| Rev. Samuel Wood - 1833 - 224 pages
...Employment for One Year. Post 8vo, 3s. bound. Ustin Versification. MYTHOLOGY for VERSIFICATION : or, a Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. By the Rev. F. HODGSON, MA Second Edition. 12mo, 3s. bound. Just Published. MYTHOLOGIA VERSIBUS LATINIS... | |
| Friedrich Zander - 1834 - 490 pages
...GREENWOOD, Principal of Owens College, Manchester. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. ¡s. dd. Hodgson.— MYTHOLOGY FOR LATIN VERSIFICATION. A brief Sketch of the Fables...Provost of Eton. New Edition, revised by FC HODGSON, MA l8mo. 31. Homer's Odyssey — THE NARRATIVE OF ODYSSEUS. With a Commentary by JOHN EB MAYOR, MA, Kennedy... | |
| British Museum - Manuscripts - 1834 - 172 pages
...relating to the De Hochepied Family. 8° Antwerp, 1827. HODGSON (F.). Mythology for Versification: or, a brief sketch of the fables of the ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin verse. 12° Lond. 1831. * HOEI-LAN-KI, ou 1'histoire du cercle de craie. Traduit du Chinois, avcc notes par... | |
| Bibliography - 1865 - 962 pages
...6d. Thring's Latin Gradual : A First Latin Construing Hook. ISmo. cloth, 2s. 6d. Hodgson's Mythology for Latin Versification: A Brief Sketch of the Fables...prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse, for Schools. New Edition, revised by FC HODGSON, MA, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. ISmo. 3a. Wright's Seven... | |
| Central Society of Education (London, England) - Education - 1839 - 482 pages
...the University of Oxford. Seventh Edition. 12mo, 2s. 6rf. cloth. x. MYTHOLOGY FOR VERSIFICATION : or, a brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. By the Rev. F. HODGSON, MA Third Edition. 12mo, 3s. bound. " The Author here offers to those who are... | |
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...in a Systematic Progression. By ALEXANDER ALLEN. 12mo, -Is. cloth. MYTHOLOGY FOR VERSIFICATION; or, a Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. By the Venerable Archdeacon HODGSON, MA, Provost of Eton. Third Edition. 12mo, 3s. bound. A KEY to... | |
| Edward Turner - 1841 - 168 pages
...information on subjects connected with the Latin authors."— Preface. MYTHOLOGY FOR VERSIFICATION ; or, a Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. By the Reverend FRANCIS HODGSON, MA, Provost of Eton. Third Edition. 12mo, 3s. bound. A KEY to ditto,... | |
| Justus Freiherr von Liebig, William Gregory - Food - 1847 - 206 pages
...Notes. Fifth Edition. 12mo, 4*. Sd. cloth. Hodgson's (Provost of Eton) Mythology for Versification ; or a Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. Fourth Edition. 12mo, 3». cloth. Key to ditto. 8vo, 7*. cloth. Hodgson's (Provost of Eton) Select... | |
| Julius Charles Hare, Augustus William Hare - Aphorisms and apothegms - 1848 - 426 pages
...Notes. Fifth Edition. 12mo. 4s. 6d. cloth. HODGSON'S (PKOVOST OF ETON) MYTHOLOGY FOR VERSIFICATION ; or, A Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. Fourth Edition, 12mo. 3s. cloth. Key to ditto. 8vo. Ts. cloth. HODGSON'S (PROVOST OF ETON) SELECT PORTIONS... | |
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...copiousNotes. Fifth Edition. 12mo, 4*. 6d. cloth. Hodgson's (Provost of Eton) Mythology for Versification ; or a Brief Sketch of the Fables of the Ancients, prepared to be rendered into Latin Verse. Fourth Edition. 12mo, 3*. cloth. Key to ditto. 8vo,7l. cloth. Hodgson's (Provost of Eton) Select Portions... | |
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