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aggregate animals apparent magnitude appear Asaph Hall atoms Bathybius Bathybius-ooze beam body Carpenter centre centrifugal force Challenger Expedition character cinchonidine cinchonine coccoliths condition constitution cosmical course diatonic scale discovery dissolution distance doctrine earth equal temperament existence Expedition experiment facts force give glass globe gypsum human Huxley Illustrated inch influence instrument interest investigation Jevons knowledge laws of Nature less light Mars material matter Mayer ment mesmerism microscopic Miller Bridge mind molecules Moneres motion Neophogen observations octave ooze opinion organic evolution paper particles party period phenomena philosophers physical physiology piano-forte planet political present principles Prof progress protoplasm psychometric question radiations Radiolarian Radiolarian ooze reflected regard remarkable result satellite scientific side simple sorbed space spiritual spiritualists strings supposed surface theory things tion tone truth universal Vampyrella vibrations