........ BERKELEY (Captain)-The Soldier Monk: a Tale of Two Nations. 12mo. pp. 340, boards, 2s. (Parlour Library) (Dar ton) [vide Adv. 627]... [2932 BERQUIN (M.)-Pièces Choisies de l'Ami des Enfants. New edit. 12mo. roan, 4s. 6d. (Dulau) .[2933 BISHOP (Sir H. R.)-Glees, Trios, Quartetts, &c., with Pianoforte Accompaniments. Parts 2 and 3. 4to. sewed, 1s. each (Musical Bouquet Office)... . [2934 BLAND (Rev. Robert)-Elements of Latin Hexameters and Pentameters. New edition, 12mo. cloth, 3s. (Simpkin)...... [2935 BONAPARTE (Prince Louis Lucien)-Langue Basque et Langues Finnoises. Royal 4to. 20s. (Williams & N.)[2936 BRODRIBB (W. A.)-A Plain Statement of Facts, addressed to the Small and Large Capitalists, and the L bouring Classes in England and elsewhere, on the Great Capabilities and Natural Advantages of the Australian Colonies, particularly New South Wales and Victoria, for Emigration. Svo. pp. 32, sewed, 4d. (Beadle).... [2937 BUMBLEBY (The) and BUZZINGTON HERDS of PURE SHORTHORNS. By "Misletoe." 12mo. sewed, 18. (Whittaker).. [2938 BROWN'S Robertson's Sacred Music. With 62 additional Tunes by John Campbell. Oblong, sewed, 2s. 6d. ; cloth, 3s. (Houston)..... [2939 CHILD'S GUIDE to KNOWLEDGE. By a Lady. 33rd edit. greatly enlarged; with several additional subjects. 18mo. half-bound, 3s. (Simpkin). [2940 CHRIST an EXAMPLE for the YOUNG. Illustrated by 55 Engravings on tinted paper, to aid the Chronology of Our Lord's Life and Ministry. With a Map. Oblong, cloth, 68. (Varty) (vide Adv. 654).. [2941 ......... ...... CHRISTIAN VERSES for the CHILDREN, selected by the Compilers of "Christian Lyrics." 12mo. (Norwich, Fletcher) pp. 90, cloth, 2s. (Hamilton) . [2942 CHURCH of ENGLAND TEMPERANCE MAGAZINE. No. 1, 8vo. sewed, 3d. (published monthly) (Weeks)[2943 CLERICAL PAPERS. By One of Our Club. 2d edit. 12mo. sewed, 1s. (J. H. Parker) . [2944 CLISSOLD (Rev. A.)-Inspiration and Interpretation. No. 4, 8vo. (Oxford) sewed, Is. (Whittaker).............................. ... [2945 COCKTON (Henry)-Percy Effingham. 12mo. boards, 2s. (Railway Library) (Routledge) .{2946 COOPER (J. F.)-The Pioneers. New edit. 12mo. sewed, 1s. (Routledge) . [2947 COTTAGE COMMENTARY. Gospel according to St. Mark. 12mo. pp. 162, cloth, 1s. 8d. (Masters). . [2948 CRAIK (Georgiana M.)-Winifred's Wooing: a Novelette. Post 8vo. pp. 280, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Smith & E.) [vide Adv. 601). [2949 ........ A story of the present time. ......... .... CRUDEN (A.) Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 20th edition, revised; with Life of the Anthor. Royal 8vo. pp. 860, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Tegg) [2950 DAVIDSON (Samuel) - An Introduction to the Old Testament, Critical, Historical, and Theological; containing a Discussion of the most Important Questions belonging to the Several Books. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 492, cloth, 14s. (Williams & N.) [295 i Includes the historical Books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, and the poetical Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Solomon. A considerable portion of the volume is also devoted to the subject of prophecy generally. DEAN'S New Book of Dissolving Pictures. Royal 8vo. boards, 2s. (Dean).. ....[2952 DE CHATELAIN (Chevalier) - L'Hostellerie des Sept Péchés Capitaux. Post 8vo. sewed, 1s. (Pickering) [2953 DE FRAINE (John)- Home Thoughts. 12mo. pp. 92, cloth, 1s. (Tweedie) [2954 ......... DENISON (Mrs. Mary A.) — Florida; or, the Iron Will: a Story of To-day. 12mo. pp. 120, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's Sixpenny Tales) (Beadle) .[2956 DE QUINCEY (Thomas)- Works. New edition, Vol. 9, post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Black) cloth, 4s. 6d. (Longman) [2957 The other papers in the volume include the Essays on the Essenes, the Theban, Sphinx, and Ælius Lamia. DICKENS (Charles) - Little Dorrit. Illustrated edition, 2 vols. Vol. 2, post 8vo. cl. 7s. 6d. (Chapman & H.) [2958 DISRAELI (B.) - Ixion in Heaven: the Infernal Marriage; Popanilla; Count Alarcos. New edition, 12mo. pp. 300, sewed, 1s. (Routledge) DISTRESS (The) in LANCASHIRE. A Visit to the Cotton District. 