With a cry of joy Lady Tracy was by Honor's side. How I have prayed for this!' she said; and as she sat, holding a hand of each, they told her all that had happened. What have I more to say? The Australian party were gladdened on their arrival in their new home by the letters sent overland telling them of Charlie's vindication. They all liked Australia. The voyage did Newton good, and neither he nor his mother ever regretted having left England. Conny is happier in her second marriage than she was in her first. Mr. Goodenough cannot make too much of his beautiful wife, who is still considered the belle of the colony, and he is never tired of spending money on her, and giving it to her relations. Phil prospers, and has laid the foundation of a new house of Blake, in a new Kildaggan, wealthier, and we will hope wiser, than the old. Charlie came to England some years since to see his sister. That lesson at Bayonne has lasted his life time. He has grown up an honourable, truthful man. He entered the merchant navy, and now commands a ship belonging to his wealthy brother-in-law, in which, thanks to that relative's generosity, he has a share. Honor is rich in friends now, but not one of those she loved in the old days is forgotten. Lady Tracy is a living refutation of all slanders on mothers-in-law. Her son's wife is the light of her eyes, and Honor feels she never knew a real mother's love before. But on the other hand, Lady Tracy, I must confess, vindicates her womanhood by being an entirely traditional grandmother She spoils Tom's children to that extent ! That urchin Blake has just upset my inkbottle, and brought my tale to an abrupt close! I know his grandmother won't let him be whipped for it. EDINBURGH T. AND A. CONSTABLE, June, 1872. LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY HENRY S. KING & Co. FORTHCOMING WORKS. I. A NEW WORK FOR CHILDREN. By JEAN INGELOW. A Second Series of "Stories told to a Child." II. [Immediately. MEMOIRS OF MRS. LÆTITIA BOOTHBY. Written by herself in the year 1775. Edited by WM. CLARK RUssell. Author of "The III. [In the press. THE FORMS OF WATER IN RAIN AND RIVERS, ICE AND GLACIERS. With 32 Illustrations. By Professor J. TYNDALL, LL.D., F.R.S. Being Vol. I. of The International Scientific Series. [In the press. Prospectuses of the Series may be had of the publishers. For full announcement of the Series, see the end of this Catalogue. 65, Cornhill, Londen. IV. CHANGE OF AIR AND SCENE; A Physician's Hints about Doctors, Patients, Hygiène, and Society; with Notes of Excursions for Health in the Pyrenees, and amongst the Watering-places of France (inland and seaward), Switzerland, Corsica, and the Mediterranean. From the French of Dr. ALPHONSE DONNÉ. Large post 8vo. Utility of Hygiène.-The Hygiène of the Four Seasons.-Exercise and Travels for Health.-Mineral Waters.-Sea Baths.-Hydro-Therapeutics.-Hygiène of the Lungs.-Hygiène of the Teeth.-Hygiène of the Stomach.-Hygiène of the Eyes.-Hygiène of Nervous Women. -The Toilet and Dress.-Notes on Fever. [Shortly. V. THE HISTORY OF THE CREATION: Being a Series of Popular Scientific Lectures on the General Theory of Progression of Species; with a Dissertation on the Theories of Darwin, Goethe, and Lamarck; more especially applying them to the Origin of Man, and to other fundamental questions of Natural Science connected therewith. By Professor ERNST HÆCKEL, of the University of Jena. With Woodcuts and Plates. VI. [Shortly. CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH PSYCHOLOGY. From the French of Professor TH. RIBOT. An Analysis of the views and opinions of the following Metaphysicians, as expressed in their writings. James Mill.-A. Bain.-John Stuart Mill.-George H. Lewes.— Herbert Spencer.-Samuel Bailey. Large post 8vo. VII. [In the press. PHYSIOLOGY FOR PRACTICAL USE. By various eminent writers. Edited by JAMES HINTON, 65, Cornhill, London. |