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acid animals Antarctic Oceans appear armature Astronomer Royal Atlantic birds body caseine causation cause changes character cholera climate Coffin cold Concrete Sciences condensed milk connected Cretaceous deep sea depth discipline disease dredge duction earth effect electro-magnet ence epoch fact Fahr fathoms Fauna feet flesh-formers forms give habit of thought Hadrosaurus heat Hence ichnites Ichnology Ichnozoa important impressions inches influence Lafayette College latitude less lichens line-wire living marked marsupials matter Mediterranean mental miles miles per hour milk mind Morse's Nasua Nature observations observatories ocean organic ornithic Otozoum passes peculiar period Persia phenomena physical plants potash predicting present produced Prof region relations says scientific solar species sponge spot-frequency spots spring substances summer sun-spot sun's sunstroke supply surface tained telegraphs temperature things tion trawl Triassic type-wheel varying vegetable vital actions weather winds Wyville