, Mat. Samuel Adams, Webster, c. Brigham, E. В. *Samuel Dexter, Harvard st., Chsn. "Samuel G. Howe, W. Fifth st., near C. S. B. Samuel W. Mason, 137 Norfolk av., Rox. Sarah J. Baker, Perrin st., Rox. Savin Hill, Savin Hill av.. cor. Aukland *Sharp. Anderson st. Sherwin, Madison sq., Rox. Shurtleff, 215 Dorchester st., S. B. Simonds, Broadway, S. B. "Skinner. Fayette st. Somerset st., cor. Allston *Stephen M. Weld, Seymour "Stoughton, River, n. Morton sts., Mat. Tappan, Lexington st., E. B. Theodore Lyman, Paris, cor. Gove, E. B. Thomas Dwight. Phillips, cor. Smith, Rox. *Thomas Gardner, Brentwood and Athol, Alls., annex, Athol near Brentwood sts., Alls. Thomas N. Hart, H. cor. E. Fifth street, S. B. Thomas Starr King. Bunker Hill st., c. Charles, Chan. *Trescott, Rosemont st.. Mat. Tyler st., near Kneeland Ulysses S. Grant, 191 Paris, Ε. Β. *W. L. P. Boardman, Munroe, Rox. Wait, 125 Shawmut av. *Walnut av., cor. Walnut pk., Rox. *Walnut st., Nep. Warren, Pearl, cor. Summer street, Chsn. Washington Allston, 392 Cambridge st., Alls. Washington, Norman and S. Margin Washington st., 3823 Wash., J. P. Weld, Highland st., H. P. Wells. Blossom, c. McLean Wendell Phillips, Phillips st.. cor. Anderson William Bacon, 65 Vernon, cor. Auburn st., Rox. William H. Marnell, chief, 37 Mt. Everett st. Dor. Office hour from 4 to 5 o'clock P.M. Francis P. Aieta, George W. Bean, James A. Berrill, Henry M. Blackwell, Maurice F. Corkery, Constantino F. Ciampa, Joseph W. Ferris, John T. Hathaway, Joseph W. Hobbs, Timothy J. Kenny, David F. Long. Michael J. McTiernan, George H. Nee, Richard F. Quirk, Francis X. A. Readdy, Geo. A. Sargent. Amos Schaffer, William B. Shea, John J. Sullivan, Richard W. Walsh, John H. Westfall, Charles B. Wood. Supervisor of Licensed Minors, Timothy F. Regan. Office hours, 8.30 A. M. to 5 P.M. daily except Saturdays. Saturdays not later than 1 P. M. Sinking Funds Department Commissioners, no salary: Logan L. McLean, Matthew Cummings, John J. Cassidy, Donald J. Ferguson, Felix Vorenberg. J. Alfred Mitchell, secretary, salary, $700. Charles H. Slattery, treasurer, salary, $200 Soldiers' Relief Department Commissioner, John E. Gilman, salary, $3,500 Statistics Department Room 73, City Hall Trustees: John Koren, chairman, term expires 1918, William DC Curtis, term expires 1921; Robert J Dysart, term expires 1919; Frederick W Rugg. term expires 1920: James D. Henderson, term expires 1922; Edward M. Hartwell, secretary, salary, $3,000. Street Laying-Out Department Street Commissioners: John H Dunn, chairman, term expires, 1921, salary, $4.509. Frank A. Goodwin, term expires 1919. Francis J. Brennan, term exires 1920, salary, $4.000 each. Engineering Division: Frank O. Whitney. chief engineer, salary, $3,500. Irwin C. Cromack, asst. chief engineer, salary, $2.800: Assessment Division: Joseph F. Sullivan, chief of division, salary, $2,500. John J. O'Callaghan, sec., salary $3,600 Supply Department Room 808 City Hall annex Patrick O'Hearn, acting purchasing agent, salary, $3,000 Transit Commission Office, 15 Beacon, 8th floor Commissioners: George F. Swain, chairman, Horace G. Allen, Josiah Quincy, James B. Noyes, David A. Ellis, salary $5,000 each. B. Leighton Beal, secretary, salary $3,500. Edmund S. Davis, chief engineer, salary, $6,000 Treasury Department Rooms 21-22, City Hall. Charles H. Slattery, City and County Treasurer, salary $5,000. Benjamin S. Turner, cashier, salary, $4,000 Weighers of Vessels and Ballast Department Office, 157 Liverpool, East Boston. Cornelius J. Donovan, Chief Weigher. Weights and Measures Department Charles B. Wooley, Sealer salary, $3,000: Walter L. Finigan, chief clerk: Frank L. Harney. Louis Hertgen, Benjamin P. Hutchinson, Jeremiah J. Crowley, James A. Sweeney, Charles E. Walsh, Julius Meyer, Charles O. Sikora, Fred A. Thissell, John J. Ryan, John A. Gargan, Deputies, salaries, $1,600 each Wire Department Room 905 City Hall annex James E. Cole, Commissioner, salary. $5,000, term expires 1920. Peter F. Dolan, chief Inspector, exterior division, salary, $2,300. Walter J. Burke, Chief Inspector. interior division, salary, $2,200. Frank H. Rice, Chief Clerk PUBLIC CARRIAGE FARES IN BOSTON The maximum prices or rates of fare which drivers of hackney carriages propelled by mechanical motors and using taximeters as the means of measuring the distance traveled, to be known as "Motor Taxicabs" may charge and demand for services rendered in conveying passengers as follows: 10c From point to point within the city limits: First half mile or fraction thereof, for one person......40c Each quarter mile