not behind (Bacon). 2. That is first in a progressive motion (Cheyne). FORE. ad. 1. Anteriourly. (Raleigh). 2. Fore is a word much used in composition to mark priority of time. FORE AND AFT, is used by seamen for the whole ship's length, or from end to end. FORE-LEGS OF A HORSE, the fore-leg consists of the arm, fore-thigh, and shank, which should be large, broad, and nervous. FORE-SKIN. See PREPUCE. To FOREADVISE. v. n. (fore and adtise.) To counsel early; to counsel before the time of action, or the event (Shakspeare). FOREARM. v. a. (fore and arm.) To provide for attack or resistance before the time of need (South). TO FOREBO DE. v. n. (fore and bode.) 1. To prognosticate; to foretell (Dryden). 2. To foreknow; to be prescient of (Pope). FOREBODER. s. (from forebode.) 1. A prognosticator; a soothsayer (L'Estrange). 2. A foreknower. FOREBY'. prep. (fore and by.) Near; hard by; fast by (Spenser). To FORECAST. v. a. (fore and cast.) 1. To scheme; to plan before execution (Daniel). 2. To adjust; to contrive antecedently (Dryden). 3. To foresee; to provide against (L'Estrange). To FORECAST. v. n. To form schemes; to contrive beforehand (Spenser). FORECAST. s. (from the verb.) Contrivance beforehand; antecedent policy (Addison). "FORECASTER... (from forecast.) One who contrives beforehand. FORECASTLE. s. (fore and castle.) In a ship, is that part where the foremast stands. FORECHO'SEN. part. ( fore and chosen.) Pre-elected. FORECITED. part. (fore and cite.) Quoted before, or above (Arbuthnot). TO FORECLOSE. v. a. (fore and close.) 1. To shut up; to preclude; to prevent. 2. To FORECLOSE a Mortgage, is to cut off the power of redemption. FOʻREDECK. s. (fore and deck.) The anteriour part of the ship (Chapman). To FO REDESIGN. v. a. (fore and de sign.) To plan beforehand (Cheyne). To FOREDO. v. a. (from for and do, not fore.) 1. To ruin; to destroy: obsolete (Shakspeare). 2. To overdo; to weary; to harass (Shakspeare). TO FOREDOOM. v. a. (fore and doom.) To predestinate; to determine beforehand (Pope). FORE-END. s. (fore and end.) The anteriour part (Bacon). FOREFATHER. s. (fore and father.) Ancestor ; one who in any degree of ascending genealogy precedes another (Raleigh). To FOREFE'ND. v, a. (for or fore and fend.) 1. To prohibit; to avert (Dryden). 2. To provide for; to secure (Shakspeare). FOREFI'NGER. s. (fore and finger.) The finger next the thumb; the index (Brown). FOREFOOT. s. plur. forefeet. (fore and foot.) The anteriour foot of a quadruped (Peacham). To FOREGO'. v. a. (fore and go.) 1. To quit; to give up; to resign (Locke). 2. To go before; to be past (Raleigh). 3. To lose (Shakspeare). FO'REGOER. s. (from forego.) Ancestor; progenitor (Shakspeare). FOREGROUND. s. (fore and ground.) The part of the field or expanse of a picture which seems to lie before the figures (Dry den). FO'REHAND. s. (fore and hand.) 1. The part of a horse which is before the rider. 2. The chief part: not in use (Shakspeare). FOREHAND. a. Done too soon (Shakspeare.) FOREHANDED. a. (from fore and hand.) 1. Early; timely (Taylor). 2. Formed in the foreparts (Dryden). FOREHEAD. s. (fore and head.) 1. That part of the face which reaches from the eyes upward to the hair (Dryden). 2. Impudence; confidence ; assurance (Collier). FOREHEAD OF A HORSE. This should be somewhat broad; some would have it a little raised; but a flat one is most beautiful. A horse should have in his forehead what is called a feather. (See FEATHER). It is also to be desired that he should have a star or blaze in his forehead. FOREHO'LDING. s. (fore and hold.) Predictions; ominous accounts (L'Estrange). FO'REIGN. a. (forain, French; forano, Spanish.) 1. Not of this country; not domestic (Addison.) 2. Alien; remote; not allied (Swift). 3. Excluded; not admitted; held at a distance (Shakspeare). 4. (In law.) A foreign plea, placitum forinsecum; as being a plea out of the proper court of justice. 5. Extraneous; adventitious in general (Philips). FO'REIGNER. s. (from foreign.) A man that comes from another country; not a native; a stranger (Addison). It has long been the wise policy of the British government to encourage emigration from foreign countries, with a view to introduce the various manufactures peculiar to them; and perhaps the encouragement to aliens to settle among us ought to be extended and increased, at a moment when some of the most wealthy parts of Europe are a prey to the horrors of war, and when thousands must be anxious to meet with an asylum for themselves, their families, and property. It appears that there are domesticated among us at present (1807) about 11,400 foreigners, and that 16,000 others are engaged in our va rious military or naval services, &c., chiefly abroad. 