33 9 gr. 10 7 3 19 63 7617 952-12 12 3. it 3 3 Dgr. 12 11 6 I 15 3日 911, 3 2 19 6117 40 6 4910 12 91 10 2 2 16 4 8 1 2 19 5. CLOTH 36 179 137 28 7 119 93 75 29 6 120. 756 3 37 245 128 29 1 28 93 25 416 2 31 128 119 19 248 119 12 96 75 18 110 122 37 1 19 218 20 9. SOLID COMPOUND SUBTRACTION Teaches to find the difference, inequality, or excefs, between any two fums of divers denominations. RULE. Place those numbers under each other, which are of the same denomination, the less being below the greater; begin with the least denomination, and, if it exceed the figure over it, borrow as many units as make one of the next greater; fubtract it therefrom; and to the differ ence add the upper figure, remembering, always, to add one to the next fuperior denomination, for that which you borrowed. |