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Note. In the following collection of answers, all those are omitted which, if given, would destroy the utility of the example.

[blocks in formation]

4. 35 and 7.

5. A, 31; B, 37.

6. A, $536; B, $664.

7. $0.93.

12. Horse, $275;

13. 15, 45, and 48.

8. A, $20; B, $60; C, $180,

9. 52 and 73.

10. 13, 39, and 46.

11. A, $28; B, $43; C, $56.

carriage, $100; harness, $25.

14. 35, 70, and 105.

15. Cow, $45; sheep, $18; hog, $12.

Art. 57; page 19.


6. 4α2.

7. 2a2- ab.



10. х-бу.

11. -x+3m-7n.

12. -x+3x+2.
14. 5α3-3ab2 - 463.
15. α3 - 4x.

Art. 64; pages 22 and 23.

7. -4abc-14x-2y-148. 11.4m-8n-r+3s.

6. 4ab.

10. 6b+1.

[blocks in formation]

25. 5x2+ 6 ху — 7 у2 — 6 х — 7у+6.
26.3x5 - 5x - x - 11 x2 + 4x - 2.

27. 4x2+9x2y - 4 xy2 - 3y. 28. 4α2+7° – 2α - 4.

[blocks in formation]

8. b3 - α3.

[blocks in formation]

11.6x-16x2y +6 xy2+4y2.

9. 10ab2-3ab2-18 a2b4. 12. 2m2 - 8 m3n + 18 mn3.

14. 30 α3 - 43 a2b + 39 ab2 — 2063.

13. x2+4x+3.

15. 8x – 14x2 - 18x + 21.

16. α2 – b2+2bc - c2.

17. 2x2 - x + 8x - 5.

18.6 x2+13x3 – 70x2 + 71 x - 20.

19. 6 x2 - 19x + 22x+5. 20. - 5-37m2+70m-50.

21. - 65 - 25x2 + 7x +81 x2 + 3x - 28


22. 2ab2 - 3a*b3 - 7ab+ +4 a2b5.

23. 4x2m +7 y3 - 16 xm+6yn+1 +12x5y2n-1.

24. x2 + xy2 + y^*.

25. 16a2+4 a2b2 + b2.

26. 12x+7x+5x+10x-4.

27. m2 - 3 m3n + mn5 - 3 no.

28. 2435 - 81 x2y - 3 xy + y.

29. α5-5ab + 10 ab2 — 10 a2b3 + 5 ab2 .

30. x + y + z3 - 3 xyz.

31. 6x – 11 x + 14x2 - 12x + 6 x2 - 23 x + 5.

[blocks in formation]

2. a2+b2+c2+d2+2ab+2ac+2ad +2bc+2bd+2cd.

3. ab + ac 2 ad - 2 bc + bd + cd.

4. x2.

5. 4ab+4bc. 7. a2-2a2b2 + b2.


6. 62.


10. х2-4ху+4y2-9z2.

[blocks in formation]

27.5m2-4m + 3.

23. a3-3ab + 9 a2b2 - 2763. 24. x - y + z.

25. 3x2+6x2 – 2x - 4.

26. y (x2 - xy + xy2 - xy3 + y^).

28. 3x2-2x+1.

[blocks in formation]

43. α3 - 2 a2b – 5 ab2 + 7 b. 53. (a+b)2 - (a+b)+1.

[blocks in formation]
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