12,500 3000 500 16,000 250 800 5,000 FOREMAN. s. (fore and man.) The first or chief person (Addison). FOREMAST of a ship, a large round piece of timber, placed in her forepart, or forecastle, and carrying the fore-sail and fore-top-sail yards. Its length is usually of the main-mast. And the fore-top-gallant-mast is the length of the fore-top-niast. See MAST. FOREMAST-MEN, are those on board a ship that take in the top-sails, fling the yards, furl the sails, bowse, trice, and take their turn at the helm, &c. 2,500 FOREMENTIONED. a. (fore and men500 tion.) Mentioned or recited before. 1,200 27,400 Of the class No. 1, above one half are either in Ireland, or abroad on various services. No. 2, are interspersed in every regiment in the army, and ships of the line. 4. Mostly kept on charity. 5. Mostly vagabonds, travelling the country with images and pictures, and persons escaped from the conscription of France. 6. The greater part are valets, teachers in schools, &c. 7. The greater part are sugar-boilers and other labourers, including above 700 Jews. 8. Mostly employed in trade and commerce. Monthly Mag.) FOREIGNNESS. s. (from foreign.) Remoteness; want of relation to something (Locke). FOREIMAGINE. v. a. (fore and imagine.) To conceive or fancy before proof Camden). To FOREJUDGE. v. a. (fore and judge.) To judge beforehand; to be prepossessed. TO FOREKNOW, v. a. (fore and know.) To have prescience of; to foresee (Raleigh). FOREKNOWABLE. a. (from foreknow.) Possible to be known before they happen (More). FOREKNOWLEDGE, s. s. (fore and knowledge.) Prescience; knowledge of that which has not yet happened (Milton,) FORELAND, or FORENESS, in navigation, a point of land jutting out into the sea. In England, there are two promontories or headlands, called North and South Foreland respectively. The former is the N.E. point of the Isle of Thanet in Kent, and is situated in Lon. 1. 17 E. Greenwich, and Lat. 51. 23 N. The latter forms the east point of the Kentish coast, but is called South in respect to its bear ing from the former: its Lon. is 1, 17 E. and its Lat. 51. 12 N. To FORELA'Y. v. a. (fore and lay.) To Jay wait for; to entrap by ambush (Dryden). To FORELIFT. v. a. (fore and lift.) To raise aloft any anteriour part (Spenser). FO'RELOCK. s. (fore and lock.) The hair that grows from the forepart of the head (Milton). FORENA MED. a. (fore and name.) Nominated before (Ben Jonson). FO'RENOON. s. (fore and noon.) The time of day reckoned from the middle point, between the dawn and the meridian, to the meridian (Arbuthnot). FORENOTICE. s. (fore and notice.) Information of an event before it happens (Rymer). FORENSIC. a. (forensis, Latin.) Belonging to courts of judicature (Locke). TO FOREORDA'IN. v. a. (fore and ordain.) To predestinate; to predetermine; to preordain (Hooker). FO'REPART. s. (fore and part.) 1. The part first in time (Raleigh). 2. The part an teriour in place (Ray). FOREPAST. a. (fore and past.) Past before a certain time (Hammond). FOREPOSSESSED. a. ( fore and possess.) Preoccupied; prepossessed (Sanderson). FO'RERANK. s. (fore and rank.) First rank; front (Shakspeare). FORE REACH, in the sea language: a ship is said to fore reach upon another, when both sailing together, one sails better, or outgoes the other. FORERECITED, a. (fore and recite.) Mentioned or enumerated before (Shak speare). FORERUN. v. a. (fore and run.) 1. To come before as an earnest of something following (Dryden). 2. To precede; to have the start of (Graunt). FORERUNNER, s. (from forerun.) 1. A harbinger; a messenger sent before to give notice of the approach of those that follow (Stilling fleet, Dryden). 2. A prognostic; a sign foreshowing any thing (South). To FORESA'Y. v. a. (fore and say.) To predict; to prophesy; to foretell (Shakspeare). eare FORESEE. v, a. (fore and see.) To see beforehand; to see what has not yet happened (Taylor). To FORESHAME. v. a. (fore and shame.) To shame; to bring reproach upon (Shakspeare), FORESHIP. s. (fore and ship.) The anteriour part of the ship (Acts). To FORESHOʻRTEN, v. a. (fore and shorten.) To shorten figures for the sake of see ing those behind (Dryden). To FORESHOW. v. a. (fore and show.) 1. To discover before it happens; to predict; to prognosticate (Denham). 