123. 1. What is the difference between 43.25 rods and 22.5 roos We write down the numbers as for Addition, with the largest uppermost. As there are no hundredths in the subtrahend, we bring down the 5 hundredths. Proceed 43.25 Ans. 20.75 rods. ing to the 10ths, we are unable to take 0.5 from 0.2; we therefore borrow a unit from the 3 units, which be img 10 tenths, we join 10 to the 2, making 12 tenths; from which we take 5 tenths, and write the remainder, 7 tenths, in the place of tenths below the line. The rest of the operation must be obvious. 2. From 24 hours take 18.75 hours, what remains? 24. Ans. 5.25 h. Here, as we cannot take 5 from nothing, we borrow 0.10 from the 4 units, or 400 hundredths; then taking 5 (=0.05) from 0.10, the remainder is 0.05. The 400 hundredths bas now become 390 hundredths, or 39 tenths, or 3.9; then 0.7 from 0.9 leaves 0.2, and so on. RULE. 124. Write down the numbers as in Addition of Decimals, observing to place the largest number uppermost. Beginning at the right, subtract as in Simple Subtraction, (99) and place the decimal point in the remainder directly under those in the given numbers. NOTE 1.-When the numbers are all properly written, and the results correctly pointed, the decimal points will all fall in one vertical column, or directly under one another, both in Subtractior and Addition. NOTE 2-In numbers given for Addition or Subtraction, the decimal places may all be made equal by annexing ciphers to a part of them, (116) without altering their value, and then all the decimals will express similar parts of a unit, or be of the same denomination. QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 3. A person bought 27.631b. of cinnamon, and sold 19.814 Ab. how much had he left? 27.63 Ans. 7.816 lb. 4. From 468.742 rods, take 76.4815 rods. Rem. 392.2605. 5. From 9 ft. take 0.9 ft. what remains? Ans. 8.1 ft. 6. From 2.73 take 1.9185. Rem. 0.8115. 7. What is the difference 11. From 1 take I hunbetween 999 and ninety-nine | dredth. Rem. 0.99. hundredths? Rem. 998.01. 12. From 1000 take 1 thou 8. From 0.9173 subtract sandth. 0.2134. 13. How many are 71.01 9. From 742 take Rem. 546.873. 14. How many are 100 10. From 9.005 take 8.728. 0.01? DIVISION OF DECIMALS. ANALYSIS. 125. 1. If 14.25 lb. of butter be divided into 3 equal shares, how many pounds will there be in each? Here we wish to divide 14.25 into two factors, one of 8)14.25(4.75 which shall be 3, and the other such a number as, multiplied 12 22 21 15 15 The 2 by 3, (101) will produce 14.25. We first seek how many To prove that this is the true quotient, we multiply it by the divisor, 3, (4.75×3=14.25) and reproduce the dividend. Since any dividend may be regarded as the product of the divisor and quotient taken as factors, (101) and since the product must have as many decimal places as are contained in both the factors, (121) it follows, that the number of decimal places in the divisor and quotient, counted together, must be just equal to the number of decimal places in the dividend. 126. 2. If 18 bushels of wheat be divided equally among 4 men, how much will each receive? 16 Here we find that 18 bushels will give each man 4 bushele, 4)18(4.5.bu. and that there will be 2 bushels left. We now add a cipher to the 2, which multiplying it by 10,(91) reduces it to tenths, and dividing 20 tenths by 4, the quotient is 0.5; cach man will, therefore, receive 4.5 bushels. Hence by annexing ciphers to the remainder of a division, the operation may be continued, and in pointing the result, the ciphers 20 20 annexed are to be regarded as decimals belonging to the dividend. 127. 3. What is the quotient of 0.0084 by 0.42? Omitting the ciphers, we find 42 in 84 just 2 times; 0.42)0.0084 0.02 bư since there are 4 places of decimals in the divi84 Ans. dend, and only 2 in the divisor, there must be 2 places also in the quotient; we therefore place a cipher at the left of the 2 in the quotient, between it and the separatrix, to make up the deficiency. We see by this example, that if a quantity be divided by a decimal, the quotient will be larger than the dividend. RULE. 128. Write down the divisor and dividend, and divide as in whole numbers. Point off as many places för decimals the decimal places in from the right hand of the quotient, as the dividend exceed those in the divisor. NOTE 1. If there are not so many figures in the quotient as the number of decimal places required, supply the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. 2. Should the decimal places in the divisor exceed those in the dividend, make them equal by annexing ciphers to the latter. 8.-Whenever there is a remainder after division, by annexing ciphers to it, one or more additional figures may be obtained in the quotient.