This Work will be issued to Subscribers only, and no more than the Copies actually ordered will be printed before destroying the Stones. The descriptive Text, as well as the Titles to the Plates, will be printed in French and English, in order to make the Work as widely International as possible. BY PERMISSION OF HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS. MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. BY J. B. WARING, FELLOW AND MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. 66 SUPERINTENDENT OF THE ARCHITECTURAL GALLERY, FURNITURE AND DECORATION, PRECIOUS METAL WORK, STAINED GLASS AND POTTERY, IN THE GREAT EXHIBITION; EDITOR OF THE ART TREASURES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, MANCHESTER, 1857;" AUTHOR OF "THE ARTS CONNECTED WITH ARCHITECTURE IN ITALY, ""ARCHITECTURE AND SCULPTURE AT BURGOS, SPAIN," &c. &c. DEDICATED BY COMMAND TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. "WINDSOR CASTLE, Nov. 13, 1861. "SIR,-I have had the honour to submit the purport of your letter of the 5th instant to Her Majesty the Queen. "I have the pleasure to inform you that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to accept the Dedication of your forthcoming Work upon the Great Exhibition of 1862. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient, humble servant, (Signed) "Messrs. Day & Son, Lithographers to the Queen." "To Mr. DAY, "C. B. PHIPPS. The Edition will be Limited to 2,000 Copies, or, should the Subscription fall short of this quantity, then such lesser number only as may be subscribed for by the close of the Exhibition, and the STONES will be destroyed; so that not one copy beyond those for the Subscribers will be printed, and the value of the Work can never be reduced. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. The Work, Folio in size, will be published in 75 Parts-each Part, price 5s., to contain Four Plates and Descriptive Text, in a Wrapper. The entire Work will form Three very handsome Volumes, and the whole will be completed within twelve months from the date of publication of Part I. On the following tinted pages will be found-1stly, a brief Prospectus of the Work; 2ndly, a List of the Subjects of which it will be composed; 3rdly, a List of Subscribers, up to September 26, absorbing about 1,250 Copies of the entire edition; 4thly, on the last page is a Form of Subscription on which orders be forwarded to the Publishers. may London: DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen, 6 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. (665) MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. PROSPECTUS-continued. THIS Collection will consist of THREE HUNDRED PLATES, containing SEVERAL HUNDRED TIL Cortions of the most choice Examples, foreign as well as native, in Sculpture and Decorative Art, executed by Messrs. DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen, in the highest style of excellence attainable in Chromo-lithography, from coloured Photographs taken for the purpose with the permission of the Exhibitors. This important Work, more complete than any of the kind yet published, will be the most magnificent, useful, and interesting souvenir of the International Exhibition of 1862-rendering with exact fidelity, both in form and colour, the chefs-d'œuvre of the world's progress in Art and Industry. Its value will be enhanced by the thorough independence exercised in the selection of examples-the only influence brought to bear on that selection being the merit of the subjects themselves,-which, as a Series, are intended to form, both from style and size, an attractive and elegant work, and also to be permanent models for all interested or occupied in the various arts and manufactures represented. This publication has for its sole object the perpetuation of those productions that evince unmistake able superiority in their special departments-the beauty and absolute justice of the selection being guaranteed by the well-known experience and good taste of Mr. J. B. WARING; under no other conditions could the illustrations be selected for a Work already ordered by so many persons of known taste, and which will be purchased by our own and foreign Governments for the Public Libraries