2. To represent before it comes (Hooker). FORESIGHT. s. (fore and sight.) 1. Prescience; prognostication; foreknowledge (Milton). 2. Provident care of futurity (Spenser). FORESIGHTFUL. a. (foresight and full.) Prescient; provident (Sidney). To FORESIGNIFY. v. a. (fore and signify.) To betoken beforehand; to foreshow; to typify (Hooker). FORESKIN. s. (fore and skin.) The prepuce (Cowley). FORESKIRT. s. (fore and skirt.) The pendulous or loose part of the coat before (Shakspeare). To FORESLACK. v. a. (fore and slack.) To neglect by idleness (Spenser). To FORESLOW. v. a. (fore and slow.) 1. To delay; to hinder; to impede (Dryden), 2. To neglect; to omit (Fletcher). To FORESLO'w. v. n. To be dilatory; to loiter (Shakspeare). To FORESPEAK. v. n. (fore and speak.) 1. To predict; to foresay (Camden). 2. To forbid. (Shakspeare). FORESPENT. a. (for and spent.) 1. Wasted; tired; spent (Shakspeare). 2. Forepassed; past. (fore and spent.) (Spectator). 3. Bestowed before (Shakspeare). FORESPU'RRER. s. (fore and spur.) One that rides before (Shakspeare). FOREST, in geography, a huge wood; or a large extent of ground covered with trees. The word is formed of the Latin foresta, which first occurs in the capitulars of Charlemagne, and which itself is derived from the German frost, signifying the same thing. Spelman derives it from the Latin foris restal, by reason that forests are out of towns. Others derive foresta from feris, q. d. Foresta, quoad sit tata statio ferarum, as being a safe station or abode for wild beasts. The Caledonian and Hercynian forests are famous in history. The first was a celebrated retreat of the ancient Picts and Scots: the latter anciently occupied the greatest part of Europe; particularly Germany, Poland, Hungary, &c." FOREST, in law, is defined by Manwood a certain territory of woody grounds and fruit ful pastures, privileged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase, and warren, to rest and abide under the protection of the king, for his princely delight; bounded with unremoveable marks and meres, either known by matter of record or prescription; replenished with wild beasts of venery or chase, with great coverts of vert for the said beasts; for preservation and continuance whereof, the vert and venison, there are certain particular laws, privileges, and officers. Forests are of such antiquity in England, that, excepting the New-Forest in Hampshire, erected by William the Conqueror, and Hampton-Court, erected by Henry VIII, it is said, that there is no record or history which makes any certain mention of theif erection. FOREST (Beasts of the), are the hart, hind,, buck, doe, boar, wolf, fox, hare, &c. FOREST-COURTS, courts instituted for the government of the king's forests in different parts of the kingdom, and for the punishment of all injuries done to the king's deer or veni son, to the vert or greensward, and to the covert in which such deer are lodged. FOREST-LAWS, are peculiar laws different from the common law of England. Even to this day, in trespasses relating to the forest, voluntas reputabitur pro facto; so that if a man be taken hunting a deer, he may be arrested as if he had taken a deer. FOREST-TOWNS, in geography, certain towns of Suabia in Germany, lying along the Rhine, and the confines of Switzerland, and subject to the house of Austria. Their names are Rhinefield, Seckingen, Lausenburg, and Waldshut. FORESTS (Plantation of), This of late has been too much neglected in our own country; whence the high and enormous price of timber of every kind, and the extreme difficulty of obtaining it during war. Even those who are possessed of extensive tracts of woodlands are more generally disposed to convert them into arable than to maintain them upon their existing use. It is a national evil; but will always be found to accompany a population that demands a larger proportion of grain than the soil actually cultivated produces, and where landed estates are perpetually flitting from hand to hand. The trees that answer best for fresh planta. tion are such as grow to a large size, and lofty height, whether deciduous or evergreen: those chiefly