12mo. pp. 90, sewed, 1s. (Jackson & W.)...... . [2960 ..[2959 A narrative of the holiday of a Londoner in the DODS (Margaret)- Cook and Housewife's Manual. 11th .{2963 EDMONDS (Mrs.)-Elementary Notes on English Grammar. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. (Tallant) ........ [296+ EDMONDS (Mrs.)-Notes on Ancient History. New edit. 12mo. cloth, Is. (Tallant) [vide Adv. 685].... [2965 EDMONDS (Mrs.)-Notes on English History. 6th edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. (Tallant) . [2966 ........ EDMONDS (Mrs.)-Notes on French History. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. (Tallant) ..[2967 ELLIS (Edmund S.)-The Hunter's Cabin; an Episode of the Early Settlements of Southern Ohio. 12mo. pp. 120, sewed, 6d. (Beadle) [2968 ELLIS (William)-Collection of English Exercises, translated from the Writings of Cicero, for Schoolboys to Re-translate into Latin. 24th edit. revised and improved by Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. roan, 3s. 6d. (Simpkin)...... ..[2969 ENGELBACH (Alfred H.)-An Epitome of Universal History, in Verse, designed expressly for the Young; arranged upon a plan affording assistance to memory, with Marginal Dates, and an Index to the most important characters in the History of the World. Square 16mo. pp. 303, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Groombridge)........ [2970 EWING (Thomas)—A General Atlas of Modern Geography. New edit. containing 29 Maps, of which 7 are newly drawn and engraved by W. and A. K. Johnston, and the others carefully corrected and adapted to the many recent important Geographical Discoveries and Political Changes. 4to. (Edinburgh, Oliver & B.) cloth, 7s. 6d. (Simpkin) .[2971 EXCHANGE (The): a Home and Colonial Review of Commerce, Manufactures, and General Politics. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 424, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Low) [vide Adv. 610] ... [2972 FLEMING (Rev. James)—Bath Penny Readings; their Origin and Progress. 12mo. (Bath, Peach) pp. 32, sewed, 6d. (Simpkin). ..[2973 FORMBY (Rev. H.)-Pictorial Bible and Church History: Stories from the Earliest down to the Present Times. In 3 vols. square crown. Vol. 1, Bible Stories, pp. 500, boards, 5s.; cloth gilt, 8s. 6d. Vol. 2, Life of Christ, pp. 182, boards, 2s.; cloth gilt, 4s. Vol. 3, Church History Stories, pp. 536, boards, 5s.; cloth gilt, 8s. 6d. ; complete, boards, 12s. (Longman) ..{2974 FROUDE (James Anthony)-History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. 3d edit. revised. Vols. 1 and 2, 18mo. cloth, 26s. (Parker & Son) 12975 FRY (Danby P.)-The Union Assessment Committee Act, 1862 (25 & 26 Vict. c. 103); with an Explanatory Introduction and Practical Notes. 12mo. pp. 76, cloth, 2s. (Knight) ...[2976 GLEN (W. C.) The Act for the Better Management of Highways in England, 25 & 26 Vict. cap. 61; with Introduction and Notes. 12mo. pp. 84, cl. 2s. (Knight) [2977 GUY (Joseph)-British Spelling-Book. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. 6d. (Cradock) . [2978 GUY (Joseph) - Tutor's Assistant, or Complete School Arithemetic. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 2s. (Simpkin) [2979 HANNA (Rev. William)-The Last Day of Our Lord's Passion. 4th edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston & D.) cloth, 5s. (Hamilton) [vide Adv. 674].. .......[2980 HARDCASTLE (Charlotte) - Family Troubles: a Story. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 21s. (Newby) ....{2981 HOWE (John)-Works. Vol. 3, 8vo. cloth, 5s. (Rel. Tr. Soc.) [vide Adv. 659] .[2982 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION - Official Illustrated Catalogue. 