COMPLETE COURSE IN ALGEBRA FOR ACADEMIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS. BY WEBSTER WELLS, S.B., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE 1493- LEACH, SHEWELL, AND SANBORN. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PREFACE. THE present work contains a full and complete treat ment of the topics usually included in an Elementary Algebra. The author has endeavored to prepare a course sufficiently advanced for the best High Schools and Academies, and at the same time adapted to the requirements of those who are preparing for admission to college. Particular attention has been given to the selection of examples and problems, a sufficient number of which have been given to afford ample practice in the ordinary processes of Algebra, especially in such as are most likely to be met with in the higher branches of mathematics. Problems of a character too difficult for the average student have been purposely excluded, and great care has been taken to obtain accuracy in the answers. The author acknowledges his obligations to the elementary text-books of Todhunter and Hamblin Smith, from which much material and many of the examples and problems have been derived. He also desires to express his thanks for the assistance which he has received from experienced teachers, in the way of suggestions of practical value. BOSTON, 1885. WEBSTER WELLS. |