employed are the oak, ash, elm, beech, chesnut, maple, birch, alder, poplar, larch, and pine. Many of these are as ornamental as they are useful, and where ornament is principally the object, they may be intermixed with mountain-ash, lime, horse-chesnut, willow, and all the varieties of fir, box, holly, yew, cypress and cedar. In forming plantations of this kind, the fol◄ lowing rules may be found useful. Great care should, in the first place, be taken to adapt the trees as much as possible to the soils and situation, as some sorts succeed best on a soil of one kind, and other sorts on a soit of another kind. Thus the oak, elm, maple, and birch, answer well on all the deeper kinds of soil, while those of the ash, beech, ches nut, mountain-ash, larch, pine, box, holly, and yew thrive most perfectly where the soils are light, dry and friable; at the same time that the alder, willow, and poplar demand a soil where there is a considerable degree of moisture; and the beech, mountain-ash, and larch succeed well in exposed situations. The manual labour required in laying out a forest, is nearly the same as that for fruit trees and shrubs, and though plantations of forest trees need not be so nicely attended to as fruit trees, yet the better the work is performed, the fairer is the prospect in growing good tim ber: a check by an error at first planting is a loss of time, and a damage done to trees which is sometimes never recovered. To give an instance: the mould is often thrown on the roots of a forest tree in lumps, when if a little sifted earth was used, so as just to cover them with fine mould, the trouble would be amply repaid by the quick striking, and future strength of the tree. Ground designed for planting should be prepared as long as it can beforehand, by the use of the plough or spade; and if some sort of previous cultivation, either in corn or vegetables, was adopted, the soil would be better fitted to receive the trees. At any rate, the places where the trees are to be set should be previously dug somewhat deep, and cleared of rubbish, perennial weeds, couch, &c. If wet, let it be properly drained, for none but aquatics can do well in a cold and very moist soil. In open planting for timber, to make only the holes good where the trees are set, is sufficient, if the soil be not strong (which, generally speaking, however, it should be); and in such plantations, the plough being used for corn, or some sort of crop to be carried off, the whole soil will be prepared for the tree's roots to spread. A plantation of this sort may be constantly under the plough, till the trees shade too much; and then it may be sown down for grass, which lying warm, and coming early, would be found useful. The opportunity given to improve a soil by this cultivation would insure very fine timber. But a plantation of trees being made (as suppose of oaks) at due distances, and the ground ploughed for two or three years, while they get a little a head, then it might be sown profitably with nuts, keys, and seeds for underwood, observing to thin the plants the second year, and again the third, till two or three feet asunder in poor ground, and to three or four feet distance if rich. In fourteen or fifteen years (or much sooner for some purposes), the ash poles, &c. will be fine, and meet with a ready sale as useful stuff: afterwards the underwood will be fit to cut, in a strong state, every eleven or twelve years. In the management of underwood, some have thinned the plants while young, to three feet, asunder, and cut them down at three years, to about six inches, in order to form stools, which in about ten years are cut, having produced several stems from each. Some persons have cut seedling trees down at this age to three inches for timber, leaving only one strong shoot to grow from each stool; and thus finer trees are frequently (or rather certainly) produced, than from seedlings not cut down. The distances of the timber plants may be from twenty-five to thirty-five feet, according to the soil, or opinion of the planter. If no view to underwood, the above open planting may be made close, by setting first the principals (which should be fine plants), and then filling up with others that are worse, to within about eight or nine feet of one another. They will at this distance come to fair timber, or may be thinned at