2 vols. royal 8vo. comprising the English Department, cloth, 21s.; not 18s. 6d. as inserted in our last (H.M. Commissioners) .... [2983 JACKSON (Bp.)-The Sinfulness of Little Sins. 13th edit. 18mo. pp. 140, cloth, 1s. (Skeffington) .[2984 JOHN and I. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 970, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 649]..... .[2985 KILDARE (Marquis) - The Earls of Kildare and their Ancestors from 1057 to 1773. Addenda. 8vo. (Dublin, Hodges & Smith) pp. 410, cloth, 16s. (Simpkin) [vide Adv. 648] 2986 LEIGHTON (Alexander) — Curious Storied Traditions of Scottish Life. 3d edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh) pp. 330, boards, 28. (Simpkin) LENG'S Tracts. Sunday Visiting. 32mo. packet, 18. (Hamilton) . [2988 [2987 LEVER (Charles)-The Dodd Family Abroad. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 290, boards, 2s. (Select Library) (Chapman & H.) [vide Adv. 677].. [2989 LYTTON (Sir E. B.)-Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia. Part 2. Library edit. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Blackwood) ..[2990 M'GAVIN (William)-A Poetical Reading Book: selected for the use of the Junior Classes in Schools. 12mo. (Glasgow, Hamilton) pp. 72, cloth, 6d. (Simpkin).. [2991 MANUAL of SCHOOL DRILL, for Use of Teachers. Compiled for the Committee of the Home and Colonial School Society by an ex-Adjutant of H.M. Infantry. 12mo. pp. 50, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Home and Colonial School Soc.).. [2992 With a number of plates of drawings of figures in the various attitudes of drill practice. MARRYAT (Captain)-Frank Mildmay. New edit. 12mo. sewed, 18. (Routledge)....... [2993 MARSH (George P.)-The Origin and History of the English Language, and of the early Literature it Embodies. 8vo. pp. 670, cl. 16s. (Low) [vide Adv. 672] [2994 The basis of the work is a course of lectures, to which the author has made considerable additions and other improvements. The work is now published for the first time, and under the author's superintendence. The author states in his preface that he has removed from the work whatever might seem exclusively designed for the American public,' and adapted it to the common wants of all who desire to study the English tongue.' MATTHEWS (Charles) Life and Correspondence of Charles Matthews the Elder. New edit. 12mo. pp. 500. boards, 2s. 6d. (Routledge) . [2995 MILNER (Rev. John)-Life of Right Rev. John Milner, │ Bishop of Castabala. By F. C. Husenbeth. 8vo. pp. 586, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Duffy) .[2999 MOODY (Henry)-Hampshire in 1086: an Extension of the Latin Text, and an English Translation of the Domes day Book for Hampshire. 4to. cloth, 7s. 6d. (J. R. Smith) .[3000 MORTON (Francis)-A Manual of Geography: being a Description of the Natural Features, Climate, and Productions of the Various Regions of the Earth. 18m0. pp. 196, sewed, 6d.; cloth, is.; roan, 1s. 6d. (Hardwicke) ..[3001 MULCAHY (John)-The Principles of Modern Geometry, with numerous Applications to Plane and Spherical Figures, and an Appendix. 2d edit. revised. 8vo. (Dublin, Hodges & Smith) cloth, 9s. (Simpkin) .... [3002 NEUMAN and BARETTI'S Dictionary of Spanish and English Languages. New edit. by M. Seoane. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 28s. (Whittaker) ..[3003 PAYNE (George)-Elements of Mental and Moral Science. 5th edition, 8vo. pp. 576, cloth, 8s. 6d. (Snow)................[3008 PHILPOTT (Bishop) - Charge Delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Diocese of Worcester, at his Primary Visitation, in August 1862, by Henry Lord Bishop of Worcester. 8vo. sewed, 2s. (Bell) ......(3009 PICTURES of HINDOO LIFE; or, India Without the Gospel and India With the Gospel. 18mo. pp. 130, cloth, 1s. (Rel. Tr. Soc.) [vide Adv. 659] .. [3010 PLACE (G.)- Catechism of Music, for Use of Young Children. 3d edition, 12mo. sewed, 18. (Bosworth)[3011 POLAND (B.)-Trade Marks: the Merchandise Marks Act, 1862. 