of the World, and as a Text-Book for every School of Art. LIST OF SUBJECTS. THE accompanying List of Subjects, intended to form the contents of Mr. WARING'S Work on the International Exhibition, will be adhered to as far as circumstances will admit. In the course of further investigation, it may be found that some contributions which, in so large a collection, have for a time escaped notice, will better replace others already indicated. It may, however, be relied on as embodying the main features of the Work, and will, we trust, afford proof of impartial and judicious selection. PRECIOUS METAL WORK-continued. Danish Gold Inlay Horn, Gold Dag- Danish Silver Tazza and Horn, &c. Christofle.-Centre-piece for Hôtel de Christofle. Enamelled Service Thioullier. Bishop's Hubert.-Great Enamelled Vase [&c. Chinese and Siamese Gold Work, the Furniture. Crace.-Mediæval Sideboard Crace.-Panel of a Side of a Room, Trollope.- Chimney-piece Jackson & Grabain. - Carved Side- Jackson & Graham-Ebony and Or molu Cabinet, and Portion of Room Gray & Davison-An Organ, Mediæval Hart.-A Pianoforte, Mediæval Style binet Taylor.-Carved Sideboard Leu oine. Steel Inlaid Cabinet Paillard Silver Gilt Mirror, &c. Italian Inlaid Ivory Cabinet, by Gatti Bosi, of Florence Russian Pietradura Cabinet & Flower- Austrian Triptych Portion of Prie- Oct. 1, 1862 The Publishers' Circular 459 MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. French Paperhangings-Miroy, Frères, Paris French Paperhangings-Seegers. Paris Paper & other Hangings-Despreaux Sèvres Damascene Work, by Defresne Engleman.-Book Covers, Paris Spanish Pressed and Coloured Leather Spanish Damascened Clock, &c. by Zuloaga Brazilian and Monte-Videan Pressed Leather Venetian Glass Mosaic, by Salviati Roman and Austrian Incised and Inlaid Marble Work Caucasian and other Pressed Leather Indian Lacquer Work Indian Inlay Brass and other Metals nets, &c. Japanese Pressed and Coloured Paper Japanese Marquetrie TEXTILE FABRICS - continued. Clabburn & Crisp.-Norwich Shawls Houldsworth, Manchester.- Damasks Damask Cloth, Faber. Stuttgart; Birrel, Dunfermline; Moore & Weinberg, Belfast Italian Tissues and Embroidery Russian and Caucasian Carpets Nowotny, Vienna.-Silk Embroidery Turkish Gold and Silver Worked Turkish Carpets [Style Edwards & Son.-Pedestal Stove, &c. Mappin & Wostenholm.- Daggers, Winffeld.-Bronze Gilt Chandelier Rennie & Adcock-Silver Chandelier with Parian Figures Messenger. Bronze Gilt and China Chandelier Hulett-Mediæval Brass Chandelier Caucasian Pistols, Guns, &c. Delacour and others.-Swords and Barbezat.-Lectern, &c., in Cast Iron Marchand.-Bronze Clock and Candelabra MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS The Dedication Copy-HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. The Government of Wurtemberg, per Dr.Von. Steinbeis, Royal 10 The Minister of Commerce, Trade, and Public Works, at Berlin 7 Count Batthyany, 130 Park Street, Grosvenor Square Duc de Praslin, Château de Praslin par Melun, France Chevalier de Schwarz. Austrian Chief Commissioner at the Exhibition. 18-2, 6 Onslow Crescent. Brompton His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon His Excellence the Turkish Ambassador, Turkish Embassy Thompson F. Esq. 76 Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park Brackenridge, the Rev. G. W., Clevedon, Somerset Copies Boutovsky, Victor, l'Ecole Stroganoff de Dessin tethnique at Rodes, W. H. Esq. Barlbro Hall, Chesterfield Best. F. B., 51 Upper George Street, Bryanston Square Gray, J. Esq. Summerhill House, Sion Hill, Bath Mills, Geo. Esq. per Mr. T. Mark, Stourbridge 2 - 1 1 Stewart, H. G. M. Esq. per Messrs. Hatchard & Co. Messrs. Willis & Sotheran, Booksellers, 136 Strand 50 Kerr, W. H., Esq. Lord Foley, 26 Grosvenor Square, W. Public Museum, Moscow, Russia The Lady Rolle, 18 Upper Grosvenor Street Barry, Sir R. Victoria Department, International Exhibition Colnaghi, Messrs. P. & D. Scott, & Co. Pall Mall, East, S.W. 10 1 1 Palmer, W. Esq. Land Surveyor, Bruton, Somerset Richard, Mr. J. E., 80 St. Martin's Lane Philp, Mr. A. W.. 32 St. Paul's Churchyard- Williamson, S. E-q. Pendre Holywell, Flintshire Clifford, F. C. A. Esq. 15 Grove End, N.W. Marjoribanks, D. C. Esq. M.P. Upper Brook Street Birrel