plea sure; and even among these, a small crop of underwood might be had, which would shelter the timber plants, and help to draw them up straight. As to little plantations, of thickets, coppices, clumps, and rows of trees, they are to be set close according to their nature, and the particular view the planter has, who will take care to consider the usual size they attain, and their mode of growth. An advantage at home for shade or shelter, and a more distant object of sight, will make a difference. For some immediate advantage, very close planting may take place, but good trees cannot be thus expected; yet if thinned in time, a straight tall stem is thus procured, which afterwards is of great advantage. For little clumps or groups of forest trees (as elms), these may be planted three or four in a spot, within five or six feet of one another, and thus be easily fenced; having the air freely all round, and a good soil, such clumps produce fine timber. Single trees of every sort grow off apace, and are more beautiful than when in the neighbourhood of others, and particularly firs, pines, larches, limes, walnuts, and chesnuts: the edible fruited chesnut is exceedingly good for timber; but the horse is only ornamental, flourishing most on high dry ground. As to rows of trees, whether single or double, when planted for a screen, they may be set about seven or eight feet asunder, upon an average, according to their nature, taking care to prune them occasionally from too galling an interference. Avenues are now seldom planted; but when they are, two good rows of elms, limes, chesnuts, &c. should be set at the width of the house, at full thirty feet distance in the rows: to thicken which, intermediate plants may be set; and also an inner row, to be removed when the principal trees are full grown. Avenues to prospects should be fifty or sixty feet wide. The best season for planting deciduous kinds of forest trees is toward the end of October, and for evergreen sorts, the end of March; though the soil, whether light and dry, or heavy and wet, should somewhat direct; evergreen trees being to be planted generally with safety, early in autumn, if the soil is warm; but in all cases trees should be planted in dry weather, that the mould may be loose to drop in, and lie close between the roots, which is a material thing: trees planted in rain or mists are injured by the moisture moulding the roots. Forest trees for planting are generally preferred rather large, and being so, should not be taken up carelessly, but with as much of an uninjured spread of roots as possible; yet free growing plants, of about three or four feet high, promise in the end to make finer trees than those that are planted larger. Some say they are best at this size from the seed bed; and others, to have been once planted out, having had their tap roots then cut: and generally Speaking, this is the case, as they have a more bushy and horizontal root. In the act of planting, let every thing be done as for fruit trees; i. e. the hole dug wide and deep, the ground well broken, or rather sifted, to lie immediately about their roots, &c. Let the trees be made fast by stakes, and litter laid about their roots to keep out frost and drought. It is of much consequence to take care that the roots (especially of evergreen trees) do not get withered before planted. Evergreens do best in a dry, but deciduous forest trees (generally) in a moist soil, if it is not wet. Oaks in particular, though at first they may appear to do poorly, grow well in strong moist ground, and make the best timber. Fencing is the last thing to be considered. If trees be planted where cattle go, their stems must be protected from barking and rubbing. The common way of small posts and little rails is well known; but if large cattle be not fed where the trees are, good thorns stuck round them, and tied to them, are sufficient, and indeed this might do in almost all cases. There are various ways, ordinarily known; but what ever mode is used, let it be at first well executed, and afterwards repaired in time, as often as there is need. Whoever plants forest trees, should take care to dress them by proper pruning, and suffering no suckers to remain about their roots. Their tops should be kept equal, and not permitted to spread too much in heavy branches, but trained in a light and spiral