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s = ss (1) after a vowel or cons. and before a hard cons. :

espion, alpestre, substance, etc.

or (2) after any cons. and before a Vowel :

8=z, between two vowels:ruse, maison, visage, etc.

or after a vowel and before a soft consonant :

asbeste, Lisbonnne; between 1 and a -Alsace, etc.

s = ss in- also in- Israël.

observer, catalepsie. Notice especially -asme, -isme :enthousiasme, prisme, etc.

[s between two vowels = ss, in most compound words :-cosinus, parasol, preséance, vraisemblance, etc.]

plus-que-parfait, presque, puisque, etc. Observation.-sc-ss-science.


Exceptionally=z, in compounds of


transaction, transitif.

s is silent in Proper Nouns of archaic spelling:-Davoust, Chasles; Vosges, Isle de France, Despréaux.

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all masc. (2) most Proper Names in as, ès, is, os, us, ns :

Arras, Gil Blas, Léonidas, Cérès, Isis, Argos, Brutus, Fleurus, Rubens, etc. Also in-Reims, Sieyès (Siès). (3) in a few words fully assimilated to French :-Le cens, fils, laps, maïs, les mœurs (or mœurs), la vis, ès, hélas, jadis, gratis, oasis, etc. Obs. Tous, used substantively: nous tous. le sens, sense, direction; butle lis, lily; obus- obuze. plus, term of addition;

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so also in- il y a plus, etc.


In almost all cases

bas, mes, suis, nos, jus, corps, temps, attraits, gens, mesdames, etc. But see V. Liaison (p. 118).

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(3) xss in :


soixante (and derivatives); Auxerre, Auxonne, Bruxelles (x also ks), Luxeuil, and a few others. also final in six, dix, Béatrix, Cadix. (4) x = z in:-deuxième, sixième, dixième, dix-huit, with their derivatives.

also in liaison: deux hommes, etc.

(5) x silent, if final, in most cases :la paix, voix, noix; le flux, houx, etc. les maux, les choux, je veux, deux,


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Obs. 1.-The sign of soft c before a, o, u is ç:-je perçai, n. perçons, reçu. The sign hard c before e, i, y is qu :-publique, que je vainque.

Obs. 2.-c=g, in second.

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Observation.-Le uhlan, la ouate, le yacht (yak), ouïr, un (numeral), oui, le onze, le onzième, are treated as if they had an aspirate h.


ASPIRATE, exceptionally in :enhardir, enharnacher; and in

exclamations:-ah! bah! etc.

SILENT in all other cases <bonheur, envahir, luth, zénith.

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(2) Exceptionally in some words of chaos, choeur, écho, choléra, archange,

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garde, goutte, Gustave, gland, grand, geler, gigot, gymnase, collège, agir, aiguë, flegme, égal, suggérer (first g hard, second soft).

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gn=nj (i.e. liquid) in most cases :— gn hard, exceptionally in most foreign

le cygne, signal, règne, seigneur,

words not fully assimilated to French :

agnat, diagnostic, igné, inexpugnable, magnat, stagnant, stagnation.

la ligne, montagne, Cologne, répugner, etc.

Initial gn, hard in :-Gnome, Gnide. g silent in— signet.

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