On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations: With the Mathematical Elements of Music

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Macmillan, 1871 - Music - 279 pages


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Page 42 - WILSON— THE BIBLE STUDENT'S GUIDE to the more Correct Understanding of the English Translation of the Old Testament, by reference to the original Hebrew. By WILLIAM WILSON, DD, Canon of Winchester, late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Second Edition, carefully revised. 4to. cloth. 25*. YONGE (CHARLOTTE M.)— SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. By CHARLOTTE M. YONGE, Author of "The Heir of Redclyffe.
Page 2 - Ferrers. — AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON TRILINEAR CO-ORDINATES, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projectors. By the Rev. NM FERRERS, MA, Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. 6d.
Page 276 - ON SOUND AND ATMOSPHERIC VIBRATIONS. With the Mathematical Elements of Music. Designed for the Use of Students in the University.
Page 30 - Helfenstein (James). — A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE TEUTONIC LANGUAGES : Being at the same time a Historical Grammar of the English Language, and comprising Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Early English, Modern English, Icelandic (Old Norse), Danish, Swedish, Old High German, Middle High German, Modern German, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, and Dutch. By JAMES HELFENSTEIN, Ph.D. 8vo.
Page 281 - Thucydides. — THE SICILIAN EXPEDITION. Being Books VI. and VII. of Thucydides, with Notes. A New Edition, revised and enlarged, with a Map. By the Rev. PERCIVAL FROST, MA. late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Fcap. 8vo.
Page 282 - THE SEVEN KINGS OF ROME. An Easy Narrative, abridged from the First Book of Livy by the omission of Difficult Passages ; being a First Latin Reading Book, with Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary.
Page 282 - HELLENICA; OR, A HISTORY OF GREECE IN GREEK, as related by Diodorus and Thucydides ; being a First Greek Reading Book, with explanatory Notes, Critical and Historical.
Page 22 - ... the endeavour of the author to arrange the most important facts and principles of Modern Chemistry in a plain but concise and scientific form, suited to the present requirements of elementary instruction. For the purpose of facilitating the attainment of exactitude in the knowledge of the subject, a series of exercises and questions upon the lessons have been added. The metric system of weights and measures, and the centigrade thermometric scale, are used throughout the work.
Page 41 - THE BIBLE IN THE CHURCH. A Popular Account of the Collection and Reception of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Churches.

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