A Treatise on the Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal

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Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1859 - Elections - 338 pages

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Page 10 - Howitt.— Visits to Remarkable Places : Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. By WILLIAM HOWITT. With about 80 Wood Engravings.
Page 9 - Hints on Etiquette and the Usages of Society: With a Glance at Bad Habits.
Page 48 - Thus, by preserving the method of nature in the conduct of the state, in what we improve we are never wholly new ; in what we retain, we are
Page 49 - To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle (the germ as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country, and to mankind.
Page 21 - It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.
Page 49 - Our political system is placed in a just correspondence and symmetry with the order of the world, and with the mode of existence decreed to a permanent body composed of transitory parts ; wherein, by the disposition of a stupendous wisdom, moulding together the great mysterious incorporation of the human race...
Page 18 - A Course of English Reading, adapted to every taste and capacity; or, How and What to Read. By the Rev. J.
Page 12 - Theory and Practice of Horticulture ; or, an Attempt to explain the principal Operations of Gardening upon Physiological Grounds : Being the Second Edition of the Theory of Horticulture, much enlarged ; with 98 Woodcuts.
Page 302 - If civil society be made for the advantage of man, all the advantages for which it is made become his right.
Page 20 - The VOYAGE and SHIPWRECK of ST, PAUL; with Dissertations on the Life and Writings of St. Luke and the Ships and Navigation of the Ancients.

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