way, always preserving the leading shoot, to encourage mounting, which is the perfection of a forest tree. The stems of all trees designed for timber should be constantly and timely attended to, as it is necessary to rub off buds, or cut off the side shoots, except here and there a small one, which may serve to detain the sap to the swelling of the trunk; but branches being left on of any strength, keep the tree from mounting, and draw it crooked; and such branches, if cut off when large, occasion knots, and sometimes decay at the part. Plantations growing thick should be thinned in time, but not too much at once, especially in hilly situations; for those trees which remain come suddenly to be exposed (after having been brought up under the shelter of others), and suffer much; getting crooked, stunted, and bushy, instead of having their desirable form, without which they are not adapted for superior uses, or agreeable to the eye. Ornamental trees, as the crab, black cherry, mountain ash, &c. may prove profitable, as well as agreeable, one being here and there scattered amongst forest trees, and should there fore not be omitted: the wood is good. FORE-STAFF, an instrument used at sea, for taking the altitudes of the heavenly bodies; being so called, because the observer, in using it, turns his face forward, or towards the object, in contradistinction to the back-staff, with which he turns his back to the object. It is also called the cross-staff, because it consists of several pieces set across a staff. The fore-staff is formed of a straight square staff, of about three feet long, having each of its four sides graduated like a line of tangents, and four crosses, or vanes, sliding upon it, of unequal lengths, the halves of which represent the radii to the lines of tangents on the different sides of the staff. The first or shortest of these vanes is called the ten cross, or ten vane, and belongs to the 10 scale, or that side of the instrument on which divisions begin at 3 degrees, and end at 10. The next longer cross is called the 30 cross, belonging to that side of the staff where the divisions begin at 10 degrees, and end at 30, called the 30 scale. The third vane is called the 60 cross, and belongs to that side where the divisions begin at 20 degrees, and end at 60. The last or longest vane, called the 90 cross, belongs to the side where the divisions begin at 30 degrees, and end at 90. The chief use of this instrument is to take the height of the sun, and stars, or the distance between two stars; and the 10, 30, 60, or 90 cross, is to be used, according as the altitude is more or less; that is, if the altitude be less than 30, the 30 cross is to be used; and so on. To observe an Altitude with the Forestaff. Apply the flat end of the staff to the eye, and slide one of the crosses backwards and forwards upon it, till over the upper end of the cross be just seen the centre of the sun or star, and over the under end the extreme horizon; then the degrees and minutes cut by the cross on the side of the staff proper to the vane in use, gives the altitude above the horizon. In like manner, for the distance between two luminaries; the staff being set to the eye, bring the cross just to subtend or cover that distance, by having that luminary just at the one end of it, and the other luminary at the other end of it; and the degrees and minutes, in the distance, will be cut on the proper side of the staff, as before. TO FORESTAʼLL. v. a. (Forestallan, Sax.) 1. To anticipate; to take up beforehand. 2. To hinder by preoccupation or prevention (Pope). 3. To seize or gain possession of before another (Spenser). FORESTA LLER. s. (from forestall.) One that anticipates the market; one that purchases before others to raise the price (Locke). FORESTALLING, is the buying or bargaining for any corn, cattle or other merchandize, by the way, before it comes to any market or fair, to be sold; or by the way, as it comes from beyond the seas, or otherwise, towards any city, port, haven, or creek of this realm, to the intent to sell the same again at a higher price. At the common law, all endeavours to enhance the common price of any merchandize, and all things which have an apparent tendency thereto, whether by spreading false rumours, or by purchasing things in a market before the accustomed hour, or by buying and selling |