isolated character of these places, and the necessity which exists for providing for the spiritual wants of their secluded inhabitants, are borne out by the following tabular statement of stations visited by the missionary, from which it will be seen that in some cases they are upwards of twenty miles removed from church or school. At most of these stations, therefore, the families are almost wholly excluded from the privilege of attending church, and on one occasion a light-keeper took his child a journey of thirty-five miles to be baptised! The missionary now baptises most of the children, but he has never dispensed the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and if he were enabled to do so it is believed it would greatly enhance the value of his ministrations among his widely scattered and secluded flock. ALEXANDER (DR. W. L.) Christian Thought and Work; a series of Morning Meditations on Passages of Scripture. Second edition, fcap. 8vo, price 5s. St. Paul at Athens. ANDERSON (Rev. WM.) Fcap. 8vo, price 5s. Discourses. Crown 8vo, 6s. Second edition, crown 8vo, price 6s. -On Regeneration. ANDERSON (G. and P.) Highlands of Scotland. See p. 5. ASHPITEL (ARTHUR). Architecture, including the Arts of Construction, Building, Stone-Masonry, Arch, Roof, Joinery, Carpentry, and Strength of Materials. Illustrated with nearly 60 Plates and 250 Engravings on Wood. 1 vol. 4to, price 30s. BALFOUR (Dr. G. W.) Introduction to the Study of Medicine. Fcap. 8vo, price 6s. (Professor). A Class-Book of Botany being an Introduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom. In one large vol. demy 8vo, with 1800 Illustrations, 31s. 6d. Sold also in Two Parts: Part I. Structural and Morphological Botany, 10s. 6d. Part II. Vegetable Physiology, Classification Glossary, &c., 218. BALFOUR. A Manual of Botany: being an Introduction to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants. Crown 8vo, pp. 700, with 820 Illustrations, price 12s. 6d. Outlines of Botany. Second edition, illustrated with nearly 600 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo, cloth, price 5s. Elements of Botany, for the use of Schools. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, with 427 woodcuts, price 3s. 6d. The Botanist's Companion: or, Directions for the Use of the Microscope, and for the Collection and Preservation of Plants, with a Glossary of Botanical Terms. Crown 8vo, price 2s. 6d. Flora of Edinburgh, being a List of Plants found in the Vicinity of Edinburgh, with a Map of the localities mentioned. Fcap. 8vo, price 3s. 6d. Contributions to Practical Medicine. BEGBIE (JAMES, M.D.) BENNETT (Professor). Clinical Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. New edition (the fifth), with 550 Woodcut illustrations. Demy 8vo, price 21s. An Introduction to Clinical Medicine. Six Lectures on The Pathology and Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption. BLACK'S ATLASES AND MAPS. BLACK'S General Atlas of the World. New edition, containing all the recent discoveries and new boundaries, accompanied by an extensive index and new introductory description. Imperial folio, half-bound morocco, gilt edges, price 60s. See page 24. School Atlas of Modern and Ancient Geography, a series of 40 Maps, fully coloured, 4to or 8vo, cloth, with Index, pri 10s. 6d. School Atlas for Atlas of Scotland. Beginners. 27 maps, oblong 12mo, 6 maps, royal 4to, price 6s. A series of 12 Maps compiled from the best sources, on the scale of four miles to the inch. Imp. folio, cloth, price 29. BLACK'S TRAVELLING MAPS. In Portable Cases. CANADA, with all the Railroads, 4s. 6d. England, complete, 32 by 231 inches, with Railways, Roads, etc. Coloured and in cloth case, 4s. 6d. Smaller Map, 20 by 14 inches. Coloured and in cloth case, 2s. 6d. Uncoloured, in paper cover, 1s. INDIA, 23 by 17 inches, 3s. Ireland, 20 by 14 inches. Coloured and in cloth case, 2s. 6d. Killarney, scale 4 miles to the inch, in a case, coloured. 2s. 6d. Price LAKE DISTRICT of CUMBERLAND, WESTMORLAND, etc., 19 by 14 inches. On a scale of 3 miles to the inch. Coloured and in cloth case, 2s. 6d. The same Map, Uncoloured, in paper cover, 1s. LONDON. Plan of the Streets in Districts, 3 inches to the mile, divided into half-mile squares, 1s. Coloured, 1s 6d. Map of the Environs, 1s. Coloured 1s. 6d. SCOTLAND 12 sheet Map. Each Sheet sold separately price 2s. 6d. See page 23. Scotland, 32 by 24 inches, with all the Railways, Bridle Smaller Map, 20 by 14 inches. Coloured and in cloth case, |