thereafter... Each additional person for the whole journey.......20c Waiting time shall include all time during which the vehicle is not in motion, beginning six minutes after its arrival at the place to which it has been called, or, if engaged in the street or at a stand, beginning six minutes after the time of such engagement. A charge at the rate of 30 cents for twelve minutes may be made for any part of the first chargeable twelve minutes of waiting, and for all subsequent waiting a charge of 10 cents for each six minutes may be made. But no charge shall be made for time lost through interruption of street traffic or through the inefficiency of the vehicle or its driver, or for time between premature arrival in response to a call and the hour for which the vehicle was ordered No charge shall be made for a distance less than one mile traversed by a vehicle sent in response to a call, but for a greater distance a charge of 20 cents a mile may be made for cach mile or fraction of a mile in excess of the first mile When a vehicle is dismissed at a point more than two miles distant from the place at which it was engaged or from the place in which it was when called, a charge of 20 cents a mile may be made for each mile or fraction of a mile in excess of such two miles Hand baggage may be carried by passengers without charge. The carriage of trunks shall be optional with the person in charge of the vehicle: but if carried, the charge shall be 25 cents for each trunk Ferry tolls will be paid by passengers When a motor taxicab is hired by the hour or for a trip wholly or in part outside the limits of the City of Boston, the person in charge may suspend, with the consent of the passenger, the use of the taximeter as a means of determining the price to be paid, and the motor taxicab shall come temporarily under the provisions of that part of this rule which relate to charges for automobiles AUTOMOBILES The authorized fare for automobiles other than motor taxicabs shall be the same as for horse-drawn hackney carriages. This rule shall not be deemed to apply, however, to automobiles when hired by the hour or for a trip wholly or in part outside the limits of the city of Boston. This rule shall apply to automobiles hired at a garage as well as to those hired in the public strects. The rule as to baggage for motor taxicabs shall apply also to automobiles HORSE DRAWN For one passenger from one point to another within the city proper, 50 cents. For one passenger from one point to another within Charlestown, within East Boston, within South Boston, within Roxbury, 50 cents. Each additional passenger, 50 cents. For distances beyond certain limits the rates are $1.00 and upwards SPECIAL CHARGES From twelve at night to six in the morning the fare is 50 CENTS ABOVE THE PRECEDING RATES for each passenger Children under five years, with an adult, no charge Children between five and twelve years old, with an adult. HALF-PRICE BAGGAGE No charge for one trunk: each additional trunk 25 CENTS BY THE HOUR-Passengers may at all times engage horsedrawn hackney carriages by the hour. The rates of fare for one, two, three or four passengers shall be as follows: For the first hour or fractional part thereof not more than $1.50 and for each twenty minutes or fractional part thereof after the first hour not more than 50 cents The time shall be so reckoned as to include the time necessarily consumed between leaving and returning to the place from which the carriage was hired, whether during any portion of such time it has been empty or otherwise For a complete statement of the rates for public carriages the inquirer is referred to the condensed schedule and map on page 23 PARK CARRIAGES The rates of fare for park carriages shall be as follows: If by time, each passenger shall pay twenty-five cents per hour, and five cents for every ten minutes or fraction thereof above even hours: if by distance, each passenger shall pay twenty-five cents for every five miles, and five cents for every mile or fraction thereof above five miles [CONTINUED ON PAGE 24] CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF THE Rates of Fare for Hackney Carriages ESTABLISHED BY The Police Commissioner FOR THE CITY OF BOSTON DIVISION OF THE CITY INTO SECTIONS. SECTION A includes all that part of the city proper lying north of a line drawn through the centre of State, Court, and Cambridge streets. SECTION B includes all that part of the city proper lying south of a line drawn through the centre of the streets named as forming the southerly boundary of Section A, and north of a line drawn