12mo. cloth, 5s. 6d. (Crockford) ......[3012 POPE (Manley)- A History of the Kings of Ancient Britain, from Brutus to Cadwaladr; abridged from the Collectanea Cambrica. With Notes. Post 8vo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Simpkin) [3013 PRACTICAL and TEMPERANCE HYMN-BOOK. 32mo. (Weston-super-Mare, Beverley) pp. 30, sewed, 14d. (Simpkin).. .[3014 PUNCH. Reissue. Vol. 20, 4to. boards, 5s. (Office) (3015 REACH (Angus B.)-Leonard Lindsay. New edit. 12mo. boards, 2s. (Naval and Military Library) (Darton) (vide Adv. 627].... [3016 RECREATIONS of a COUNTRY PARSON. Popular Edition. Post 8vo. pp. 372, cloth, 3s. 6d.; not 48. 6d as inserted in error in No. for Sept. 1 (stralian) [vide Adv. 590] [3017 1 REID (Captain Mayne)-Scalp Hunters. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Darton) .. [3018 REID (Captain Mayne)-The Hunter's Feast; or, Conversations around the Camp Fire. 12mo. pp. 330, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Darton) .... [3019 RYLAND (John, D.D.)-Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects: the greater part of which are now published for the first time from the originals. With a Biographical Sketch. 12mo. cloth, 3s. (Hamilton).............. .[3020 SCOTT (Sir W.)- Memoirs, by J. G. Lockhart. Vols. I. and II. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Black) cloth, 3s. each. (Longman) .[3021 SCOTT (Sir W.)-The Monastery. New edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Black) sewed, 1s. (Longman) .[3022 SCRIPTURE READING LESSONS for Little Children, by a Lady. New edit. 16mo. pp. 60, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Masters) ..[3023 SELERENE, a Tale. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Bosworth) [3024 SERMONS: ........ BLAKESLEY (Joseph Williams)-Real Belief and True Belief: a Sermon for St. Bartholomew's Day, 1862. Svo. sewed, 1s. (Macmillan) ..[3025 WORDSWORTH (Chr.) — Bicentenary Sermon on the Book of Common Prayer. 3rd edit. 12mo. sewed, Id. (Rivingtous) [3026 CHRISTENDOM. 12mo. SEVEN CHAMPIONS of (Halifax, Milner) pp. 366, cloth, 3s. (Simpkin) ....[3027 SHELTON (Edward)-Dictionary of Every-day Difficulties in Reading, Writing, and Speaking the English Language; or, Hard Words made Easy: a Comple Epitome of Valuable Explanations and Definitious of English and Foreign Words, Phrases, and Expressions, with the Correct Pronunciation of each Word. Post 8vo. pp. 370, cloth, 5s. (Ward & L.)........... . [3028 SHORE (Rev. Thomas, M.A.)-The Churchman and the Free Thinker; or, a Friendly Address to the Orthodox. 8vo. pp. 88, sewed, 2s. 6d. (Williams & N.) ........ [3029 SINNER'S (The) FRIEND. Post 8vo. cloth, Is. 6d. (W. Hall)... [3030 SKIPSEY (Joseph)-Poems, Songs, and Ballads. 32mo. sewed, 1s... .....3031 SMITH (Ronald M.)-The Cotton Supply Question in ReJation to the Peculiarities and Resources of India. 8vo pp. 16, sewed, 6d. (Simpkin).. . [3032 SPEID (Mrs. John B.)-Our Last Years in India. Post 8vo. pp. 330, cloth, 9s. (Smith & E.) [3033 The work records the author's journey to India and sojourn there since 1858. Hence the title; but it is also largely composed of descriptions of the customs, manners, and religions of the various populations of India. STANDING ORDERS of LORDS and COMMONS relative to Private Bills, Session 1863. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth. 5s. (Waterlow).... [3034 STANFORD (Charles)-Instrumental Strength: Thoughts for Students and Pastors. 12mo. cloth, 18. (Jackson & W.).... ..[3035 STEVENSON (Rev. William Fleming) - Praying and Working being some account of what Men can Do when in Earnest. Post 8vo. pp. 402, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Straban) [vide Adv. 591] .. ... [3036 A series of biographies of distinguished German ministers and philanthropists of modern times. They include John Falk, Immanuel Wichern, Theodore Fliedner, John Evangelist Gossner, and Louis Harms. The memoirs have a chronological and spiritual sequence,' and, according to the preface, concern the two great departments of a revived church- the Home and Foreign Missions. SURENNE (G.)