the Reduce the fractions, if necessary, to a common denominator: then add the numerators together and place their sum over common denominator. Ans. a + b + 2abx - 3cx2 bc a3 + a2 (b + c + d) - a (x2 - cx + bc) - b (x2 + cx + bd) and a + x abc-bcx + a2d - b2d I. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator. II. Subtract the numerator of the subtrahend from the numer ator of the minuend, and place the difference over the common denominator. If the quantities to be multiplied are mixed, reduce them to a fractional form; then multiply the numerators together for a numerator and the denominators together for a denominator. 5. It is required to find the product of b + and Reduce the mixed quantities, if there are any, to a fractional form; then invert the terms of the divisor and multiply the fractions together as in the last case. 10. Divide ах 1 a by +1 by a-1 a (1-x2 1+a Ans. Ans. x +-. + ах (1 + x) — х- 1 Ans. - (1 + a). by (1-2)=(1-ax1+00 If we have a fraction of the form The sign of the quotient will be changed by changing the sign either of the numerator or denominator, but will not be affected by changing the signs of both the terms. |