183. Weight is the measure of gravity, and cording to the quantity of matter a body contains. The unit of weight is the Troy pound of the Mint, and o grains. 184. Troy weights are used in weighing g jewels, and in philosophical experiments. 185. Avoirdupois weights are used for a nary purposes of weighing. TABLE OF UNITS. 16 Ounces (oz.) = 1 Pound, lb. 100 Pounds = 1 Hundredweight, cut. EQU 1 T. = The Long Ton of 2240 lb. is seldom used, except in Houses, to estimate duties. 186. The weight of the bushel of certain kinds seeds, and vegetables has been fixed by statute in n States. The following are the prevailing standards The following denominations are also in common use : 100 lb. of Grain or Flour= 1 Cental. 195 lb. of Flour 18%. 1. How many grains in 3 pwt.? In 2 pwt. 12 gr.? 2. How many ounces in 16 pwt.? In 100 pwt.? In 120 pwt.? In 150 pwt.? 3. How many ounces in 5 lb.? In 3 lb. 10 oz. ? In 4 lb. ? 4. What will a gold chain, weighing 2 oz. 12 pwt., cost at $1 a pennyweight? 5. What part of a pound Troy is 4 oz. ? 6 oz.? 8 oz. ? 6. How many spoons, each weighing 2 oz., can be made of 2 lb. 6 oz. of silver? Of 3 pounds? 7. How many ounces in 4 lb. Avoir.? In 5 lb. 6 oz.? 3000 lb.? 4000 lb.? 8. In 56 oz. how many pounds Avoir.? In 64 oz. ? 80 oz.? 9. How many pounds in 7 cwt.? In 8 cwt.? In 3.5 cwt.? 10. How many cwt. in 600 lb. ? In 450 lb.? In 875 lb. ? 11. In 2 T. how many hundredweight? How many lb. ? 12. How many tons are 2500 lb. ? 13. What part of a cwt. are 25 lb. ? 14. How many hundred pounds in .25 of a ton? In ? 15. At 8 cts. a pound, what will 3 cwt. of sugar cost? 16. What is the cost of a ton of hay, at 1 cent a pound? 17. How many pounds in bbl. of pork? In .5 bbl. of flour? In of a keg of nails? In .25 cental of wheat ? 50 lb. ? 75 lb. ? 18. What is the cost of 2 bags of wheat, each containing 120 lb., at $2 a bushel? 19. What will 20 lb. of clover-seed cost, at $10 a bushel? 30 lb. ? 48 lb.? 80 lb.? 20. What is the cost of .5 of a quintal of fish, at 6 cts. a lb.? 21. At $3 a bushel, what is the cost of 30 lb. of beans? 22. If 25 lb. of cheese cost $34, what will 2 cwt. cost? 23. How many barrels are 1200 lb. of beef? 1000 lb. of Dork? 8 cwt. of beef? 5 cwt. of pork? The months in the year, and the number of days in each : In most business transactions, 30 days are counted as a m months a year. The civil day begins and ends at 12 o'clock, midnight. T ical day, used by astronomers in dating events, begins and o'clock, noon. When the number denoting the year is divisible by by 100, and also when it is divisible by 400, the mor ruary has 29 days, and the year is called a LEAP Y 1000 189. In counting certain articles, the following is used: Two things of a kind are often called a pair, and six things a set; af pair of horses, a set of chairs, etc. 190. Used by stationers and by the paper trade: 3. In 4 wk. 3 da., how many days? In 5 wk. 4 da. ? 4. How many minutes from 10 min. past 9 o'clock to 25 min. past 10 A. M.? 5. How many days from May 10 to July 16, inclusive? 6. How many things in 3 doz.? In 6 doz. ? In 1 gro.? 7. How many dozens in 3 gro.? In 5 gro. ? 8. How many dozens in of a great gross? 9. Find the cost of a gross of pens, at 10 cts. a dozen? 10. How many sheets of paper will be required to make a 12mo book of 320 pages? Of 480 pages? DENOMINATE NUMBERS. 193. Denomination is the name of a unit of measure Thus, feet is the denomination of 6 ft.; pounds, of 25 lb., etc. 194. A denominate number is a number composed of one or more units of any denomination, and may be either simple or compound. 1. A simple denominate number is a number composed of but one denomination. Thus, 7 miles, 10 acres, 5 tons are simple denominate numbers. 2. A compound denominate number is a number composed of two or more denominations of the same nature. Thus, 10 lb. 6 oz., 5 yr. 4 mo.. 4 ft. 2 in., are compound denominate numbers. 195. A denominate fraction is a fraction of a derominate number. Thus, & of a pound, .9 of a ton, are denominate fractions, REDUCTION. 196. Reduction of denominate numbers is the process of changing their denomination without changing their value. Denominate numbers may be changed from higher to lower, or from lower to higher denominations. In integral numbers and in decimals, the law of increase and decrease is by the uniform scale of 10; but in compound numbers the scale varies. |