-A New Pronouncing French Primer. 11th edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd) pp. 86, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Simpkin) . [3037 THOMPSON (Rev. Henry) - Concionalia; Outlines of Sermons for Parochial Use throughout the Year. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 620, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Masters)...... [3040 TOLERANCE of DIFFERENCES in the CHURCH of ENGLAND, and in the Congregational Churches. 12mo. (Manchester, Durham) pp. 16, sewed, 4s. 6d. (Simpkin).... [3041 The author is a Churchman; but the object of the pamphlet is to set forth objections to the Act of Uniformity. TOWNSEND (George H.)-The Manual of Dates: a Dictionary of Reference to all the most important events in the History of Mankind to be found in Authentic Records. Post 8vo. pp. 957, half-bound, 12s. 6d. (Routledge).. ..{3042 Printed in close double columns. The author states that the number of urticles is nearly double that contained in any similar work. TROLLOPE (Anthony)--Orley Farm. With Illustrations by J. E. Millais. 2 vols. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 330, cloth, 11s. (Chapman & H.) [3043 VEREY (Joseph)-Roland the Painter: a Romance of Artist Life. 12mo. pp. 243, sewed, 1s. (Shiling Volume Library) (Ward & Lock) ..[3044 WARD (T.)-Willie's Home Exercises. Part II. Systematic and Graduated Series of Exercises in Arithmetic, Spelling, and Composition, for Home Practice. 12mo. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 66, sewed, 6d.; cloth. 9d. (Simpkin)....... .... WATERS DRAWN from the WELL of LIFE. 12mo. pp. 50, sewed, 1s. (Pickering)....... ..[3045 By R. H. .13046 Short poems of a religious character. WEIGALL (Charles H.)- Guide to Animal Drawing, for Use of Landscape Painters. 12mo. sewed. 1s. (Rowney).... .[3047 New WHITE (John)-School Atlas, Modern Geography. edit. (Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd) 4to. half bound, Is. (Simpkin)...... [3048 WILFORD (Florence)-A Maiden of Our Own Day. 12mo. 536, cloth, 6s. (Masters) [vide Adv. 651] ... [3049 A story of English life. WILLEMENT (Thomas) - Historical Sketch of the Parish of Davington, Kent. 4to. cloth, 12s.; large paper, 25s. (Pickering).. .(3050 WILLIAMS (Hon. James)-The South Vindicated; being a Series of Letters written for the American Press during the Canvass for the Presidency in 1860; with a Letter to Lord Brougham on the John Brown Raid; and a Survey of the Result of the Presidential Contest and its Consequences; with Introduction by John Baker Hopkins. 8vo. pp. 504, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Longman) (vide Adv. ]..... [3051 Books Reduced in Price. NOYCE (E.)-Boy's Book of Industrial Information. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Ward & L.)..................[ 056 NOYCE (E.) The Marvels of Nature; or, Outlines of Creation. 12mo. cloth, 38. 6d. (Ward & L.) ...... [3057 WILKINSON (Rev. W. F.)- Education, Elementary and Liberal. 12mo. cloth, 28. (Seeley) Lab Reports COMMON BENCH. ....... ..[3058 Vol. 11, Part 5, 11s. 6d. ..[3059 DE GEX, FISHER, & JONES (Appeal Cases in Chancery). Vol. 2, Part 4, 11s..... ....[3060 SWABEY & TRISTRAM (Probate Court). Vol. 2, Part 4, 118. 6d. [3061 Advertisements of New Books. THE SOCIAL SCIENCE REVIEW, FRASER'S MAGAZINE for October, September 27th, 1862. Price 3d. Sold by all Newsvendors in Town and Country. THE NORTH ATLANTIC SEA BED, Part I.; comprising a Diary of the Voyage on board H.M.S "Bulldog," in 1860, and Observations on the Presence of Animal Life, and the Formation and Nature of Organic Deposits at great depths in the Ocean. By G. C. WALLICH, M.D., F.L.S., F.G.S. In 4to. with Map and Plates, Published with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Part II, completing the work, will contain the remaining portion of the Letterpress and Plates (7 to 20), and will be published in December. John Van Voorst, 1 Paternoster Row. (610) MI (641) contains: New Magazine of Commerce and General Literature. 