(126.) QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 4. In 68.43 hours, how ma ny times 1.5 hours? 1.5)68.43(45.62 Ans. Let the pupil point the following answers according to the rule. 9. What is the quotient of 4263 by 2.5? Ans. 17052. R 10. What is the quotient of 4.2 by 36? Ans. 116+ 11. What is the quotient of 3298 by 7.54? Ans. 437+ Ans. 45. 3 12. What is the quotient of 243by 5.4? NOTE. When the quotient is 14. 8. Divide 0.0081892 by $0.347. Quot. 0.0236, • These are called Reciprocals. not complete, it is denoted by placing the sign + after it, in which case more quotient figures may be obtained by annexing ciphers to the remainder. 9.2 13. how many? -74-13-45.5 21.75-16.75-8.3 Ans. 15 9.31+5.09-1.75-8.463.58 =1 17+ VULGAR FRACTIONS CHANGED TO DECIMALS. ANALYSIS. 129. If we divide an apple equally between 2 boys, the part which each will receive will be an apple, or the quotient of 1 divided by 2; if we divide 1 apple between 3 boys, each will receive, or the quotient of divided by 3. In like manner, if 3 apples be divided between 4 boys, each boy will receive of an apple, or the quotient of 3 divided by 4, and generally a Vulgar, or Common Fraction denotes the division of the nume rator by the denominator. (22, 103) The fraction, for example, denotes that I is divided by 2, but since 1 does not contain 2, the quotient is less than 1, and must therefore be expressed in parts of unity. Now if we add a cipher to the dividend, 1, it becomes 10 tenths; (126) and 10 tenthe divided by 2, the quotient is 0.5.(125) Hence the decimal 0.5 is equivalent to . Again, in the fraction, if we add a cipher to the 1, it becomes 10 tenths as before, and 10 tenths divided by 3, the quotient is 0.3, and 0.1 remains. Joining a cipher to 0.1, it becomes 0.10, and dividing again by 3, the quotient is 0.03, and thus may we go on as far as we please, getting by each additional cipher a 3 in the quotient, which is 10 times less than the preceding, as 0.333+, which is the decimal expression for. And again in the fraction, adding a cipher to 3, and dividing by 4, the quotient is 0.7, and 0.2 remain; adding a cipher to 0.2, and dividing again by 4, the quotient is 0.05; -0.75 then is the decimal expression for And generally, 130. To change Vulgar Fractions to Decimals. RULE-Annex ciphers continually to the numerator, and divide by the denominator, so long as there shall be a remainder, or until the decimal be obtained to a sufficient degree of exactness. The quotient will be the decimal required; and it must consist of as many decimal places, as the number of ciphers annexed. If the quotient does not contain so many figures, make up the deficiency by prefixing ciphers. (127) QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 1. What is the decimal ex- 5. What are of a month pression for 25 25)1.00(0.04 Ans. 1.00 in decimals? Ans. 0.375 mo. 6. Change to a decimal. Ans. 0.7045+ 7. Change to a decimal. Ans. 0.173+ 8. Change τόσ to a decimal. Ans. 0.002. 9. Change to a mixed number. 10. Change to a decimal 1:31. Having become familiar with the method of changing Vulgar Fractions to Decimals, whenever fractions occur, the pupil has only to substitute for them their equivalent decimal values, and pr proceed as if they had been given in decimals. To illustrate this remark, take the following 5-5.5, and 28×5.5=154 rods, Answer. 6. In 154 yards how many rods? 10=154 rds. +5.5-28 rods, Ans. 7. What is the quotient of 12 by ? 12-12-24, Ans. 535.375. Ans. 21.5 lb. 3. A person having 174 tons of hay, sold 64 tons; tiplication and increased by divis how much had he left? Ans. 10.925 tons. By these examples it appears number is diminished by mul ion, when the multiplier and divisor are fractions or decimals. FEDERAL MONEY. 132. Federal Money is the established currency of the United States. Its denominations are all in a decimal or ten-fold proportion, as exhibited in table 1, page 38. The dollar is considered the unit money, and all the lower denominations are regarded as decimal parts of a dollar. Thus the dime is 1 tenth, or 0.1 of a dollar, the cent 1 hundredth, or 0.01 of a dollar, and the mill 1 thousandth, or 0.001 of a dollar; and placing these together, dol, d. c. m. 11, 11, They might be read, one dollar, one dime, one cent and one mill, or, one dollar, eleven cents and one mill, or, one dollar, one hundred and eleven mills or thousandths. The place next to dollars, on the left, is eagles, and 11. may be read, I eagle and I dollar, or eleven dollars. Twenty-five eagles, 8 dollars, 4 dimes, 6 cents and 3 mills, may be written and read, Eag. dime. mills. or mills. or cts. 25 8.4 63 dol. cts. 258.46 3. 258, 468 dol. decim. |