A Guide to Historical Fiction

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G. Routledge & Sons, limited, 1914 - History - 565 pages

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Page 107 - SIR EDWARD SEAWARD'S NARRATIVE OF HIS SHIPWRECK, and consequent Discovery of certain Islands in the Caribbean Sea: with a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting Events in his Life, from 1733 to 1749. as written in his own Diary. Edited by Miss JANE PORTER.
Page 151 - Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic in their Pursuits through Life in and out of London [Sequel].
Page 151 - REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin. The Hon. Tom Dashall.
Page 5 - Morte d'Arthur.— SIR THOMAS MALORY'S BOOK OF KING ARTHUR AND OF HIS NOBLE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE. The original Edition of CAXTON, revised for Modern Use. With an Introduction by Sir EDWARD STRACHEY, Bart. pp. xxxvii., 509. "It is with perfect confidence that we recommend this edition of the old romance to every class of readers.
Page 71 - John Splendid. The Tale of a Poor Gentleman and the Little Wars of Lorn. Sixth Impression. Crown 8vo, 6s.
Page 19 - THE HISTORY OF GEORGE A GREEN, Pindar of the Town of Wakefield, his Birth, Calling, Valour, and Reputation in the Country : with divers pleasant as well as serious Passages in the Course of his Life and Fortune. Illustrated with cuts. Sm. 8vo. London, Printed for Samuel Ballard at the Blue-Ball in Little Britain, 1706.
Page 23 - THE FAMOUS HISTORIE OF FRYER BACON, containing the wonderfull things that he did in his life : also the manner of his death, with the lives and deaths of the two conjurers, Bungye and Vandermast. Very pleasant and delightfull to be read.
Page 67 - On Both Sides of the Sea : A Story of the Commonwealth and the Restoration.
Page 22 - THE HOUSE OF WALDERNE. A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons
Page 136 - England in the end of the i8th and the beginning of the igth century ... 3V.

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