through the centre of Dover and Berkeley streets. SECTION OC includes all that part of the city proper lying south of a line drawn through the centre of the streets named as forming the southerly boundary of Section B, and north of a line drawn through the centre of Massachusetts av. SECTION D includes all that part of the city proper lying south of a line drawn through the centre of the streets named as forming the southerly boundary of Section C, and north of a line beginning at the corner of Wilow court, and thence running through the centre of Boston and Dudley streets, Eliot square, Roxbury, Columbusav. Tremont, and Francis streets to Brookline avenue, thence northerly on Brookline avenue and crossing Commonwealth avenue to Deerfield street, thence along Deerfield street to the Charles river. NOTICE. -The division of Charlestown into sections, as shown on the map, applies only to Hacks. The division of East Boston and South Boston into sections, as shown on the map, applies only to Cabs. TAXICAB FARES (except hereinafter stated) for any number of persons up to its capacity: from any point to any other point within the city limits, one mile or less 30 cents, each quarter mile additional 10 cents, each 6 minutes of waiting 10 cents. For three or more persons in that part of the city north and east of Massachusettsav, first third of mile 80 cents, each additional sixth of a mile 10 cents. HORSE-DRAWN HACKNEY CARRIAGE FARES. By the first hour or fraction, one and one-half dollars; each succeeding third of an hour or fraction, fifty cents. Children under five years of age (with adults) free; over five and under twelve (with adults) half price. One trunk, free; each additional trunk, twenty-five cents. Bicycle, twenty-five cents. One hand valise, free. Between midnight and 6 A. M. fifty cents additional for each passenger. *Fares between points, one or both of which are outside of Sections A, B, C, D, South Boston, East Boston and Charlestown, and fares between points in Section D and South Boston, fifty cents for one passenger for the first mile, and twenty-five cents for each further half mile or fraction thereof, and fifty cents for the journey for each additional passenger. *Between points in East Boston, one or both of which are north of a line drawn through the center of Porter street and Central square, fifty cents for one passenger for the first mile, RATES. and twenty-five cents for each further half mile or fraction thereof, and fifty cents for the journey for each additional passenger. *Between a point outside of East Boston and a point in East Boston, the fare for which is not otherwise provided for by these rules; tolls and one dollar for one passenger for the first mile, and twenty-five cents for each further half mile or fraction thereof, and fifty cents for the journey for each additional passenger. The drivers of park carriages shall not be required to carry any passenger for less than one hour, or less than five miles, unless such passenger pay twenty-five cents therefor. Nor shall such drivers be required to carry a single person or a party of less than four persons for any time or distance unless such party or person pay him an amount equal to the fare of four passengers for such time or distance PUBLIC HACKNEY CARRIAGE STANDS Atlantic avenue, west side, 385 to 399, 4 carriages Atlantic avenue, east side, south of India wharf, 4 carriages Atlantic avenue, east side, corner of Beach street, 2 carriages Atlantic avenue, east side, corner of Kneeland street, 2 carriages Beach street, north side, east of Lincoln street, 3 carriages Beach street, south side, south of South street, 3 carriages Beverly street, side of Union station, 10 carriages Bowdoin square, west side, corner of Green street, 1 carriage Bowdoin square, north side, east of Chardon street, 1 carriage Broadway Extension, south side near Washington street, 2 carriages Canal street, north side, near Causeway street, 6 carriages Castle street, north side, 60 feet west of Washington street, 3 carriages Causeway street, east side, south of Lancaster street, 2 carriages Causeway street, east side, north of Lancaster street, 2 carriages Commercial street, west side, north of Battery street. 