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acid action alcohol American ancient animals apparatus appears ashes of lead assignats bats beasts become birds blood body boiler bowlders bubble burning centimetres charcoal chemical chemistry chemists combustible course Cyclopaedia cylinder Deuteronomy Dipnoi earth effect ence existing Exod experiment F. A. Wolfs fact film flying force francs Geophilus glaciers glass glottis Hebrew Hence important inflammable interfemoral membrane Jehovah kind Korah lakes larynx Lavoisier laws less liquid magnet marmite matter Megaderma membrane ment metallic monotheism Myriapod natural observed organs orifice oxygen Pentateuch philosophy phlogistic phlogiston portion present principle produced Prof Protopterus question rays reflector regarded region religion result rock-basins rocks Rogers saponine scientific side Social Statics solar heat sounds species Spencer stones substance sulphur surface teleology temperature theory tion trachea tube valley vessel views vocal voice volume weight