Macready's Reminiscences, and Selections from His Diaries and Letters, Volume 1

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Macmillan and Company, 1875 - Actors - 486 pages

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Page 445 - The primal duties shine aloft — like stars ; The charities that soothe, and heal, and bless, Are scattered at the feet of Man — like flowers.
Page 97 - My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.
Page 5 - European History, Narrated in a Series of Historical Selections from the best Authorities. Edited and arranged by EM SEWELL and CM YONGE. First Series, crown 8vo. 6s. ; Second Series, 1088-1228, crown 8vo. 6s. Third Edition. " We know of scarcely anything," says the GUARDIAN, of this volume, "which is so likely to raise to a higher level the average standard of English education.
Page 22 - COMPARATIVE POLITICS. Lectures at the Royal Institution, to which is added " The Unity of History," being the Rede Lecture delivered at Cambridge in 1872.
Page 11 - Botanical knowledge is blended with a love of nature, a pious enthusiasm, and a rich felicity of diction not to be met with in any works of kindred character, if we except those of Hugh Miller.
Page 26 - Peile (John, MA)— AN INTRODUCTION TO GREEK AND LATIN ETYMOLOGY. By JOHN PEILE, MA, Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge. Third and revised Edition. Crown 8vo. loi. (>d. 1 ' The book may be accepted as a very valuable contribution, to the science of language.
Page 18 - Dr. Hooker, in his address to the British Association, spoke thus of the author: " Of Mr. Wallace and his many contributions to philosophical biology it is not easy to speak without enthusiasm ; for, putting aside their great merits, he, throughout his writings, with a modesty as rare as I believe it to be unconscious, forgets his own unquestioned claim to the honour of having originated, independently of Mr. Darwin, the theories which he so ably defends.

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