4 carriages Congress square, near Congress street, 2 carriages Court Square, easterly side City Hall annex, near Court street, 3 carriages Dore street, near Washington street, 1 carriage Exchange place, south side, near Congress street, 2 carriages Exchange place, south side, near Kilby street, 2 carriages Franklin street, north side, east of Arch street, 1 carriage Franklin street, north side, west of Devonshire street, 2 carriages Harrison avenue, east side, south of Essex street, 3 carriages India street, Chamber of Commerce, 2 carriages Lancaster street, north side, near Causeway street, 2 carriages Liberty square, Mason Building, 1 carriage Lincoln street, west side, corner of Kneeland street, 4 car riages Lincoln street, southwest corner Beach street, 2 carriages Park street, south side, near Tremont street, 2 carriages Park square, south side of Emancipation Monument, 4 carriages Park square, north side of Emancipation Monument, 5 carriages Post Office square, at No. 12. 1 carriage South street, east side, north of Kneeland street, 4 carriages South street, cast side south of Beach street, 1 carriage Staniford street, west side, south of Merrimac street, 2 carriages Summer street, at No. 212, 2 carriages NIGHT TIME ONLY [7 P.M. to 4 Α.Μ.] Atlantic avenue, east side, north of Summer strect, 20 carriages Atlantic avenue, east side, south of R. B. & L. R. R., 20 carriages Atlantic avenue, east side, north of Rowe's Wharf, 20 carriages Avon street, north side, near Washington street. 2 carriages Beach street, north side, near Washington street, 3 carriages Bedford street, north side, near Washington street, 5 carriages Bennet street, north side, near Washington street, 5 carriages Berkeley street, between Tremont street and Warren avenue, 5 carriages Bosworth street, south side, near Tremont street, 2 carriages Brattle street, north side, near Washington street, 2 carriages Bromfield street, south side, near Washington street, 3 carriages Castle street, north side, near Tremont street, 10 carriages Causeway street, west side, south of Beverly street, 5 carriages Essex street, north side, 100 feet east of Washington street, 5 carriages Franklin street, north side, near Washington street, 6 carriages Friend street, south side, near Causeway street, 6 carriages Haymarket square, between Washington and Sudbury streets, 2 carriages Kneeland street, north side, near Washington street. 4 carriazes Nashua street, north side, near Causeway street, 5 carriages Portland street, north side, near Causeway street, 5 carriages School street, north side, near Washington street, 5 carriages South street, west side, south of Kneeland street, 5 carriages State street, south side of Old State House, 3 carriages Tremont street, east side, south of Winter street, 3 carriages Tremont street, east side, south of West street, 3 carriages Tremont street, west side, south of Eliot street, 2 carriages Tremont street. east side, south of Castle street, 3 carriages Tremont row, 9 carriages Washington street, southeast corner Hanover street 4 carriages Washington street, northwest corner Brattle street, 2 carriages Washington street, at No. 632, 1 carriage West street, south side near Washington street, 3 carriages STREET RAILWAYS Boston Elevated Railway OFFICE, 101 MILK STREET Surface cars through the city and to all suburbs, from terminals. Post Office sq., Adams sq.. North and South stations. Scollay sq. Park street and Boylston subway stations, Pleasant street, Dudley street, Sullivan square, Egleston square and Forest Hills Through cars from Mattapan Sq. to Milton Hyde Park, Randolph, Avon, Brockton. Connecting for: E. Milton, Rockland, Abington, Whitman, Bridgewater, W. Bridgewater, E. Bridgewater, Middleboro, Lakeville. New Bedford, Stoughton, N. Easton, Raynham, Easton, Taunton, Rehoboth. Seekonk, Providence, R. I. Dighton, Somerset. Fall River, Swansea, Tiverton, R. I., Portsmouth, R. I., Middletown, R. I.. Newport, R. I. Through cars from Sullivan Sq.. for Burlington, Billerica Winchester, Woburn, Melrose, Wakefield, Reading, Stoneham, Wilmington, Tewksbury, Andover, Lawrence and Lowell Through cars from Arlington Heights to Lexington, Lexington Park, Bedford, Concord, Billerica and Lowell Through cars from Neponset bridge, for Wollaston, Norfolk Downs and Quincy. Connecting for: Squantum, Braintree, Holbrook, Brockton, E. Braintree, Weymouth, Hingham, Nantasket Beach, East Weymouth, S. Weymouth, Hanover, Norwell, Rockland Through cars from Forest Hills to Hyde Park, Readville. Dedham, E. Dedham, Norwood, E. Walpole, Westwood Free transfers between Elevated Trains and Surface Cars at all Elevated Stations, and transfers by Conductors at all leading junctions ELEVATED TRAINS BETWEEN FOREST HILLS AND SULLIVAN SQUARE, CHARLESTOWN VIA WASHINGTON ST. TUNNEL AND VIA ATLANTIC AVENUE CIRCUIT, ALSO BETWEEN NORTH STATION AND SOUTH STATION ON ATLANTIC AVENUE CIRCUIT (FOR STEAMBOAT WHARVES) DORCHESTER-CAMBRIDGE TUNNEL STATIONS |