1. The Loss of the "Golden Gate." 3. The Distress in the North. 5. Obstructions to Trade in India. 6. Industrial Art, International Exhibition. 7. Woman's Work. 8. Our Commercial Relations with Belgium: the Recent Treaty. 9. The Present Juncture of Affairs in America: 10. Observations on the Nitrate of Soda and 14. Money, Banking, and Shares. 15. English and Scotch Metals and Metal Manufactures, &c. &c. London: Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill; and all Booksellers in Town and Country. Ludwig Denicke, Leipzig, for the Continent. Walter Low, New York, for the United States. (645) New Series (being the Fourth). from the LAND of LUTHER. ICK TRACY, the Irish Scripture Hanslated from the German. 1s. 6d. cloth. Reader; or, the Martyred Convert and the Priest a Tale of Facts. By W. A. C. Crown 8vo. with numerous Engravings, 3s. 6d. London: The Book Society, 19 Paternoster Row; Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.; and S. M. Haughton, Manor Street, Clapham. THE (642) THE EARLS of KILDARE and their ANCESTORS, from 1057 to 1773. Addenda, containing Index to the two volumes, and Gencalogical Tables, &c. By the MARQUIS of KILDARE. 8vo. 16s. Dublin: Hodges, Smith, & Co., 104 Grafton Street. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 4 Stationers'Hall Court. (643) Also, HYMNS from the LAND of LUTHER; containing First, Second, and Third Series. Thousand, 3s. cloth. SERA 9th Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. London: Hamilton & Co. Dublin: M'Glashan & Gill. (646) Dean Alford's New Volume of Sermons. ERMONS on CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE, preached in Canterbury Cathedral on the Afternoons of the Sundays in the Year 1861-62. By HENRY ALFORD, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. Now ready. Rivingtons, Waterloo Place. NEW NOVEL.-This Day, Two Volumes, (647) A BAD BEGINNING: A Story of a French Marriage. SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 65 Cornhill. (648) ITALY under VICTOR EMMANUEL: FEMALE LIFE in PRISON. By a PRISON ENGLISH WOMEN of LETTERS. NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS. 3 vols. JOHN and I. 3 vols. SLAVES of the RING; or, Before and FLORENCE WILFORD. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. cloth. PLAY and EARNEST. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. cloth. MASTER of CHURCHILL ABBOTS and This LITTLE FRIENDS. FOL. 30.9. 6d. cl. CRIPTURE READING LESSONS for By a a Preface by the LORD BISHOP OF OXFORD. New J. Masters, Aldersgate Street and New Bond pointed for Chanting (according to the present THE LADIES of LOVEL-LEIGH. By MTM the Author of "Margaret and her Bridesmaids.' TRUE to the LAST. By the Author of "Cousin Geoffrey." (649) Hurst & Blackett, 13 Great Marlborough Street. "SWEET LITTLE BIRD," and "THE SPIRIT'S CALL." Three charming Songs. By R. TOPLIFF. 2s. 6d. each. London: Robert Cocks & Co.; and of all Musicsellers. (653) BY THE COMPILERS OF "CHRISTIAN LYRICS." This day is published, elegantly bound, price 2s. CHRISTIAN VERSES FOR THE CHILDREN. London: HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. Norwich J. FLETCHER. (651) NEW AND USEFUL BOOK FOR SCHOOLS, FAMILIES, AND SELF-LEARNERS. Ready this day, 364 pages, crown 8vo. cloth gilt, price 5s. THE DICTIONARY OF EVERY-DAY DIFFICULTIES In Reading, Writing, and Speaking the English Language; or, Hard Words Made Easy. A complete epitome of valuable Explanations and Definitions of difficult English and Foreign words, phrases, and expressions, with the correct pronunciation of each word. By EDWARD SHELTON, Author of "The Historical Finger-Post;" Assistant Editor of "The Dictionary of Daily Wants," "Hints and Helps for Every-day Emergencies," &c. &c. London: WARD & LOCK, 158 Fleet Street. (655) |