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Godfray, Hugh-continued.

Studies: but by far the larger and easier portion, adapted to the first three days of the Examination for Honours, may be read by the more advanced pupils in many of our schools. The author's aim has been to convey clear and distinct ideas of the celestial phenomena.

AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE LUNAR THEORY, with a Brief Sketch of the Problem up to the time of Newton. By HUGH GODFRAY, M. A. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 5s. 6d.

These pages will, it is hoped, form an introduction to more recondite works. Difficulties have been discussed at considerable length. The selection of the method followed with regard to analytical solutions, which is the same as that of Airy, Herschel, &c. was made on account of its simplicity; it is, moreover, the method which has obtained in the University of Cambridge.

Hemming.-AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS, for the Use of Colleges and Schools. By G. W. HEMMING, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Second Edition, with Corrections and Additions. 8vo. cloth. 9s.

Jones and Cheyne.—ALGEBRAICAL EXERCISES. Progressively arranged. By the Rev. C. A. JONES, M. A., and C. H. CHEYNE, M.A., Mathematical Masters of Westminster School. New Edition. 18mo. cloth. 2s. 6d.

This little book is intended to meet a difficulty which is probably felt more or less by all engaged in teaching Algebra to beginners. It is, that while new ideas are being acquired, old ones are forgotten. In the belief that constant practice is the only remedy for this, the present series of miscel laneous exercises has been prepared. Their peculiarity consists in this, that though miscellaneous they are yet progressive, and may be used by



the pupil almost from the commencement of his studies. They are not intended to supersede the systematically arranged examples to be found in ordinary treatises on Algebra, but rather to supplement them.

The book being intended chiefly for Schools and Junior Students, the higher parts of Algebra have not been included.

Kitchener.-A GEOMETRICAL NOTE-BOOK, containing Easy Problems in Geometrical Drawing preparatory to the Study of Geometry. For the Use of Schools. By F. E. KITCHENER, M.A., Mathematical Master at Rugby. 4to. 25.

It is the object of this book to make some way in overcoming the difficulties of Geometrical conception, before the mind is called to the attack of Geometrical theorems. A few simple methods of construction are given ; and space is left on each page, in order that the learner may draw in the figures.


MORGAN, M.A., Sadlerian and Mathematical Lecturer of Jesus
College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d.

This book contains a number of problems, chiefly elementary, in the Mathematical subjects usually read at Cambridge. They have been selected from the papers set during late years at Jesus College. Very few of them are to be met with in other collections, and by far the larger number are due to some of the most distinguished Mathematicians in the University.

Parkinson.-Works by S. PARKINSON, B.D., Fellow and Prælector of St. John's College, Cambridge.


For the

Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. Fourth edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. 9s. 6d.

In preparing a fourth edition of this work the author has kept the same object in view as he had in the former editions—namely, to include in it such portions of Theoretical Mechanics as can be conveniently investigated



Parkinson, S.-continued.

without the use of the Differential Calculus, and so render it suitable as a manual for the junior classes in the University and the higher classes in Schools. With one or two short exceptions, the student is not presumed to require a knowledge of any branches of Mathematics beyond the elements of Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Several additional propositions have been incorporated in the work for the purpose of rendering it more complete; and the collection of Examples and Problems has been largely increased.

A TREATISE ON OPTICS. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. cloth. IOS. 6d.

A collection of examples and problems has been appended to this work, which are sufficiently numerous and varied in character to afford useful exercise for the student. For the greater part of them, recourse has been had to the Examination Papers set in the University and the several Colleges during the last twenty years.

Phear.-ELEMENTARY HYDROSTATICS. With Numerous Examples. By J. B. PHEAR, M.A., Fellow and late Assistant Tutor of Clare College, Cambridge. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth. 5s. 6d.

This edition has been carefully revised throughout, and many new illustrations and examples added, which it is hoped will increase its usefulness to students at the Universities and in Schools. In accordance with suggestions from many engaged in tuition, answers to all the Examples have been given at the end of the book.

Pratt.-A TREATISE ON ATTRACTIONS, LAPLACE'S FUNCTIONS, AND THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. By JOHN H. PRATT, M.A., Archdeacon of Calcutta, Author of "The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy." Third Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth. 6s. 6d.

The author's chief design in this treatise is to give an answer to the question, "Has the Earth acquired its present form from being originally in a fluid state?" This Edition is a complete revision of the former ones.



Puckle.-AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON CONIC SEC. TIONS AND ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY. With Numerous Examples and Hints for their Solution; especially designed for the Use of Beginners. By G. H. PUCKLE, M.A., Head Master of Windermere College. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. cloth. 7s. 6d.

This work has been completely rewritten, and a large amount of new matter has been added to suit the requirements of the present time. The author has written with special reference to those difficulties and misapprehensions which are found most common to beginners. The treatise is complete as far as regards Cartesian Co-ordinates.

Rawlinson.-ELEMENTARY STATICS, by the Rev. GEORGE RAWLINSON, M. A. Edited by the Rev. EDWARD STURGES, M.A., of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and late Professor of the Applied Sciences, Elphinstone College, Bombay. Crown 8vo. cloth. 4s. 6d. Published under the authority of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India, for use in the Government Schools and Colleges in India.



GEOMETRY. By E. M. REYNOLDS, M.A., Mathematical
Master in Clifton College. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Geometry has received extensive developments in modern times, but in England there has been no corresponding improvement in elementary teaching.


Numerous Examples. By EDWARD JOHN ROUTH, M.A., late
Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. Peter's College, Cambridge;
Examiner in the University of London. Second Edition, enlarged.
Crown 8vo. cloth. 145.

In this edition the author has made several additions to each chapter. He has tried, even at the risk of some little repetition, to make each



chapter, as far as possible, complete in itself, so that all that relates to any one part of the subject may be found in the same place. This arrangement will enable every student to select his own order in which to read the subject. The Examples which will be found at the end of each chapter have been chiefly selected from the Examination Papers which have been set in the University and the Colleges in the last few years.

Smith (Barnard).-Works by BARNARD SMITH, M.A., Rector of Glaston, Rutlandshire, late Fellow and Senior Bursar of St. Peter's College, Cambridge.

ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA, in their Principles and Application; with numerous systematically arranged Examples taken from the Cambridge Examination Papers, with especial reference to the Ordinary Examination for the B. A. Degree. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth. IOS. 6d.

This manual is now extensively used in Schools and Colleges, both in England and in the Colonies. It has also been found of great service for students preparing for the Middle Class and Civil and Military Service Examinations, from the care that has been taken to elucidate the principles of all the rules. The present edition has been carefully revised.

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all those whose minds are sufficiently developed to comprehend the simplest mathematical reasoning, and who have not yet thoroughly mastered the principles of Arithmetic and Algebra, it is calculated to be of great advantage."-ATHENÆUM.

Of this work, also, one of the highest possible authorities, the late Dean Peacock, writes: "Mr. Smith's work is a most useful publication. The rules are stated with great clearness. The examples are well selected, and worked out with just sufficient detail, without being encumbered by too minute explanations; and there prevails throughout it that just proportion of theory and practice, which is the crowning excellence of an elementary work."

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