Bros., Messrs. Dunfermline Ridgway, G. C., Spencer House, Ryde, Isle of Wight Anstruther, Sir R. Travellers' Club, Pall Mall 1 Maclean, A. C. Esq. Hurst Green, Sussex Watson, Hon. Mrs. per Mr. Bain, Haymarket The Right Hon. W. F. Tighe, Woodstock Park, Inistioge, Ripley, J. S. Jun. Esq. Myddleton Terrace, Battersea 1 Craft, J. Jun. Esq. 47 St. George's Place, W. Goode & Co. Messrs. T., South Audley Street 1 1 Suter, R. G. Esq. M.A. Lansdowne Terrace, Brighton I Cooper, J. Esq. Allhallows Chambers, Lombard Street The Hon. Mark Rolle, Stevenstone, Torrington, per W. Emanuel. H. Esq. Goldsmith, Hanover Square 1 Cameron, Major, Armsbrae, Lerwick, Zetland Library of Legislative Council of South Australia, per Smith, Robinson, H. T. Esq. The Cliff, Leyburn, Yorks 1 Dickinson, G. T. Esq. Newcastle-on-Tyne Marquis of Breadalbane, 21 Park Lane 1 Kerslake & Co. Thomas, Booksellers, Bristol Sir Walter Watkins Wynn, 18 St James's Square 1 Jones, D. Esq. "Saturday Review," 38 Southampton Street, Moore, Miss E. C.. 11 Campden Grove, Kensington Bicker-Caarten, Peter, Esq. F.R.G.S. 30 Northumberland Place, Bayswater Beresford, W. Esq. 2 Pump Court, Temple Woodall, J. Esq. 28 Orchard Street, Portman Square & Co. 1 Hunt & Roskell, Messrs. New Bond Street Asprey, C. Esq. 166 New Bond Street The Stationers' Company 2 Ferrar, Esq. International Exhibition, W. The Bo lleian Library Griffiths & Browett, Messrs. Birmingham The Edinburgh Library 1 Bosworth, J. A. Esq. Himberstone, near Leicester Naprstek, Vojta, 269 I, Prague, Bohemia 2 Anderson, J. Eso. 7 Cleveland Square, Bayswater 2 Wylie, A. Esq per Williams & Norgate Griffiths, Esq. 41 Gloucester Crescent, Regent's Park Woodgate, T. W. Esq. 94, 95, and 96 High Holborn Heathcott, G. Esq. 23 Fitzroy Terrace, Haverstock Hill Blake J. Esq. Falcon Villas, Falcon Road, Battersea Clulow & Son, Messrs. E. 30 Victoria Street, Derby 1 Edwards, Mr. S. Bookseller, Newcastle-on-Tyne 1 Hodges, Smith, & Co. Messrs. Dublin - 1 1 Copies 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS-continued. Moffatt, Major A. K. 65 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park Egan, Major C. 9 Bute Street, Onslow Square, Brompton Dawson & Sons, Messrs. 74 Cannon Street, City Eyre, J. Esq. 12 Charlotte Street, Park Street, Bristol 1 1 Farnden, Mr. J. G. 9 Edward Street, Portman Square 1 Turner, Mr. T. Lower King Street, Manchester 1 Muzio, J. Esq. 21 Grove Villas, Highbury Grove Moore, George, Esq. 18 Trinity Square, Tower Hill Finch, W. Esq. 17A Millbank Street, Westminster Murchison, R. M. Esq. 27 Milsom Street, Bath Hatton, the Hon. and Rev. D. H. Finch, Walden, Wansford 1 1 1 1 Stewart, Charles P. Esq. Oaklands Victoria Park, Manchester 1 Greenway, D. Esq. Warwick, per ditto, ditto Orr Ewing, & Co. Messrs. J. Glasgow Moseley, J. & Son, Messrs. King Street, Covent Garden Sutton, Mr. H. Bookseller, 51 North Street, Taunton Hobbs, Ashley, & Co. Messrs. 76 Cheapside 1 Spaigue. J. Esq. 8 George Street, Limerick 1 1 1 Keep, F. Esq. 5 Westbourne Rond, Birmingham Farmer & Rogers, Messrs. Regent Street 1 Masterman, H. Esq. Bucklersbury and Wanstead Baker, J. F. Esq. 3 Manchester Terrace, Kilburn 1 1 1 1 5 Sellon, J. S. Esq. 21 Pembridge Villas, W. Hanley, W. L. Esq. per S. & T. Gilbert 1 Gardiner, W. J. Esq. Montague Street, Russell Square 1 1 1 1 Howe, H. Esq. 39 Great James Street, Bedford Row Treacher, Messrs. H. & C. Booksellers, Brighton Benjamin, F. Esq. 34 Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park Parkinson, W. C. Esq. Cottage Lane, City Road Baily & Sons, Messrs. W. 71 Gracechurch Street Utting, W. Esq. 2 Palsgrave Place, Strand Deighton, Bell, & Co. Messrs. Cambridge Mehemed Effendi, Major, 86 Carlton Road, N.W. Bake, Capt. J. H. Ballendine, Mayo, Ireland iJacobsohn, Mrs. F. St. Mark's Squire, Regent's Park Welch, Mrs. Richmond Road, Twickenh m Fisher. G. A. Esq. Eagle Wharf Road, Hoxton Jennings, Mr. G. Holland Street 1 1 Lee, Major-Gen. B. W., Ebford Barton, Devon Turst & Son, Messrs. 6 Leadenhall Street Rock & Son Messrs. Hastings Tooth, Frederic, Esq. Sydney, New South Wales Crozgon & Co. essrs. Dowgate Hill 1 Barton, N. Esq. Ireland, per Bain, Haymarket 2 1 Davies, Mr. R. Painswick, per C. J. Evans, Strand 1 Hart, W. H. Esq. F.S.A. Streatham w. |